Monday, July 31, 2006
JK said that "Indonesia sudah keluar dari krisis!", this is not the first time he said something funny and stupid. His statement is oftenly absurd and forget reality. I know someone somebody must send this charlie caplin wanna be out of galaxy. I can't see the benefit of having him as our leader as he is not down to earth, can't take critics and live in his own imagination.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Ini postingan iseng dari seseorang yang lagi frustasi mau upload file tapi gagal melulu lantaran websitenya kayak keong mau mati, yah dari pada iseng bengong menatap monitor sambil sesekali melambaikan tangan dan berkata, "halo..", berharap progress bar internet explorer langsung ke pojok kanan tapi kenyataannya betah di pojok kiri dan tidak bergerak sedikit pun juga meski sudah ditunggu setengah jam.
Di dunia kecil tempat saya berada saat ini ada satu mahluk cantik, beberapa mahluk ganteng dan satu mahluk paling ganteng *pletak!*, maksud saya satu mahluk manis, beberapa mahluk ganteng dan satu mahluk buruk rupa yang digilai, diimpikan dan dirindukan wanita sejagat *dziiing! pletak!*, jadi pikir-pikir dari pada iseng melototin mereka terus dikira naksir *oooh tidaaak!* lebih baik iseng-iseng buat postingan tidak bermutu ini.
Sungguh saya tidak mengerti kenapa ada orang yang bisa membuat website yang begitu menyebalkan, memaksa kita menunggu sampai rambut memutih dan janggut memanjang. Iseng amat sih. Untunglah bulu tangan, bulu kaki, bulu dada dan bulu-bulu yang lain tidak ikut-ikut memanjang dan betah pada ukuran segitu, kalau tidak tentu saya repot dan tukang cukur bulu langganan saya bertambah kaya.
Di dunia kecil tempat saya berada saat ini ada satu mahluk cantik, beberapa mahluk ganteng dan satu mahluk paling ganteng *pletak!*, maksud saya satu mahluk manis, beberapa mahluk ganteng dan satu mahluk buruk rupa yang digilai, diimpikan dan dirindukan wanita sejagat *dziiing! pletak!*, jadi pikir-pikir dari pada iseng melototin mereka terus dikira naksir *oooh tidaaak!* lebih baik iseng-iseng buat postingan tidak bermutu ini.
Sungguh saya tidak mengerti kenapa ada orang yang bisa membuat website yang begitu menyebalkan, memaksa kita menunggu sampai rambut memutih dan janggut memanjang. Iseng amat sih. Untunglah bulu tangan, bulu kaki, bulu dada dan bulu-bulu yang lain tidak ikut-ikut memanjang dan betah pada ukuran segitu, kalau tidak tentu saya repot dan tukang cukur bulu langganan saya bertambah kaya.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I had spoke and we both agree that if there are only n-1 of us left, there will be no improvement, no new thing, no research and development and we will keep ourselves busy with regular complain and administrative task which I should say, so boooooooooooooring and absolutely not challenging.
How many times I should say that I need challenge to stay alive? Six years ago we were nothing until we started develop our back bone system. Two years later we became number one among the others. None had such a solid integrated system but us. So they came, they learned, copy-cat and started their own. And now we are all the same.
I say if we want to stay ahead we need all resources we have but I am not the decision maker this time. So yeah...
How many times I should say that I need challenge to stay alive? Six years ago we were nothing until we started develop our back bone system. Two years later we became number one among the others. None had such a solid integrated system but us. So they came, they learned, copy-cat and started their own. And now we are all the same.
I say if we want to stay ahead we need all resources we have but I am not the decision maker this time. So yeah...
Friday, July 21, 2006
Gara-gara acara di sebuah radio yang ngotot mengatakan srimulat itu lucu, saya jadi sewot sendiri ketika menyetir di tol. Yeah, saya tidak melihat dimana lucunya sebuah komedi yang mengutamakan penampilan aneh personelnya, saya tidak tahu kenapa mesti tertawa ketika seorang pemain mendorong kepala rekannya lalu yang didorong pura-pura terhuyung-huyung sampai jatuh, saya tidak mengerti dimana hebatnya adegan pembantu melangkahi kepala majikan sampai bisa membuat orang terkekeh padahal bagi saya itu sesuatu yang tidak lulus sensor logika. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari bawahan mana yang berani mengangkangi kepala majikannya kecuali jika sudah kebelet dipecat?
