Tujuh sering dianggap sebagai angka sakti, angka keramat, angka paling kuat setelah sembilan. Kalau sembilan itu komandan angka bertuah, maka tujuh adalah wakilnya. Jadi jangan heran kalau banyak yang memposisikan tujuh sebagai angka istimewa seperti tongkat estafet dari ibu ini. Mohon maaf saya tidak biasa menaruh judul dalam postingan jadi sedikit melenceng dari instruksi awal. Sebenarnya sudah lama saya lihat postingan ibu itu tapi baru terkumpul bahannya sekarang.
Kembali pada angka tujuh, banyak yang memakai angka mirip huruf L terbalik ini. Dulu di dunia kang-ouw pernah malang melintang tujuh pendekar Bu Tong. Dalam cerita orang sering mengancam, "saya kutuk kamu tujuh turunan" dan bukannya "saya kutuk kamu seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilan turunan", mungkin karena kepanjangan dan capek ngomongnya. Keajaiban dunia kuno ada tujuh:
1. Colossus of Rhodes — patung Helios yang sangat besar, dibuat sekitar tahun 292–280 SM oleh Chures, sekarang Yunani.
2. Taman Gantung Babilonia — dibuat oleh Nebukadnezar II, sekitar abad ke-8 SM–abad ke-6 SM, sekarang Irak.
3. Mausoleum of Halicarnassus — makam Mausolus, satrap Persia, Caria, dibuat pada tahun 353–351 SM, di kota Halicarnassus, sekarang Bodrum, Turki.
4. Pharos di Alexandria — mercusuar dibangun sekitar tahun 270 SM di pulau Pharos dekat Alexandria pada masa pemerintahan Ptolemeus II oleh arsitek Yunani Sostratus, sekarang Mesir.
5. Piramida Giza — dipakai sebagai makam untuk firaun Mesir Khufu, Khafre, dan Menkaure, sekarang Mesir. Dibangun pada dinasti ke-4 Mesir (sekitar 2575– sekitar 2465 SM)
6. Patung Zeus — berada di Olympia, dipahat oleh pemahat Yunani Fidias, kira-kira 457 SM sekarang Yunani.
7. Kuil Artemis — 550 SM, di Efesus, sekarang Turki.
Serial Harry Potter terdiri atas tujuh buku. Dalam perebutan piala Thomas dan Uber ada tujuh pemain yang bertarung. Hollywood membuat film yang menceritakan tujuh dosa utama manusia. Langit terdiri atas tujuh lapis, dunia bawah juga memiliki tujuh tingkat. Surga terbagi atas tujuh tingkatan begitu pula neraka. Surga memiliki tujuh nama:
1. Darus Salam
2. Jannatu 'adn
3. Jannatul Khuld
4. Darul Muqamah
5. Jannatul Ma'wa
6. Jannatun Na'im
7. Al Muqamul Amin
Ahli akhirat menaiki tujuh tangga sebelum mencapai pintu surga. Komposisi pelangi terdiri atas tujuh warna. Satu minggu terdiri dari tujuh hari. Para imam Coan Cin Pay di serial Sia Tiauw Eng Hiong memiliki barisan tujuh bintang utara yang terkenal tangguh. Munkar dan Nankir mendatangi jenazah setelah pelayat terakhir meninggalkannya sejauh tujuh langkah. Surat Al-Fatihah terdiri atas tujuh ayat. Ada tujuh kurcaci dalam cerita Snow White. Tujuh juga adalah id James Bond.
Sementara mengenai tongkat estafet ini, tujuh lagu yang saat ini sedang jadi favorit saya:
1. missing - Evanescence
2. wherever you will go - The Calling
3. iris - Goo Goo Dolls
4. where'd you go - Fort Minor
5. soul to squezee - Red Hot Chilli Pepper
6. white flag - Dido
7. it's my life - Bon Jovi.
