*In case you are wondering, "kucrit" in this term refers to a person who really loves to disfigure other, defame, annoying, envy and act as the most innocent person in the world. Funny that I have no respect at all to such a villainous person like that.*
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
I've just returned from a small city in West Java, about three hours driving from Bandung (make it four if we add one hour lunch break and five minutes stop to buy kerupuk melarat into account). We brought our big cooler box with us, load it with milk, yakult, green tea and mineral water. We also brought our snacks: peanuts, bread, cookies, biscuits and chocolate. It was a long trip so we gotta made it fun. And since there were kids and baby with us, we stopped oftenly to give them time to rest *sate maranggi yummy*.
Though the tavern is rustic, the air conditioner has no remote which almost make me freeze the whole night, the light is murky, no buffet for breakfast *what do you expect? breakfast on bed?* and I got no hot water for bath, I must say the trip was quite fun. We may won't have another one like it for a long time.
Though the tavern is rustic, the air conditioner has no remote which almost make me freeze the whole night, the light is murky, no buffet for breakfast *what do you expect? breakfast on bed?* and I got no hot water for bath, I must say the trip was quite fun. We may won't have another one like it for a long time.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Everybody says "Heroes is good", "You must see it", "Sci-fi lover eh? Gotta see it by yourself". So I raise my hand, "All right, all right. I'll do". So be it. The next weekend I find my self at a DVD-VCD counter in one of so many ITC in Java, and back to home with three discs of Heroes
episode 1-9. Yes yes, I was a litte bit late watching this series, since I lost connection with the collective I find it's hard to keep up to date with what-the-hell-had-happened-in-alpha-quadran.
I have no comment about this series right now as I haven't watch it all *though I'd already knew how far the story goes in season 1, thanks to wikipedia*, yet it leaves me with an allure question *I guess everybody does*: if, I can choose to have such an ability like theirs, which one will do me a favour?
Most people recommend Peter's. The ability to absorb another hero's power, learn it and the way to summon it. It is a good idea I think because:
1. If I meet Nathan, I can fly.
2. If I meet Isaac, I can paint the future.
3. If I meet Hiro, I can bend space and time. I can stop the time, sneak into the payroll database and add an extra "0" in my salary.
4. If I meet Claire, I can heal my self. Regeneration rules.
5. If I meet Niki, I can.. have one night stand with Nathan.. *ups*
But absorb and summon it are different stories and I'll end up be an explosion in space, so I guess mastering them all and then turn into a nuclear kaboom is not a good idea.
Perhaps the second most interesting power is Hiro's. Bend the space and time. By mastering it I can:
1. Jump to the future or past
2. Join "Super deal 2 milyar" quiz and before I choose "Tirai 1, Tirai 2" etc.. I stop the time and see what's behind.
Although seems cool but without having super strength, I find it is a little bit less worthly, especially if you are chubby, nerds, rarely do sport and you need to pull away a big-tall-black-man with a wounded-half-blank-woman from an exploding car.
So I guess I still have no idea which one is my fave.
I have no comment about this series right now as I haven't watch it all *though I'd already knew how far the story goes in season 1, thanks to wikipedia*, yet it leaves me with an allure question *I guess everybody does*: if, I can choose to have such an ability like theirs, which one will do me a favour?
Most people recommend Peter's. The ability to absorb another hero's power, learn it and the way to summon it. It is a good idea I think because:
1. If I meet Nathan, I can fly.
2. If I meet Isaac, I can paint the future.
3. If I meet Hiro, I can bend space and time. I can stop the time, sneak into the payroll database and add an extra "0" in my salary.
4. If I meet Claire, I can heal my self. Regeneration rules.
5. If I meet Niki, I can.. have one night stand with Nathan.. *ups*
But absorb and summon it are different stories and I'll end up be an explosion in space, so I guess mastering them all and then turn into a nuclear kaboom is not a good idea.
Perhaps the second most interesting power is Hiro's. Bend the space and time. By mastering it I can:
1. Jump to the future or past
2. Join "Super deal 2 milyar" quiz and before I choose "Tirai 1, Tirai 2" etc.. I stop the time and see what's behind.
Although seems cool but without having super strength, I find it is a little bit less worthly, especially if you are chubby, nerds, rarely do sport and you need to pull away a big-tall-black-man with a wounded-half-blank-woman from an exploding car.
So I guess I still have no idea which one is my fave.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
"You smell of petrol," said the girl.
We did not answer her. Faquarl moved his hand, beginning a gesture. I sensed his regretful intention.
Why did I act then? Pure self-interest. Because with Faquarl momentarily distracted,it was the perfect opportunity to escape. And if I happened to save the girl too... well, it was only fair. It was she who gave me the idea.
I lit a small Spark on the end of one finger and tossed it at the cook.
A soft noise, like a gas fire being ignited, and Faquarl was an orange-yellow ballof flame. As he blundered about, roaring with discomfort, setting fire to the leaves about him, the little girl squealed and ran. It was good thinking: I did the same.[7]
And in a few moments I was in the air and far away, hurtling at top speed toward Highgate and my stupid, misbegotten master.
