Aku kenal preman
suka mabok-mabokan
di mana ada dia pasti aku takut
dia amat serem
yang liat pasti merem
dia selalu nongkrong
di jalan depan rumahku
aku langsung bingung
waktu dia minta uang
dan dia juga katakan
mau lihat isi dompetku
aku cuma punya uang segitu
janganlah kau meminta lebih
kucuma punya lima ribu
kita berteman saja
teman tapi preman
aku memang takut pada dirimu
namun uang aku tak punya
lebih baik kita berteman
walaupun engkau preman
teman tapi preman
Note: dicomot dari sebuah milis
Monday, January 30, 2006
Setelah tiga hari kedinginan di kantor akhirnya diambil keputusan untuk mengambil strategi lain dalam perang maha hebat melawan batuk dan flu ini. Kalau tadinya taktik yang diambil adalah "maju terus pantang mundur" alias ngantor terus pantang lembur, sekarang diganti menjadi "tidur terus pantang bangun"
. Dengan persetujuan dokter kepresidenan, saya pun memutuskan hari Kamis dan Jumat kemarin adalah saat yang tepat untuk melancarkan strategi brilian di atas. Dan berhubung setelah itu weekend jadi total kita dapat empat hari. Ah, the beauty of weekend 
Dan strategi ini memang terbukti berhasil karena flu langsung lari terbirit-birit berikut badan pun tidak hangat lagi. Hanya batuk yang masih ada sisa-sisa antek-anteknya. Selain keuntungan bisa bangun jam sembilan pagi dan leha-leha sepanjang hari termasuk tidur siang, ada juga sisi minusnya karena saya tidak bisa dekat-dekat si kecil. Padahal pengen gendong dia waddoooooh...
Dan strategi ini memang terbukti berhasil karena flu langsung lari terbirit-birit berikut badan pun tidak hangat lagi. Hanya batuk yang masih ada sisa-sisa antek-anteknya. Selain keuntungan bisa bangun jam sembilan pagi dan leha-leha sepanjang hari termasuk tidur siang, ada juga sisi minusnya karena saya tidak bisa dekat-dekat si kecil. Padahal pengen gendong dia waddoooooh...
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
belanja mulu euy..

ampun dah.. beberapa hari blakangan ini kok bawaannya blanja mulu yak?
padahal masa-masa ngidam khan dah liwat & dah ada hasilnya pulak. hihihi..
jadi begini.. secara kami udah pindahan ke rumah baru (msh rumah ortu indah kok.. kami kan cuma 'ngontrak'..hehe) kan perabotan dan prasarana & sarana masih kosong tuh. hadiah" kawinan kita tahun 2004 lalu pun, baru sempat dibuka sekarang, mulai dari mesin cuci, kompor gas, rice cooker, dining set, seprai, etc, dll, yg dulu cuma ngendon di rmh mertua berikut bungkusnya, karna blum bisa dipake..
Nah lanjut ya, jadi deh kita mulai hunting barang-barang yg lain, macam kulkas, tipi, rak piring, springbed, sofa, jemuran,tabung gas, gorden,cordless phone, etc.dll..
Jadi semenjak kita ngisi rumah baru ini, jadinya nafsu belanja alias 'ngeluarin duit' jadi ikutan menggila. Kalo msh terhitung kebutuhan primer mah gpp.. tp blakangan yg sekunder jd msk dalam list.
Kek kmrn neh.. sehubungan anak' pada ke Cempaka Mas, nah ikutlah gw. Pulang" liat dong blanjaan gue, Blazer 2 biji! hehe. maklum dah.. abis 'brojolin' Kayla kmrn, sampe detik ini gw msh kelebihan 3 kg dari berat gw sebelum hamil. soo... yg ada tuh celana panjang gw agak sesakk.. biasa boo.. perutna tea.. masih aga gede.. *malu deh* hahaha.. Nah, maka dari itu paniklah daku, karna pakaian kerja otomatis jd berkurang dunk..
nah, lanjut mengenai penyakit blanja mulu ini.. kek tadi, niat mo ke BCA, eh malah mampir ke sebelahnya beli jam dinding! jadi, diitung-itung dalam 1-2 minggu terakhir ini gw ampir tiap hari nyempetin keluar pas jam istirahat, dan plgnya adaaa aja yg dibeli! Oh Gosh.. kalo kek gini bisa tambah puyeng gw ngatur keuangan keluarga..huhuhu
ini nih list jalan" gw dlm 1-2 minggu terakhir:
- jumat : pasar jumat kantor, result: gelas, laundry box, etc
- kamis : ke carefour Cempaka Mas, result: baju buat suami
- jumat : ke Asemka, Kota, result: tempat gelas, tas kosmetik, payung, etc, dll
- sabtu : Carefour, Puri Indah, result: lemari pakaian, blanja kbth Kayla,
konsumsi RT, total spend money almost 1000k.. huaaa..
