I mean we are very busy facing our heavy-loyal-fans which ask for our attention and wishing to die just for having sleep with us *ouch!*
Thursday, February 23, 2006
We are quite busy this week. You know, chasing smugglers, killing some monsters, fighting the borg, hunting the sith *LONG LIVE THE JEDI!! YES!!!* oh okay, just kidding, actually we are busy having some sex, playing naked under the sun *Nature rules!*, taken photo with a playboy pose or just doing some flirting and petting
... nope, just another joke. Honestly we are busy firing people and shooting down some users *kick their ass!! yeaaaah!!*.. no.. no.. not that.
I mean we are very busy facing our heavy-loyal-fans which ask for our attention and wishing to die just for having sleep with us *ouch!*
... I mean we are busy browsing adult site or playing online game *sounds better now? a little bit closer to reality isn't it?*
I mean we are very busy facing our heavy-loyal-fans which ask for our attention and wishing to die just for having sleep with us *ouch!*
Monday, February 20, 2006
Seeing Vina Panduwinata last night makes me believe that she deserves the title Diva more than Titi DJ or even Ruth Sahanaya. Perhaps we are all agree Krisdayanti can held that title for her so many hits and single, but Titi DJ? I believe Vina's hits are more legendary than hers. I'm not talking about personal attitude and marriage life here, only their achievement.
Listen to her songs again makes me notice that even years had passed, they are still beautiful. What did she say? Aku... melangkah lagi... na..na..na..
Listen to her songs again makes me notice that even years had passed, they are still beautiful. What did she say? Aku... melangkah lagi... na..na..na..
Friday, February 17, 2006
Swift is not quite bad at all. It has airbag and abs. It has steering wheel audio control. It has flexible seat arrangement. But it more likely a copy paste of Mini Cooper! My first impression when I saw it on road was, this thing reminds me something.. I wonder what.. Now I remember, I've seen something similar before in Mr. Bean tv series. Seeing swift reminds me to Rowan Atkinson.
The biggest problem for me is that big "S"! I don't trust Suzuki!! Only Toyota, Honda and Nissan. Mitsu is suck for their high maintenance and spare part cost. I might add that find a good Mitsu service center is another problem.
The biggest problem for me is that big "S"! I don't trust Suzuki!! Only Toyota, Honda and Nissan. Mitsu is suck for their high maintenance and spare part cost. I might add that find a good Mitsu service center is another problem.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A few things to note:
I'm not celebrating valentine, so don't bother to say happy valentine to me. Hell with that stupid "hari kasih sayang" idea. Kasih sayang mbahmu.
I only celebrate event that related to my religion or someone's birthday or anniversary, and this suck valentine has nothing to do with them. So why bother? Even if you celebrate it I bet you still have no idea what's the meaning behind. But if you insist to send me a BIG BIG BIG box of chocolate, I obviously can't say no. Hey, I am chocolate lover! And a heavy ice cream fans too.
As result of our lost to Borg near Alpha quadrant border, there were a LOT of ships those gone mad and we were very busy arrange team to repair all of them. That explains the reason why I can't drop by at this blog for a thousands years.
If you never drive a CAR in the heart of JAKARTA traffic, don't bother if we often yell to the other motorist and sound horn. Do not complain untill you prove you can hold yourself from throwing a punch to those crazy angkot or point your gun to that bastard motor rider.
I'm not celebrating valentine, so don't bother to say happy valentine to me. Hell with that stupid "hari kasih sayang" idea. Kasih sayang mbahmu.
As result of our lost to Borg near Alpha quadrant border, there were a LOT of ships those gone mad and we were very busy arrange team to repair all of them. That explains the reason why I can't drop by at this blog for a thousands years.
If you never drive a CAR in the heart of JAKARTA traffic, don't bother if we often yell to the other motorist and sound horn. Do not complain untill you prove you can hold yourself from throwing a punch to those crazy angkot or point your gun to that bastard motor rider.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
We lost our pdc server to Borg. Damn, i must declare today as "Hari Berkabung Internasional" and every body will have 50% off of their work time. Yes we are still running on NT domain. Hei, it's not an easy one to upgrade to Win2k Active Directory. I'm talking about money here coz human resources is not a problem.
Do not ever leave your car unattended with door unlock and engine on! If someone wish to run your car away all he has to do just jump into, lock the door and hit the gas like crazy. And all you can do just crying.
I might add that some cars have automatically lock feature. So if engine on and all door closed, it will automatically lock in a few seconds. If by that time you are on the outside and no one left inside, you gotta look for help.
I might add that some cars have automatically lock feature. So if engine on and all door closed, it will automatically lock in a few seconds. If by that time you are on the outside and no one left inside, you gotta look for help.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Some people are afraid of having a baby. They are afraid of losing some of their freedom and put extra cost on your budget. They are afraid of being pregnant and all pain that following it. Yes it's true that you will lose your hang out, clubbing or even go to cinema and watch the newest hottest movie that all folks in your town talking about it. Yes you will lose your freedom to buy any new gadget you dream about, ring or jewelry or just shirt and pants anytime you want because now there's something more important in your priority list. Yes you will lose time with your friends and you probably will spend most of your time at home since it's still too early for your baby to travel with you. And even when you can bring your baby, you won't be free to go anywhere since you have someone to take care about.