I read the The Bartimaeus Trilogy - Amulet of Samarkand
, 160 of 287 pages. Yes it is still a long way to go consider that there are still two others books waiting for me. So far, I like the Bartimaeus character. He has a sense of humor, a little bit strange, cynic but I find out it just perfect for him.
I haven't read *buy, I mean* Harry Potter - Deathly Hallows
, still waiting for someone generous to lend me one since I found 285k++ for a kiddy book is not a reasonable price and obviously out of question.
We did not answer her. Faquarl moved his hand, beginning a gesture. I sensed his regretful intention.
Why did I act then? Pure self-interest. Because with Faquarl momentarily distracted,it was the perfect opportunity to escape. And if I happened to save the girl too... well, it was only fair. It was she who gave me the idea.
I lit a small Spark on the end of one finger and tossed it at the cook.
A soft noise, like a gas fire being ignited, and Faquarl was an orange-yellow ballof flame. As he blundered about, roaring with discomfort, setting fire to the leaves about him, the little girl squealed and ran. It was good thinking: I did the same.[7]
[7] Only without the squeal. Obviously.
And in a few moments I was in the air and far away, hurtling at top speed toward Highgate and my stupid, misbegotten master.
I read the The Bartimaeus Trilogy - Amulet of Samarkand
I haven't read *buy, I mean* Harry Potter - Deathly Hallows
Friday, August 03, 2007
Suatu siang ketika sedang menyusuri gang-gang sempit di sebuah ITC di bilangan Jakarta, seorang SPG menyapa saya dengan pe-de-nya:
"Boleh pak bh-nya...."
Untuk sesaat sempat saya memberi dia antara lirikan sebal "enggak liat gue cowok?" dengan ingin tahu "mana mbak? coba lihat...", sempat terpikir untuk berhenti dan melihat-lihat sejenak tapi akhirnya dibatalkan setelah mempertimbangkan fakta berikut:
1. Seperti menilai orang, saya lebih concern dengan 'isinya' ketimbang 'bungkusnya', jadi saya tidak mau menghabiskan waktu untuk menilai sesuatu yang 'kosong'. Kalau yang ditawarkan itu 'isinya' boleh jadi akan lain ceritanya.
2. Akan jadi pemandangan ajaib jika seorang Adam berada di tengah-tengah 'perabotan' Hawa yang warna dan bentuknya beraneka ragam itu. Bukan cuma weird tapi juga berpotensi mengundang bisik-bisik dan masuk infotainment
Sampai sekarang saya cuma bisa menerka-nerka alasan si mbak SPG menyapa seperti itu:
1. Majikannya sudah menset default configuration-nya seperti itu sehingga siapapun yang lewat, kalimat pertama yang keluar otomatis itu.
2. Lagi frustasi lantaran sampai sesiang itu masih sepi pembeli
3. Produk yang dia jual transgender alias bisa dipakai cewek, cowok dan yang berdiri di antara keduanya.
4. Si mbak sebenarnya salah satu anak buah Voldermoth yang menyamar dan bh itu adalah portkey yang harus diserahkan ke saya untuk membawa saya ketemu dengan bos-nya. *Apa enggak ada barang lain yang lebih cocok?*
5. Produk yang dia tawarkan itu barang antik karena pernah dipakai Wonder Woman.
6. Di balik bh itu tersembunyi light saber yang bakal dipakai untuk menyerang saya karena si mbak ternyata orang suruhan kelinci energizer.
"Boleh pak bh-nya...."
Untuk sesaat sempat saya memberi dia antara lirikan sebal "enggak liat gue cowok?" dengan ingin tahu "mana mbak? coba lihat...", sempat terpikir untuk berhenti dan melihat-lihat sejenak tapi akhirnya dibatalkan setelah mempertimbangkan fakta berikut:
1. Seperti menilai orang, saya lebih concern dengan 'isinya' ketimbang 'bungkusnya', jadi saya tidak mau menghabiskan waktu untuk menilai sesuatu yang 'kosong'. Kalau yang ditawarkan itu 'isinya' boleh jadi akan lain ceritanya.
2. Akan jadi pemandangan ajaib jika seorang Adam berada di tengah-tengah 'perabotan' Hawa yang warna dan bentuknya beraneka ragam itu. Bukan cuma weird tapi juga berpotensi mengundang bisik-bisik dan masuk infotainment
Sampai sekarang saya cuma bisa menerka-nerka alasan si mbak SPG menyapa seperti itu:
1. Majikannya sudah menset default configuration-nya seperti itu sehingga siapapun yang lewat, kalimat pertama yang keluar otomatis itu.
2. Lagi frustasi lantaran sampai sesiang itu masih sepi pembeli
3. Produk yang dia jual transgender alias bisa dipakai cewek, cowok dan yang berdiri di antara keduanya.
4. Si mbak sebenarnya salah satu anak buah Voldermoth yang menyamar dan bh itu adalah portkey yang harus diserahkan ke saya untuk membawa saya ketemu dengan bos-nya. *Apa enggak ada barang lain yang lebih cocok?*
5. Produk yang dia tawarkan itu barang antik karena pernah dipakai Wonder Woman.
6. Di balik bh itu tersembunyi light saber yang bakal dipakai untuk menyerang saya karena si mbak ternyata orang suruhan kelinci energizer.
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