- senin : Cempaka Mas, result: blazer 2 biji, bunga plastik 20ribuan
- selasa : deket" atrium senen, result: jam dinding
List di atas blum termasuk blanja" gw sejak kedatangan gw di jkt tgl 4 Jan kemaren dan kebutuhan" lainnya untuk menuhin rumah yg gw dah lupa detilnya. damn!! ampun dahhh... ternyata hidup mandiri berumah tangga itu take cost so high yaa.. ? hiks.. *sigh*
Friday, January 20, 2006
You know you've been in Indonesia too long if...
1. You take your shoes off in the office and put on flip-flops.
2. You can't drive without sounding the horn.
3. You no longer pay any attention to someone sounding the car horn
4. Your favorite restaurant is a table covered with a plastic tarp by the side of the road
5. You know exactly which pair of flip-flop sandals is yours from the 75 pairs outside your door
6. You think it is waaayyyyy cool to put Winnie the Pooh stickers on a 500SL
7. You find nothing wrong at all with throwing bottles out of car windows
8. You stop at the bottom of the escalator to plan your day
9. You no longer wait in line, but immediately go to the head of the queue
10. You think the Proton and Kijang are stylish and well built cars
11. You look left, right, backwards, forwards, up and down before crossing a one way street.
12. You know most of the characters in the sinetrons
13. You ARE one of the characters in the sinetrons
14. You believe you will never end up in jail because you are rich.
15. It is classy to be seen paying $18 for the "international buffet", but you still load your plate up with nasi goreng and krupuk
16. You no longer make calls on your handphone but simply send SMSs.
17. You regard traffic signals, stop signs and copy watch peddlers with ignorance.
18. It has become exciting to see if you can get on the lift before anybody else can get off
19. You find it saves time to stand and retrieve your cabin baggage while the plane is on final approach
20. When you arrive at work you clock in then go out to buy and eat breakfast.
taken from here.
2. You can't drive without sounding the horn.
3. You no longer pay any attention to someone sounding the car horn
4. Your favorite restaurant is a table covered with a plastic tarp by the side of the road
5. You know exactly which pair of flip-flop sandals is yours from the 75 pairs outside your door
6. You think it is waaayyyyy cool to put Winnie the Pooh stickers on a 500SL
7. You find nothing wrong at all with throwing bottles out of car windows
8. You stop at the bottom of the escalator to plan your day
9. You no longer wait in line, but immediately go to the head of the queue
10. You think the Proton and Kijang are stylish and well built cars
11. You look left, right, backwards, forwards, up and down before crossing a one way street.
12. You know most of the characters in the sinetrons
13. You ARE one of the characters in the sinetrons
14. You believe you will never end up in jail because you are rich.
15. It is classy to be seen paying $18 for the "international buffet", but you still load your plate up with nasi goreng and krupuk
16. You no longer make calls on your handphone but simply send SMSs.
17. You regard traffic signals, stop signs and copy watch peddlers with ignorance.
18. It has become exciting to see if you can get on the lift before anybody else can get off
19. You find it saves time to stand and retrieve your cabin baggage while the plane is on final approach
20. When you arrive at work you clock in then go out to buy and eat breakfast.
taken from here.
I believe that 3-in-1 is not a smart solution to reduce jakarta traffic. In fact, it's not even a solution at all. For you who still blank, 3-in-1 (three in one) means three person in one vehicle. If this condition applies in an area, only car with three people inside (driver including) can safely travel through.
Now if you think this policy helps in making jakarta street a little bit comfort, think it again. Motorist can hire joki before entering 3-in-1 area for a pretty low charge. So before you enter 3-in-1, step aside and pick up any joki you find. You won't get any problem finding them since they volunteer themselves. Once you are safe, pay them and they'll return to their post. Simple and everybody is happy.
3-in-1 also means move the traffic jam from one location to another. So a 3-in-1 area has a little bit *notice: a tiny little bit! that does not mean much!* space and fresh air but the others are hetic. Seeing the facts above, i believe only idiot will still consider this stupid policy as a solution to help jakarta citizen travels better.