Sebelum ada yang protes, dengan ini saya umumkan kalau tidak ada alasan khusus sehingga tujuh lagu itu yang terpilih menjadi "blog idol" dan keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Tidak ada kecurangan dalam polling sms atau ada tekanan dari kiri-kanan. Sayembara ini juga tidak ditarik pungutan apapun dan pajak hadiah ditanggung Departemen Pajak. Catatan khusus untuk it's my life, saya suka karena menjadi semacam ungkapan yang pas jika ada orang yang mau terlalu ikut campur kehidupan saya. It's my life dude! Hell with you! I ain't gonna live forever anyway.
Sekarang siapa tujuh korban selanjutnya? Ah biarlah berhenti sampai di sini saja.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
A friend of mine said that "your blog is for public". I admit that he has a point. Your blog, doesn't matter how you claim "it's mine, I can write anything I want" is a public consumption. People will come and read. They may like or dislike. Your blog builds your image. On the other hand, you can use blog to fool people
so they get wrong perception about you. (People will think) you are what you write.
I might also add that Digital Fortress (DF) is not as good as Da Vinci Code (DVC) nor Angels and Demons (AD). I think Brown was started to learn how to write in this his first novel. Characters in DF are not as strong as the ones in DVC and they are just toooooo perfect. I mean, young-beautiful-sexy-innocent-smart lady with handsome-intelligent-smart-sporty guy plus a though-powerful-respectful commander, seems pretty far from earth for me. Speaking about the thriller in the whole story, DVC did better while AD did the best. Honestly, I'm not recommend this book.
I might also add that Digital Fortress (DF) is not as good as Da Vinci Code (DVC) nor Angels and Demons (AD). I think Brown was started to learn how to write in this his first novel. Characters in DF are not as strong as the ones in DVC and they are just toooooo perfect. I mean, young-beautiful-sexy-innocent-smart lady with handsome-intelligent-smart-sporty guy plus a though-powerful-respectful commander, seems pretty far from earth for me. Speaking about the thriller in the whole story, DVC did better while AD did the best. Honestly, I'm not recommend this book.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I'm falling in love with Missing from Evanescence. Yeah I know it's kinda late but hey, it's my ear after all and my mood! Mine is blue right now so I think mellow-mellow meliauw song will be fit better. So, how blue is your day today?
Keep the spirit high perhaps is one of the hardest thing to do, especially when you know what you are facing of but unfortunately you have no idea when or who or how. You got a little piece of puzzle but the big parts remains in the dark. I would like to ask you if you accidently drop by here *in fact, I know you did it before, several times!* Can you be profesional all the time?
Why does Linux never really beat Microsoft and the giant software grow bigger all the time? Why do people believe Astra International is bigger than Indomobil? Auto2000 is known to be the best for a long time. Can you answer why? Simply because they apply high working standard! High standard ends up in the best output. People feel more comfortable if they know they are with profesional and that means high standard. If you can't live with it I suggest you to stay at home instead.
Keep the spirit high perhaps is one of the hardest thing to do, especially when you know what you are facing of but unfortunately you have no idea when or who or how. You got a little piece of puzzle but the big parts remains in the dark. I would like to ask you if you accidently drop by here *in fact, I know you did it before, several times!* Can you be profesional all the time?
Why does Linux never really beat Microsoft and the giant software grow bigger all the time? Why do people believe Astra International is bigger than Indomobil? Auto2000 is known to be the best for a long time. Can you answer why? Simply because they apply high working standard! High standard ends up in the best output. People feel more comfortable if they know they are with profesional and that means high standard. If you can't live with it I suggest you to stay at home instead.
Monday, June 26, 2006
I've just heard news that the C site has been closed. Bang! Bang! Here we have another unemployees in this country. Thanks to our goverment for the magnificient fuel hike and the high cost economy policy. Well I simply do not know what to say. Fucking country with its fucking corruption have lead us nowhere and we are drowning so far. Now I'm desperately seeking for a better place.
Damn, how I'm tired living in Indonesia. Eh execuse me, Indonesia? Where the hell is that? Ah you mean a place full of UNEDUCATED people and rule has no power here? That litte-dirty-dark place sounds familiar to me.
