Wednesday, April 27, 2005

it is said that.......

every generation has a legend
every journey has a first step
every saga has its beginning

and now the saga is complete


and please be noticed that i obviously have no -once again- NO intention to watch the movie and giving a late briefing at the same time. i want to enjoy the duel, the romance, the space combat, the shape of sophisticated starship instead of telling who's that handsome guy, why does he here, what is he doing and how the story goes on. i want to witness the fall of the jedi and the rising of the dark side. i want to take my self to the galaxy far far away. so anybody who wanna go with me, make sure you armed yourself with star wars knowledge or i suggest to stay at the lobby.

Monday, April 25, 2005

setiap jam delapan malam biasanya tv sudah dibooking ke channel tertentu. yang pasti yang booking bukan saya karena saya lebih memilih mengurus mech infantry dan skuadron tank yang sudah berteriak-teriak minta komando. yang pastinya lagi selama mata saya terfokus ke layar monitor, telinga saya menikmati suguhan reality show yang lagi ngepop saat ini.

tapi yang pasti di acara itu ada saja hal yang mendorong saya berkomentar *baca: kritik membangun* dan biasanya kalo sudah begitu, penonton yang satu lagi suka complain karena yang pasti suara tv kalah dengan suara saya yang lemah lembut nan menggelegar ini jadi yang pasti, saya teuh sebal sama orang blo'on yang intelektualitasnya tiarap. jawaban beda euy sama pertanyaan. dan yang pasti, kalo ngomong teuh suka diulang-ulang, yang pasti bikin sebel aja. sampe saya teuh maunya yang pasti ngegaplok dia ajah yang pasti saya tidak suka sama orang yang menjual cerita susah dan air mata, sebab yang pasti orang seperti ini kalo dikasihani yang pastinya malah ngelunjak. jadi ya.. yang pasti begitulah, hadduuuuh yang pasti saya teuh sampe gak bisa ngomong lagi. udah ah, atur nuhun..
holmes never uses morfin. kokain is his favourite. and black box is usually orange, never a dark color. why? coz it makes it easier to be found in case of plane crash. i might add the it is the reidenbach waterfall, holmes's graveyard.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

if you join a contest where you are required to gain credit from public as much as you can, take this advice: never ever ask them to vote you, instead create an image as your are the most wretched person in the world and need to be helped asap. there you go and people will vote you like crazy, forgetting how much the cost they have to pay and the fact that they do not really know you. this trick runs in indo only coz here, there's enough idiot people which are prefer to follow their emotion instead of logic. and if i you get their sympathize, you'll get them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

if i could then i would
i'll go wherever you will go
way up high or down low
i'll go wherever you will go

if i could turn back time
i'll go wherever you will go

*calling - wherever you will go*

+: kak, please deh. kalo suka lagu itu jangan yang udah kadaluarsa
lho? what's wrong with that?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

does inul have a special talent? is her voice as strong as mariah carey or as clear as whitney houston? is she a genius music creator like eros or dhani? name a song title which is her hits single.

her weapon is only her butt and that way she got public's sympathy. as soon as people think it's enough to feel pity for her, she's soon forgotten.

Monday, April 18, 2005

selama beberapa minggu ini saya kerap kali harus mendemonstrasikan ilmu-ilmu khusus yang jarang dikeluarkan. jika biasanya memakai ilmu meraba dan meremas, belakangan diganti dengan ilmu memijat yang dipadu dengan aji welut putih, yaitu jurus melumuri tubuh dengan minyak cinta, maksud saya minyak tawon agar tangan lebih licin dan mudah meluncur. saya juga harus merelakan armada kapal perang dan tentara saya di sini menunggu perintah lebih lama dari seharusnya karena istri tercinta minta ditemani nonton kisah sophia latjuba dan hughes sambil disayang-sayang. untunglah sebagai prajurit terlatih mereka sangat pengertian. tidak pernah protes apalagi membangkang. ah disiplin militer terkadang memang berguna.

saya juga akhirnya terbiasa dengan peran baru dari sekedar penikmat beralih menjadi pembuat. kalo biasanya saya menjadi penikmat susu , kini tiap pagi harus membuat susu prenagen untuk kebutuhan asupan gizi istri. catatan: saya lebih memilih segelas susu coklat ato vanila ketimbang nescafe di pagi hari.

sehubungan dengan kehamilan ini, selain tukang bubur kacang hijau dan ketan item yang jadi rajin mengunjungi kami setiap sabtu dan minggu pagi, tukang roti pun jadi rajin berpatroli di sekitar rumah sebab biasanya pagi-pagi harus ada roti tawar isi kaya ato coklat untuk cemilan di jalan. saya juga tiba-tiba jadi paham seluk beluk rumah sakit dan tahu apa itu arti Spog di belakang nama seorang dokter. saya juga mendapati diri saya menjadi lebih cerewet soal kualitas dan kuantitas makanan yang dikonsumsi istri, terutama kalo siomay dijadikan alternatif pengganti nasi dan sayuran

jadi rekan-rekan yang saya cintai jika ada yang mengatakan biasanya wanita hamil menjadi lebih manja dan kolokan , percayalah bahwa anggapan itu tak jauh-jauh amat dari kenyataan.

Friday, April 15, 2005

i believe that there's still much more worthy tv program to watch instead of a reality show about a group of people who live together, guided by stupid rules.

now i want you to back to the real world. does the following sentence mean anything to you? aceh-nias-padang-krakatau-tangkuban parahu-bromo. do you see the pattern? it's simply start from the top (aceh) then went straight below to the bottom and finally reaches java. among the four elements, two of them had had their contribute. water (aceh tsunami) and earth (padang earthquake). it may be only a matter of time before the rest of the two (fire and wind) join the party to complete the natural disaster.

Friday, April 08, 2005

ways to get rich:
-. kill bill (gates) and take over his wealth
-. remove soros and clone your self to be like him
-. find a very rich parent and ask them to adopt you
-. join mlm and sit at the top of pyramids (it is useless if you stuck at the bottom level)

feel free to add the list.

entah dimana dirimu berada
hampa terasa hidupku tanpa dirimu
apakah di sana kau rindukan aku
seperti diriku yang slalu merindukanmu
slalu merindukanmu

*ari lasso - hampa*

it was me 15 years ago

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

i still don't get it why people can get emotionally involved with reality show such afi, petir or ii don't they know that they get nothing? if their fave candidat loses, they cry. if he/she gets hurt they are angry. if he/she wins they're happy. the winner takes all and they get nothing except bill of payment for hunders of sms or premium call. does the winner will pay it all for them? pity people. you are just another victim if you aware.

Friday, April 01, 2005

if you are familiar with the name Apple Mac or at least you ever heard it -well if you don't then i suggest you to comitte a suicide. where have you been anyway??-, an interesting fact is the story behind. Steve Jobs -founder of Apple computer- was three months late in filling a name for his new company. he was so desperate and if other colleagues didn't suggest a better name, he will call his company the name of his favourite fruit, apple.