Now if you think this policy helps in making jakarta street a little bit comfort, think it again. Motorist can hire joki before entering 3-in-1 area for a pretty low charge. So before you enter 3-in-1, step aside and pick up any joki you find. You won't get any problem finding them since they volunteer themselves. Once you are safe, pay them and they'll return to their post. Simple and everybody is happy.
3-in-1 also means move the traffic jam from one location to another. So a 3-in-1 area has a little bit *notice: a tiny little bit! that does not mean much!* space and fresh air but the others are hetic. Seeing the facts above, i believe only idiot will still consider this stupid policy as a solution to help jakarta citizen travels better.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
When people find themselves in trouble, usually they come to me for help. Seems that I am the master of problem solver, they just sit and relax and let me do the hardest part. Hei I'm not Superman! Don't treat me like him cause I'm Batman! And Batman does not fly in the sky, show off his red underwear to the world. His is black. And I would never understand why does superhero place their underwear at the outside? Can't they just wear it normally??
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I said that it is not a good way to start if every vendor build their own site. Of course it is good to have your own site, what i mean "not good" is when the ONLY WAY to create order is by logon to their site. And it's even not good if the site is HEAVY DAMN SLOW!!!!
Hei, you wanna start your e-procurement with minimum server and minimum bandwith that took about 10 minutes or more just to open order page?
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
brasa di warnet aja deh..
hallo all.. hehe.. long time no posting yakk dari gue..
maklum dah, cuti di jogja gw gak sempet onlen karna beberapa hal:
1. pas msh hamil 8 bulanan.. gw banyakan di rumah, soalna beban di perut bikin gue males keluar" apalagi kalo kagak ada yg nganter atawa temenin..
2. pas si kayla dah brojol, giliran gw tetep "terkancing" di rumah, secara di rumah tuh kami cuma bertiga -gw, adik dan ibu gw- n pembokat cuma sampe sore doang..
oiyah, cerita soal kayla nanti aja ya detilnya..
panjang sih.. and gw dah lupa nih cara aplod foto di blog saking lamanya gak posting.. heuhehe.. gak deng.. canda..
oya, skrg lagi di kantor, and disini berasa di warnet aja secara.. (tuh kan gw dah mulai ikut"an pake kata "secara").. iya, secara kerjaan lagigak banyak bulan" gini, jadi yg ada hampir semua pada asyik di depan laptop masing" browsing..hehe
itu aja dulu yee.. gw lagi coba aplod foto" kayla biar nanti bisa diposting disini..
sementara tadi iseng juga gue daftarin dia di prenster.. hiahiahia.. *iseng banget.com*
maklum dah, cuti di jogja gw gak sempet onlen karna beberapa hal:
1. pas msh hamil 8 bulanan.. gw banyakan di rumah, soalna beban di perut bikin gue males keluar" apalagi kalo kagak ada yg nganter atawa temenin..
2. pas si kayla dah brojol, giliran gw tetep "terkancing" di rumah, secara di rumah tuh kami cuma bertiga -gw, adik dan ibu gw- n pembokat cuma sampe sore doang..
oiyah, cerita soal kayla nanti aja ya detilnya..
panjang sih.. and gw dah lupa nih cara aplod foto di blog saking lamanya gak posting.. heuhehe.. gak deng.. canda..
oya, skrg lagi di kantor, and disini berasa di warnet aja secara.. (tuh kan gw dah mulai ikut"an pake kata "secara").. iya, secara kerjaan lagigak banyak bulan" gini, jadi yg ada hampir semua pada asyik di depan laptop masing" browsing..hehe
itu aja dulu yee.. gw lagi coba aplod foto" kayla biar nanti bisa diposting disini..
sementara tadi iseng juga gue daftarin dia di prenster.. hiahiahia.. *iseng banget.com*
If you visit a site and find no update for a few days, there are several possibilities:
1. The site is abandoned and the owner is moving to another quadrant, escaping Borg invasion.
2. The owner is taking a year holiday and now is swimming in Hawaii.
3. The owner is a terorist and is now hiding from FBI and the police.
4. The owner, for some strange reasons forget how to use computer and do not remember his site and even do not remember his name.
5. The owner as a very famous celebrity feels that he needs to escape from what you called "kru infotainment" for a time being.