Komedi srimulat bagi saya tidak lebih dari sekumpulan orang berpenampilan aneh yang sedang berlomba berteriak. Alih-alih terbahak-bahak, saya malah berkerut kening dan menutup kuping. Bising! Komedi slapstick bukan selera saya. Jadi maaf saja, saya lebih cocok dengan komedi cerdas ala Warkop DKI *Warkop DKI dalam off air show, bukan film atau sinetron mereka* atau Bagito atau Republik BBM yang sayangnya lagi-lagi dijegal penguasa. Komedi ala kartun-kartun Disney juga lebih pas bagi selera saya, sama halnya dengan Mr. Bean. Bambi buat saya menghibur, begitu juga Ice Age. Beauty and the Beast itu indah, as well as Finding Nemo.
Kalau ada yang mengatakan selera saya terlalu barat, yah terserah karena kenyataannya saya tidak bisa memaksakan diri saya tertawa melihat lelucon model srimulat yang mengandalkan kontak fisik, adu kencang suara dan penampilan yang makin aneh makin baik. Ketika sketsa Extravaganza sudah menjurus ke arah yang sama secepat mungkin saya ganti channel. Lucu itu relatif koq.
Komedi srimulat bagi saya tidak lebih dari sekumpulan orang berpenampilan aneh yang sedang berlomba berteriak. Alih-alih terbahak-bahak, saya malah berkerut kening dan menutup kuping. Bising! Komedi slapstick bukan selera saya. Jadi maaf saja, saya lebih cocok dengan komedi cerdas ala Warkop DKI *Warkop DKI dalam off air show, bukan film atau sinetron mereka* atau Bagito atau Republik BBM yang sayangnya lagi-lagi dijegal penguasa. Komedi ala kartun-kartun Disney juga lebih pas bagi selera saya, sama halnya dengan Mr. Bean. Bambi buat saya menghibur, begitu juga Ice Age. Beauty and the Beast itu indah, as well as Finding Nemo.
Kalau ada yang mengatakan selera saya terlalu barat, yah terserah karena kenyataannya saya tidak bisa memaksakan diri saya tertawa melihat lelucon model srimulat yang mengandalkan kontak fisik, adu kencang suara dan penampilan yang makin aneh makin baik. Ketika sketsa Extravaganza sudah menjurus ke arah yang sama secepat mungkin saya ganti channel. Lucu itu relatif koq.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Kalau ditanya siapa idola anda? Jawaban saya, dari pada mengidolakan orang lain saya lebih suka orang lain yang mengidolakan saya. Narsis? Terserah bagaimana anda menyebutnya. Maksud sebenarnya dari jawaban saya di atas itu begini: ketika kita mengidolakan orang lain kita cenderung mendewakan dia. Dia tidak pernah salah, selalu benar dan setiap kekeliruannya selalu dapat dibenarkan. Sudah banyak contohnya dari dunia politik, tidak perlu disebutkan di sini. Lebih buruk lagi, tanpa sadar kita akan membentuk diri kita menyerupai dia sedangkan kita sekali-sekali bukanlah dia.
Memang ada orang yang bisa selamat dari kecenderungan di atas tapi jumlahnya saya yakin tetap minoritas. Self-control adalah salah satu hal paling sulit. Sebab itu terhadap pertanyaan di atas, jawaban saya demikian. Atau dalam versi lebih serius: saya tidak mengidolakan siapapun, saya menghormati orang yang memiliki integritas. And that's all.
Soal pertanyaan seperti ini, setelah melihat lagi rekaman video wawancara Nadine di ajang miss universe saya jadi makin yakin kalau dia tidak pantas menyandang gelar putri indonesia. Image PI selama ini adalah wanita yang matang dan smart dan Nadine, sangat jauh dari itu. Dari cara menjawabnya yang penuh engg.. engg.. eh.. eh.. dan diakhiri hehehe (!), kesan yang saya dapat adalah seorang abg bau kencur yang sedang panik menghadapi kamera.