Damn, how I'm tired living in Indonesia. Eh execuse me, Indonesia? Where the hell is that? Ah you mean a place full of UNEDUCATED people and rule has no power here? That litte-dirty-dark place sounds familiar to me.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Am I the only one who think one step ahead in this room? Can't anyone follow me? One big problem with your team is when they think "okay, we have reached so far and it's good enough. Let's blogging, chatting, playing some games or just browsing for adult site and enrich your human body knowledge."
While actually there are still so MUCH they must do. The system is running well but not that good. There are still things you can improve. Don't you want to jump to higher level?
While actually there are still so MUCH they must do. The system is running well but not that good. There are still things you can improve. Don't you want to jump to higher level?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Gates has three children *as far as I remember* and each of them will get US$ 10 million when their father passed away. If you think that is a lot number of money, you should be noticed that compares to total Gates's wealth, it is equal to only 0.02% of the whole Gates's money. That's it. 0.02%! Makes me want to scream, "Dad!!!!"
Now we are having communication problem with our away team in bangkok. Hellooo, where's the power of IT when you need it? Luckily there's always alternative. When you lost your money, there are still mastercard and visa, so when you lost your corporate mail, there is still Yahoo! My credit to Yahoo, the best free web mail you can imagine. Forget Hotmail. It's slow. Forget GMail. Unstable, they never let me pass to my account page and always brings me back to login page.
Now we are having communication problem with our away team in bangkok. Hellooo, where's the power of IT when you need it? Luckily there's always alternative. When you lost your money, there are still mastercard and visa, so when you lost your corporate mail, there is still Yahoo! My credit to Yahoo, the best free web mail you can imagine. Forget Hotmail. It's slow. Forget GMail. Unstable, they never let me pass to my account page and always brings me back to login page.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Satu hal konyol yang kerap terjadi pada anggota milis adalah fanatisme yang membabi buta terhadap produk yang dia pakai. Di sebuah milis Ceria, seorang member dengan bangga bercerita kalo setiap pagi kutu kecilnya itu menaklukkan mobil-mobil yang kapasitas mesinnya lebih besar di tol. Oh, how stupid he is. Faktor dominan penentu pemenang kebut-kebutan di tol bukan nilai cc mesin tapi siapa yang lebih berani injak gas dan siapa yang lebih bodoh untuk bergaya ala pemmbalap di jalanan umum. My point is, be objective!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Dikatakan bahwa di akhirat kelak seseorang yang selama di dunia mukanya sering terkena air wudhu *dan shalat tentunya* maka wajahnya menjadi bersih dan bercahaya. Namun sebenarnya di dunia pun wajah mereka sudah bersinar, hanya saja tidak selalu terlihat dan tidak semua orang diijinkan melihatnya. Trust me, I know.
Friday, June 09, 2006
If you:
1. have no eager to learn something new.
2. no willing to do your self-improvement.
3. had been about more over six years in coding but your skill stays the same.
4. less or -even worse- no analytical and problem solving skill.
5. hard to think logic.
6. love blogging instead of your jobs description.
7. prefer funny video, fun program or mp3 maker.
8. reject any improvement suggestion and satisfied with your achievement.
9. can't take order from others only because you feel you both are at the same level.
10. have no intention to dig deeper in user's feedback about your system.
11. do not want to make any improvement that can speed up performance.
12. have no standard in working *even if you have, it's not a good one!*
Then why don't you stay at home and try being a good mother for your kids? I bet you can do better!
1. have no eager to learn something new.
2. no willing to do your self-improvement.
3. had been about more over six years in coding but your skill stays the same.
4. less or -even worse- no analytical and problem solving skill.
5. hard to think logic.
6. love blogging instead of your jobs description.
7. prefer funny video, fun program or mp3 maker.
8. reject any improvement suggestion and satisfied with your achievement.
9. can't take order from others only because you feel you both are at the same level.
10. have no intention to dig deeper in user's feedback about your system.
11. do not want to make any improvement that can speed up performance.