Unfortunately those above are not the reason this site a rarely updated. The main reason because I'm busy developing the new template. Now it's more likely sound this is my blog not ours. The hardest part are finding idea and image hunting as they are very time consuming. And as you all notice, the design has changed. By this time I say goodbye to Falling Leaves theme which has been in service for over a year, thank you for your cooperation and have a nice day
Now comes the Snowflake, and please be aware, it has nothing to do with winter. Snowflake had been choosen since it is beauty and one of mother nature's masterpiece. This time I play a lot with image editor and color mix. Blog title is now a banner along with its description and the background color is lighter than the previous one. Css is used more and centralized. Image is used more and as the consequency, this site may take a little longer to load. Falling Leaves is slimmer and more light-weight but the looks is not as rich as this one. Hei, everything comes with a price, after all. And as it informed, this site is best viewed with Internet Explorer in 1024 x 768 resolution. I try with Mozilla firefox and the result is well, you better not see.
1. The site is abandoned and the owner is moving to another quadrant, escaping Borg invasion.
2. The owner is taking a year holiday and now is swimming in Hawaii.
3. The owner is a terorist and is now hiding from FBI and the police.
4. The owner, for some strange reasons forget how to use computer and do not remember his site and even do not remember his name.
5. The owner as a very famous celebrity feels that he needs to escape from what you called "kru infotainment" for a time being.
Unfortunately those above are not the reason this site a rarely updated. The main reason because I'm busy developing the new template. Now it's more likely sound this is my blog not ours. The hardest part are finding idea and image hunting as they are very time consuming. And as you all notice, the design has changed. By this time I say goodbye to Falling Leaves theme which has been in service for over a year, thank you for your cooperation and have a nice day
Now comes the Snowflake, and please be aware, it has nothing to do with winter. Snowflake had been choosen since it is beauty and one of mother nature's masterpiece. This time I play a lot with image editor and color mix. Blog title is now a banner along with its description and the background color is lighter than the previous one. Css is used more and centralized. Image is used more and as the consequency, this site may take a little longer to load. Falling Leaves is slimmer and more light-weight but the looks is not as rich as this one. Hei, everything comes with a price, after all. And as it informed, this site is best viewed with Internet Explorer in 1024 x 768 resolution. I try with Mozilla firefox and the result is well, you better not see.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Kalo ada yang bertanya si kecil sekarang sudah bisa apa saja maka jawaban saya standar: ngebangunin ortunya tengah malam.
Tapi itu dulu. Sekarang setelah usianya menginjak dua bulan lebih sedikit kepandaiannya bertambah lagi, sekarang sudah bisa tersenyum dan tertawa. Cuma senyumnya itu ampuuun mahalnya. Sudah berkali-kali saya gagal mengabadikan tawa kecilnya itu sebab mengambil handphone *kita belum punya kamera digital, ada yang mau berbaik hati kasih gratis?
*, menyalakan option kamera lalu jepret itu butuh waktu dan saya bukan The Flash apalagi keturunannya.
Dan dia suka sekali kalo diajak ngobrol apalagi kalo ngomongnya dengan gaya bercerita, artinya ada intonasi plus mimik muka dan panjaaaang. Dia bisa ketawa-tawa sendiri atau malah berkerut kening karenanya. Belakangan kepandaiannya bertambah lagi, yak dia mulai belajar ngoceh. Yang keluar dari mulut kecilnya memang baru "aaaa" tapi waduh rasanya koq senang sekali ya dengarnya. Dia juga suka kalo diajak keluar melihat langit, pohon, daun dan burung. Pernah sekali waktu dia tidak bisa tidur akhirnya saya gendong ke teras dan muka kecilnya itu terbengong-bengong melihat burung terbang, awan di langit plus suara tukang soto yang lewat. Tidak berapa lama kemudian plek, pingsanlah dia.
Tapi yang bikin jengkel pernah sekali waktu ketika lagi membujuk dia tidur begitu ada pengamen genjreng-genjreng pas di depan kita
. Shit! Punya mata enggak situ kalo anak gue ini baru mau bubu? INI BAYI UMUR DUA BULAN MAU TIDUR MALAH DIGANGGU. APA SITU GAK DIKASIH OTAK WAKTU LAHIR?! Mending suara lu merdu. Lagian si kecil biasa dengar musik klasik atau lagu macam twinkle twinkle litte star bukan lagu kampungan macam radja. Belum pernah ditimpuk pohon kelapa ya?!
