Monday, May 31, 2004

i said this once before, now i said it again. it is still funny how easy to make a resolution as easy as break it by any chance. if you are that kind of them then i don't think you have the integrity.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

how would you like to be a hero? would you like to have the ability to fly? or the power to manipulate ice and fire by both of your hands? or perhaps the magical power to summon fairie dragon or phoenix as well as the other creatures?

Monday, May 24, 2004

i spend last night watching freddy vs jason. heh. that red t-shirt devil has lost his thriller. luckily he didn't lose his sense of humor.

but the movie was a little boring. no new surprise. quitely disappointed.

grey is nice.
no. i want red.
it's ok. you can customize it later.
i want red!
they don't have red.
i want red!!!red!!!red!!!
fine! but where can we find it?! smugglers may have one but are you ready to take the risk?
it's ok. it doesn't have to be an authorized one.
why didn't you say so?

sometimes i just don't understand woman....

Friday, May 21, 2004

are they going to implement this or this? both demand a huge investment, though. and it's not an easy one to decide.

i'd be happy to help but first it'll be better if you can submit the detail info of your problem dodol!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

the thunder not only brought down some network but also successfully destroyed two modems and 24 phone lines and gives the support team an extra work. excellent. i think the designing of new module must wait for a time being.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

we got a thunder strike last night and some network segments are down as the result. today's breakfast.

Monday, May 17, 2004

now i find out that i do not care when Thomas goes to another even to Klingon as well. all i care is about how much the score of rupiah against dollar, how much the rate of phone and bbm and is there any chance they're going down? *mimpi kali yeeee* and are there any job vacancies with minimum 15 million rupiah/month (nett. tax excluded) in a very well-known excellent oil and gas/communication/banking/mining company?

back from dinas luar

i'm backk!! setelah dinas ke banjarmasin, tepatnya ke kab. kapuas, akhirnya balik juga ke sebenarnya byk cerita menarik selama disana. tapi sayang, berhubung blum punya kamera digital atopun henpon with camera, jadinya beberapa foto selama disana blum dapat dipublish disini, sebelum discan.

maka dari itu kepikiran deh buat ganti henpun berkamera. jadi maksudnya jika ada cerita menarik langsung dapat dipublikasikeun disini. eniwei, minggu depan ada rencana dinas lagi ke makassar, kota kelahiran gue. nah.. makanya itu pen banget bisa ambil foto" selama disana and di share disini.. bisa gak yaa??

Thursday, May 13, 2004

if you usually use the following account to log on to your pc:

login name: kampret

then someday you find out it has changed into:

login name: sompret

what should you do? simply change the login name and type your password. but some people are so damn stupid that he asked for help. perhaps i should suggest him to jump in front of a running truck.

Monday, May 10, 2004


wah.. saking lama gak nge-blog, pas buka blogger, lei out nya pun dah berubah gue gak tau. kemaren wiken gue stayed at bed karna diare. wah gak bisa ngomong banyak dulu nih, soalnya ntar lg dah jam pulang, n besok gue dinas ke banjarmasin, tepatnya di kab. kapuas. so wish me baik-baik saja disana n bisa back home lagi dengan sehat wal afiat and setumpuk oleh-oleh. hehe.
this stuff has a brand new lay out. whoaah, it somehow reminds me to replace mine with a new one as well.

some people never changes. it is not about "can" but "want". once a child forever a child. heh, i wonder how come she graduates from college. a person like that should stay in play group. a place for 3-5 years old children playing and singing together and no worries about other things and only mind with their dream. that's where she is belong to.

Friday, May 07, 2004

i hate debt collectors for their fucking attidude. may they are all burn in hell

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

one day when both my hands are working and my brain is busy and i am the only IT left in this room...

"pak, ini mo muter cd tapi koq enggak bisa ya? katanya playernya ato apa gitu gak ada.."
"cd apa?"
kresek.. kresek.. *paper sounds, kinda looking for something somewhere hidden under books, agenda, calendar, paper and porn tabloid*
"tulisannya cd rom, writeable 700 embe.."
"bukan! maksud saya itu cd lagu, cd film ato apa?"
"ini cd anak saya pak, dia dapet dari internet.."

look pal. i don't care if it is belong to your son, your grandpa, grandma or you stole it from somebody else. all i need to know is WHAT THE HELL IS THE TYPE OF THAT FUCKING CD? by recognize the file type inside we can determine which program needed to run your beloved son's cd and you'll stop wasting my precious time and everyone is happy. so stop using your mouth and use your brain instead.