Despite those all above, if you're having a baby you'll experience new thing that no word can describe it. You'll feel exciting and find out new happiness. You'll be amaze for having a life form inside you. You'll have a new toy that can talk, hear and cry. And soon you'll miss that tiny-little-innocent face once you were away. You will gain new honorable status, upgrade from "married couple" to "parents". It's something that no one can give.
Despite those all above, if you're having a baby you'll experience new thing that no word can describe it. You'll feel exciting and find out new happiness. You'll be amaze for having a life form inside you. You'll have a new toy that can talk, hear and cry. And soon you'll miss that tiny-little-innocent face once you were away. You will gain new honorable status, upgrade from "married couple" to "parents". It's something that no one can give.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Ada cerita tentang seorang artis yang ketika tampil untuk acara company di sebuah hotel berbintang meminta:
1. security (polisi) 10 orang
2. nomor kamar tidak boleh diketahui panitia termasuk LO
Dan di panggung si artis yang muncul di urutan ke sekian ini berujar, "Good night every body! Sebelum gue muncul gue lihat kalian semua tampangnya seperti ini, " (pasang tampang bete dengan mulut menganga), "You guys payah! Give us a little appreciate as your entertainer tonight! C'mon! Sing! " Ia turun menghampiri audience sambil jejingkrakan. Yang dihampiri diam saja malah melihat dengan tatapan aneh seperti berkata ngapain sih anak kecil ini? Response yang tidak sesuai harapan menjadikan si artis tambah kesal dan makin lantang menjelek-jelekkan penonton.
Patut dicatat selaku entertainer semestinya ia menyesuaikan diri dengan audience. Pertama itu adalah acara untuk kalangan terbatas jadi buat apa security berlebih. Kedua audiencenya adalah kalangan mapan, para board director yang sudah berumur mana mau mereka jejingkrakan. Jadi menggelikan karena acara itu akhirnya berubah menjadi pertunjukan seorang anak kecil yang ngambek di panggung sementara orang tuanya duduk menonton dengan sabar sambil senyum-senyum penuh pengertian.
Ciri-ciri si artis yang punya attitude problem ini meliputi: cewek, muda, proporsi tubuh kecil, sudah go international *at least asia*, tampil dengan full penari latar, di panggung rambut dicat warna-warni, baju ketat celana pendek, kerap ditemani ibunya.
1. security (polisi) 10 orang
2. nomor kamar tidak boleh diketahui panitia termasuk LO
Dan di panggung si artis yang muncul di urutan ke sekian ini berujar, "Good night every body! Sebelum gue muncul gue lihat kalian semua tampangnya seperti ini, " (pasang tampang bete dengan mulut menganga), "You guys payah! Give us a little appreciate as your entertainer tonight! C'mon! Sing! " Ia turun menghampiri audience sambil jejingkrakan. Yang dihampiri diam saja malah melihat dengan tatapan aneh seperti berkata ngapain sih anak kecil ini? Response yang tidak sesuai harapan menjadikan si artis tambah kesal dan makin lantang menjelek-jelekkan penonton.
Patut dicatat selaku entertainer semestinya ia menyesuaikan diri dengan audience. Pertama itu adalah acara untuk kalangan terbatas jadi buat apa security berlebih. Kedua audiencenya adalah kalangan mapan, para board director yang sudah berumur mana mau mereka jejingkrakan. Jadi menggelikan karena acara itu akhirnya berubah menjadi pertunjukan seorang anak kecil yang ngambek di panggung sementara orang tuanya duduk menonton dengan sabar sambil senyum-senyum penuh pengertian.
Ciri-ciri si artis yang punya attitude problem ini meliputi: cewek, muda, proporsi tubuh kecil, sudah go international *at least asia*, tampil dengan full penari latar, di panggung rambut dicat warna-warni, baju ketat celana pendek, kerap ditemani ibunya.
Sekian puluh meter sebelum pom bensin saya sudah menyalakan sein. Ya maklum si champ mesti dikasih minum susu dulu lantaran sudah kehausan. Jalanan sepi. Tidak ada kendaraan dari arah berlawanan. Depan aman. Belakang aman. Tapi tepat ketika hendak berbelok dari kanan belakang tiba-tiba seekor motor tanpa mengurangi kecepatan ribut membunyikan klakson. Perlu dicatat pagi itu hujan sehingga visibility berkurang dan motor tersangka tidak menyalakan lampu sehingga sulit dilihat dari spion yang buram.
Maka dengan berat hati saya biarkan mahluk tidak sopan itu lewat dahulu meski seharusnya dia lewat kiri dan tidak menyerobot jalan, apalagi jaraknya lebih dari cukup untuk itu. Namun ketika dia lewat saya buka kaca sambil menyerukan panggilan akrabnya, "gobloooooooooooooooooooooookkk..."
Saya jadi yakin memang itu namanya karena dia kemudian mengurangi kecepatan sambil celingukan, siapa yang manggil ya barusan?
Seriously, jika yang saya bawa itu tank, saya tidak akan ragu untuk mengambil posisi melintang biar dia cium itu aspal.
Maka dengan berat hati saya biarkan mahluk tidak sopan itu lewat dahulu meski seharusnya dia lewat kiri dan tidak menyerobot jalan, apalagi jaraknya lebih dari cukup untuk itu. Namun ketika dia lewat saya buka kaca sambil menyerukan panggilan akrabnya, "gobloooooooooooooooooooooookkk..."
Saya jadi yakin memang itu namanya karena dia kemudian mengurangi kecepatan sambil celingukan, siapa yang manggil ya barusan?
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