Si kecil sekarang sudah belajar kalo dia nangis pasti ada yang nyamperin. Biasanya sih dia nangis kalo lagi sendirian terus pup tapi kadang-kadang ada juga nangis yang sekedar cari perhatian. Pernah sekali waktu dia mulai termehek-mehek sesegukan tapi dari nadanya ketahuan ini cuma merajuk aja, jadilah saya cuekin sambil tetap nonton tv. Paling juga nanti diam sendiri. Sesekali saya lirik dari sudut mata dan kebetulan kali ketiganya pas dia juga lagi ngeliatin jadilah dia tahu lagi diperhatiin diam-diam dan yak sodara-sodara nangisnya jadi tambah kenceeeeng
. Ah dasar kamu merajuk nak, bosen ya tiduran terus? Belum sempat dibeliin mainan sih soalnya baru mikir beli kebutuhan dasar dulu biar bisa hidup sedikit nyaman.
Tapi itu dulu. Sekarang setelah usianya menginjak dua bulan lebih sedikit kepandaiannya bertambah lagi, sekarang sudah bisa tersenyum dan tertawa. Cuma senyumnya itu ampuuun mahalnya. Sudah berkali-kali saya gagal mengabadikan tawa kecilnya itu sebab mengambil handphone *kita belum punya kamera digital, ada yang mau berbaik hati kasih gratis?
Dan dia suka sekali kalo diajak ngobrol apalagi kalo ngomongnya dengan gaya bercerita, artinya ada intonasi plus mimik muka dan panjaaaang. Dia bisa ketawa-tawa sendiri atau malah berkerut kening karenanya. Belakangan kepandaiannya bertambah lagi, yak dia mulai belajar ngoceh. Yang keluar dari mulut kecilnya memang baru "aaaa" tapi waduh rasanya koq senang sekali ya dengarnya. Dia juga suka kalo diajak keluar melihat langit, pohon, daun dan burung. Pernah sekali waktu dia tidak bisa tidur akhirnya saya gendong ke teras dan muka kecilnya itu terbengong-bengong melihat burung terbang, awan di langit plus suara tukang soto yang lewat. Tidak berapa lama kemudian plek, pingsanlah dia.
Tapi yang bikin jengkel pernah sekali waktu ketika lagi membujuk dia tidur begitu ada pengamen genjreng-genjreng pas di depan kita
Si kecil sekarang sudah belajar kalo dia nangis pasti ada yang nyamperin. Biasanya sih dia nangis kalo lagi sendirian terus pup tapi kadang-kadang ada juga nangis yang sekedar cari perhatian. Pernah sekali waktu dia mulai termehek-mehek sesegukan tapi dari nadanya ketahuan ini cuma merajuk aja, jadilah saya cuekin sambil tetap nonton tv. Paling juga nanti diam sendiri. Sesekali saya lirik dari sudut mata dan kebetulan kali ketiganya pas dia juga lagi ngeliatin jadilah dia tahu lagi diperhatiin diam-diam dan yak sodara-sodara nangisnya jadi tambah kenceeeeng
One of our databases runs over 1.6 gb and we are quickly running out space. Before you question us how come the space is running out when the damn file size in only about 1.6 gig, you should be aware that this server is an old one. And its age is now over five years old. Five years is equal to fifty if you are human. And its tech is old. Single network card with single processor and limited hdd slot. Quite rusty eh? I know this one should be retired already but a brand new sever means a lot of dollar and hei, I'm not owner of this company. In other word it's not my priviliege.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Soal kulkas ini ada ceritanya sendiri. Kita sengaja beli di ruko dekat rumah karena pertimbangan jarak *bensin mahal, damn!* dan waktu *jauh man!*. Kita deal jam empat, jam lima barangnya sudah nangkring di rumah. Besoknya ketika main ke toko empat kita melihat item yang sama, ya bentuk, ya model, ya merk, dihargai 600 ribu lebih mahal
Peralatan lainnya macam sendok sayur, nampah, piring saji dan sapu didapat dari penjual yang lewat. Kebetulan ada mobil pick up yang ngider keliling komplek sambil jualan barang-barang seperti itu, jadilah kami membeli di situ. Hitungannya sederhana, tiga item dihargai 10k. Jenisnya boleh beda, jadi satu sendok sayur + satu sapu + satu toples plastik = 10k. Alamak murah banget.. sebab di toko sapu dihargai paling murah 6k sebuah, sementara sendok bisa 12k / buah. Jadi ya.. borong
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Monday, January 02, 2006
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