Pertanyaan standar dibalas dengan jawaban standar. Boookk! Dari pada memberi jawaban hafalan ala skrip (itu juga lupa melulu) bisakah dia bermain sedikit lebih cerdas? Tidak ada yang terkesan dengan jawabannya yang mengatakan "mengagumi saya (my admire) adalah mother teresa)". Semua tahu itu sudah dirancang sebelumnya dan jawaban seperti itu sudah ketinggalan 10 tahun.
Jadi maaf saja, saya tidak akan memberi poin saya kepada seorang kandidat yang:
-. mengatakan indonesia adalah sebuah kota
-. mengatakan surabaya tidak lebih tua dari jakarta sedangkan sesuai catatan umur jakarta empat ratusan tahun dan surabaya sekitar tujuh ratusan, dan masih beranggapan dialah yang benar.
Alasan nasionalisme yang sempit seharusnya tidak menghalangi prinsip obyektifitas di atas segalanya.
Memang ada orang yang bisa selamat dari kecenderungan di atas tapi jumlahnya saya yakin tetap minoritas. Self-control adalah salah satu hal paling sulit. Sebab itu terhadap pertanyaan di atas, jawaban saya demikian. Atau dalam versi lebih serius: saya tidak mengidolakan siapapun, saya menghormati orang yang memiliki integritas. And that's all.
Soal pertanyaan seperti ini, setelah melihat lagi rekaman video wawancara Nadine di ajang miss universe saya jadi makin yakin kalau dia tidak pantas menyandang gelar putri indonesia. Image PI selama ini adalah wanita yang matang dan smart dan Nadine, sangat jauh dari itu. Dari cara menjawabnya yang penuh engg.. engg.. eh.. eh.. dan diakhiri hehehe (!), kesan yang saya dapat adalah seorang abg bau kencur yang sedang panik menghadapi kamera.
Pertanyaan standar dibalas dengan jawaban standar. Boookk! Dari pada memberi jawaban hafalan ala skrip (itu juga lupa melulu) bisakah dia bermain sedikit lebih cerdas? Tidak ada yang terkesan dengan jawabannya yang mengatakan "mengagumi saya (my admire) adalah mother teresa)". Semua tahu itu sudah dirancang sebelumnya dan jawaban seperti itu sudah ketinggalan 10 tahun.
Jadi maaf saja, saya tidak akan memberi poin saya kepada seorang kandidat yang:
-. mengatakan indonesia adalah sebuah kota
-. mengatakan surabaya tidak lebih tua dari jakarta sedangkan sesuai catatan umur jakarta empat ratusan tahun dan surabaya sekitar tujuh ratusan, dan masih beranggapan dialah yang benar.
Alasan nasionalisme yang sempit seharusnya tidak menghalangi prinsip obyektifitas di atas segalanya.
We lost one of our db server to............. Borg. Ah, shit. I'm gonna kick that damn cyborg. This is the... I do not know how many times they had successfully defeated us but we never give up so easy and as usual in the end, we were able to balance the score.
Yes we were a little panic since this one is one of the most critical machine the Federation has and it must stay online all the time. So we called for help and used all resources we have. The power of networking I must say, very amazing. Though it costs us extra working time and effort but we were successfully rescue all data, and that was the most important thing. Your machine may crash but as long as your data stays intact, you are never defeated.
I would like to thank you to our team. Viva us!
And the most important thing perhaps, we learned something. We learned how to deal with this typical error. We knew our weakness point and we know exactly what to do next. I hope what had happened last night can convince the board that the reliability of IT infra structure is something that you can not bargain.
Yes we were a little panic since this one is one of the most critical machine the Federation has and it must stay online all the time. So we called for help and used all resources we have. The power of networking I must say, very amazing. Though it costs us extra working time and effort but we were successfully rescue all data, and that was the most important thing. Your machine may crash but as long as your data stays intact, you are never defeated.