12. have no standard in working *even if you have, it's not a good one!*
Then why don't you stay at home and try being a good mother for your kids? I bet you can do better!
Tour de Sumatra

bulan april lalu gw melakukan perjalan dinas kantor ke 3 kota di propinsi sumatera: kota padang (& bukit tinggi), kota jambi dan kota bengkulu. gak langsung berturut-turut sih jalannya, ada kali jeda 1-2 minggu antara satu kota dengan yang lain, but kebetulan semua di bulan yang sama. berhubung gak bawa digicam, yasut poto-poto diambil melalui henpon sajah..
dari ki-ka: rumah kediaman bung karno waktu pengasingan di bengkulu (no 1, 2, 3), peninggalan sepeda tua di rumah BK, rumah ibu fatmawati (bengkulu), rumah Bung Hatta (bukit tinggi). yang dibawah: airport padang (taken 2004), jam gadang dan pasar atas bukit tinggi.

Thursday, June 08, 2006
suntuk Mode: ON
- lagi seneng beli seprei
- lagi pengen ngatur ruang tamu
- lagi niat nyetak poto" kayla
- lagi doyan belanja dan makan!!! (status: siaga 1)
- lagi mimpi dapet scholarship di luar
- lagi bujuk suami langganan tv-kabel *kpn nontonnya?*
- lagi error mo hunting buku-buku *kpn bacanya?*
- lagi pengen kencan berdua sajahh.. *devil*
- lagi bosen n suntuk ama most of daily routines gw..
- lagi pengen ngatur ruang tamu
- lagi niat nyetak poto" kayla
- lagi doyan belanja dan makan!!! (status: siaga 1)
- lagi mimpi dapet scholarship di luar
- lagi bujuk suami langganan tv-kabel *kpn nontonnya?*
- lagi error mo hunting buku-buku *kpn bacanya?*
- lagi pengen kencan berdua sajahh.. *devil*
- lagi bosen n suntuk ama most of daily routines gw..
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
any recomended books?
Friday, June 02, 2006
Inspired by nit's story, my mind flies back to a Tuesday evening, November 8, 2005.
When Kayla was born, she was crying. A loud. Including when she was cleaned and wrapped by the midwife. And right after that, she was given to me. Her father. All of sudden she stopped crying, and her tiny little black eyes were gazing at me as of she was busy thinking and recognize me. Is this the man whose voice I hear when I was inside mom's womb? Is this the man who talked to me oftenly and read Al-Fatihah for me? Is this the man from whom I heard assalammu alaikum many many times for this nine months?
For two seconds or more our eyes met and it is the most unforgetable moment for me. Even until now our first sight still remembered clearly in my mind. If only I could visualize it, I would like to watch it again and again. If only I could keep it in a jack-in-box, I would like to play it from times to times.
I gave her to my mother-in-law later and she returned crying. And suddenly every one in that room (there were about ten people or more) congrats me, even they didn't know me before.
When Kayla was born, she was crying. A loud. Including when she was cleaned and wrapped by the midwife. And right after that, she was given to me. Her father. All of sudden she stopped crying, and her tiny little black eyes were gazing at me as of she was busy thinking and recognize me. Is this the man whose voice I hear when I was inside mom's womb? Is this the man who talked to me oftenly and read Al-Fatihah for me? Is this the man from whom I heard assalammu alaikum many many times for this nine months?
For two seconds or more our eyes met and it is the most unforgetable moment for me. Even until now our first sight still remembered clearly in my mind. If only I could visualize it, I would like to watch it again and again. If only I could keep it in a jack-in-box, I would like to play it from times to times.
I gave her to my mother-in-law later and she returned crying. And suddenly every one in that room (there were about ten people or more) congrats me, even they didn't know me before.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
I'm tired with meeting and meeting. Can I have just a month without any meeting even a single bit one, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? *desperate face mode: on* Why should I? Cause I'm busy researching something new and I want more flexible time to browse for adult site *ups* and I obviously dislike a meeting without snack and the most important thing, I don't like the topic and I have a feeling that it leaded us nowhere.
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