I would like to thank you to our team. Viva us!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
To be honest, at first I do not care about Nadine and Miss Universe but everything changed since rumours about her and her performance in that event spreaded out. Turn your speaker on and listen carefully to the following video, it's her interview. See the way she answered and check out her grammar. Funny, I never know there's a beautiful city called Indonesia. Even Google doesn't know. Stupid Nadine. If she wins, there's must be something wrong with the world. If she wins I would like to say in Indonesian "dukunnya Nadine sakti euy..." 
Now before you questioning my nationalism I tell you that I do not care about it. People should be objective, say good if it's good and vice versa. Only by being honest we can make some improvement and in turn, make this fucking country a better place to live. Leave that stupid-narrow-mind-set "right or wrong is my country" because it has brought us nowhere for such a long time!
Now before you questioning my nationalism I tell you that I do not care about it. People should be objective, say good if it's good and vice versa. Only by being honest we can make some improvement and in turn, make this fucking country a better place to live. Leave that stupid-narrow-mind-set "right or wrong is my country" because it has brought us nowhere for such a long time!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I must admit that Hero is a pretty damn good movie. Not just because it is beautiful but it also gave me something to think about. Yeah I know this movie was first released four years ago but hei, I do not have time *and money
* to watch all movies. It's been a long time since the last movie that touches my heart, shakes my emotion and raises the heroic spirit. Last movie that did it is Lord of The Ring - Return of The King. Most are just gone like the wind. Yeah, easy come easy go.
Monday, July 10, 2006
I have several comments:
I don't think Superman Returns is worth to be seen in theatre, judged by reviews about this movie that I've read so far. Beside, I don't truly love Superman. He is just too perfect and when someone becomes so perfect, all the fun are gone. Beside, why does he have to wear a red underwear at the outside?? Is it so important to show the world his size?? After all, I still thankful it's not pink.
The best way to reach Kelapa Gading is by air, especially when you come from the farest point of java island. Trust me! I don't mind to drive there but I do mind the traffic jam. If I brought this baby I wouldn't mind to clear my way by kill em all
This tiny little project seems turns out to be more complicated than it should. I think after all are settled, I deserve a vacation.
I don't think Superman Returns is worth to be seen in theatre, judged by reviews about this movie that I've read so far. Beside, I don't truly love Superman. He is just too perfect and when someone becomes so perfect, all the fun are gone. Beside, why does he have to wear a red underwear at the outside?? Is it so important to show the world his size?? After all, I still thankful it's not pink.
The best way to reach Kelapa Gading is by air, especially when you come from the farest point of java island. Trust me! I don't mind to drive there but I do mind the traffic jam. If I brought this baby I wouldn't mind to clear my way by kill em all
This tiny little project seems turns out to be more complicated than it should. I think after all are settled, I deserve a vacation.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
This business is about fashion and quality. Fashion means up to date which is means continous research and development. This also means never stop advertise because you have to make sure people remember you, always. Both mean a very strong financial back up.
Quality means thoughness and durability. People will not come back to you if only in a few months your product gets deisolated or the color goes away by a splash of water. Good quality comes from good material and good material comes with price. So if you can not meet both requirements above, you are finish.
Quality means thoughness and durability. People will not come back to you if only in a few months your product gets deisolated or the color goes away by a splash of water. Good quality comes from good material and good material comes with price. So if you can not meet both requirements above, you are finish.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
When the goddess of victory has a wish, everyone will follow, doesn't matter how impossible it is. I said that we had gave more than we should. I want to keep our system intact which is mean minimum changes but the fact is it's soooooooooooooooo hard to do so. Wishing Microsoft can unleash the power of excel.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
i sit in the corner of my heart
counting the hours and the minutes
of those days where i belonging
wondering how could i get on this far
seeing the traces i left behind
i sit in the corner of my heart
gazing at pictures of yesterday
reading the story that i wrote
touching memories of the years
and repeat the sentences "if only"
*Sigh* I miss my touch.
Monday, July 03, 2006
If you can not be the first then try to be the best.
If you can not be the best then try to be different
If you can not be different then you will be nothing
Because people will not remember ordinary people. Only among the three win a spot in people's memory and therefore gain more chance, but I don't think it can be applied to everything because in skill, I believe being the best is the best way to win.
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