Thursday, December 29, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
One Day in Yogya...
Site: Adisutjipto International Airport Yogyakarta
Location: Check-In Room near Inna Sutjipto Hotel Restaurant
What's going on on:
12:25 pm
There's an annoucement just a minute ago that Wings Air flight 907 destination Jakarta is delayed for about an hour. Passengers had been ask to be patient and the local authority feel sorry for this unconvience.
12:45 pm
Position: On the third seat in the middle of the line. Left is a black t-shirt teenager reading Visual Fox Pro 6.0 tutorial. Right is a sexy-tall-white-skin-long-black-hair young woman in white tank top and bra less
13:00 pm
The light slowly down and suddenly... pett! Power outage! Geee.. all are totally black and you call this place INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT?
14:15 pm
The-has-been-waiting-for-centuries-plane finally landed and passengers are allowed to boarding. And I finally reach Jakarta the next an hour. Gosh! If only there was no delay, i should have been lying on my bed by that time!
Location: Check-In Room near Inna Sutjipto Hotel Restaurant
What's going on on:
12:25 pm
There's an annoucement just a minute ago that Wings Air flight 907 destination Jakarta is delayed for about an hour. Passengers had been ask to be patient and the local authority feel sorry for this unconvience.
12:45 pm
Position: On the third seat in the middle of the line. Left is a black t-shirt teenager reading Visual Fox Pro 6.0 tutorial. Right is a sexy-tall-white-skin-long-black-hair young woman in white tank top and bra less
13:00 pm
The light slowly down and suddenly... pett! Power outage! Geee.. all are totally black and you call this place INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT?
14:15 pm
The-has-been-waiting-for-centuries-plane finally landed and passengers are allowed to boarding. And I finally reach Jakarta the next an hour. Gosh! If only there was no delay, i should have been lying on my bed by that time!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Saya tidak mengerti kenapa pendidikan di indo cuma membentuk kita menjadi penghafal sejati dan tidak kritis. Dikatakan kalau indonesia posisinya strategis. Kenapa? Karena di antara dua benua dan dua samudra. Fine. But that's all. Tapi apa hubungannya? Tidak ada yang menjelaskan. Padahal point ini saja cukup dalam untuk digali. Satu hal yang saya ingat dari masa-masa sekolah dulu adalah kalo ada murid yang nanya melulu, pasti langsung dikoor "huuuuu..."
oleh yang lain plus disambut tampang masam gurunya yang maunya pelajaran cepat selesai biar dia bisa merokok di ruang guru sambil baca koran. Bagaimana mau kritis kalo bertanya saja sudah dilarang 
Dan lagi apa gunanya menghafal tahun-tahun dalam sejarah? Tidak ada manfaatnya kecuali kalau kita mengkhususkan diri meneliti bidang tersebut. Apa petugas pom bensin bakal memberi saya diskon 50% kalo saya hafal tahun berapa Perang Diponegoro selesai? Manapun terjadi sekalipun Pangeran Diponegoro itu kakeknya. Pertanyaan dalam ujian sekolah dulu banyak yang tidak bermutu dan sampai sekarang hal ini belum berubah. Mudah-mudahan si kecil tidak menjadi penghafal *kecuali Al Quran tentunya* sebab saya percaya kemampuan berpikir analis dan menarik kesimpulan jauh lebih penting ketimbang hafal nama-nama menteri kabinet dari jaman dulu sampai sekarang. *Lagian memangnya itu menteri bakal ngasih kita duit?*
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Tell you the truth, i wanna add more rich features to this blog or even change the design but i'm lack of time
. I always do. I already had an idea what's the next lay out of this site and what it's supposed to be but there's always no time to do the research and testing and image hunting. And never advice me to pick up one of ready-to-use-template from all over the net and install it here just the way it is coz this site must be unique
. Those templates may give me some ideas but i'll never just copy-paste and run it.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Waktu terakhir lewat Auto2000 puri kembangan, saya harus main ular-ularan dengan mobil-mobil lain lantaran sedang ada peninggian badan jalan dan sekedar info saja, buntut ularnya sudah mencapai pintu keluar tol Puri. Bukan, bukan di mantan gerbang tol yang terbengkalai tak terurus itu tapi lebih jauh lagi yaitu di mulut cabang exit Puri. Saya tidak mengukur berapa lama kami semua main ular-tangga tempo hari itu tapi lebih dari cukup untuk mendengarkan dua kaset, masing-masing side A dan B. Apa bapak-bapak kontraktor yang bijaksana nan dodol itu mau mengganti bensin yang terbuang, rasa lapar yang ditahan plus keinginan untuk buang air kecil?
Minggu malam kemarin sehabis makan crispy hong kong noodle, soto sulung dan es puter nangka di sebuah hotel berbintang-bintang saya pulang dengan rute melewati tanah abang-cideng-dan terus ke tol merak via underpass tomang. As you all might knew, di seputar cideng sedang ada proyek koridor busway. Yang mengesalkan, ketika di jalur kanan beberapa kali saya harus banting setir ke kiri menghindari tumpukan kerikil, pasir, batu yang digeletakkan begitu saja di dekat median jalan.
Yang bikin saya ingin mencekik pimpinan proyek ini adalah kenyataan kalau semua raw material itu ditaruh tanpa penerangan atau diberi rambu peringatan, entah traffic cone atau fluoscerent lamp yang berkilat jika kena cahaya sehingga bisa memberi tahu pengemudi kala malam hari
Dan yang membuat saya ingin melempar pimpinan proyek ini sekaligus mandor-mandornya ke neraka jahanam *setelah mencekik mereka tentunya* adalah ketika saya menjumpai hidangan penutup: selembar pelat besi yang berdiri tegak dengan gagah berani.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
if you want to e-mailing a picture, then why don't you attach it directly? why did you should insert it into an excel file and then send it? it is one of most stupid things that i've ever seen for the following reason:
1. makes the mail size grows bigger
2. we must open the excel first before opening the image
3. the pc memory could drop and become sooooooooooooooo damn slow!
so be smart.
1. makes the mail size grows bigger
2. we must open the excel first before opening the image
3. the pc memory could drop and become sooooooooooooooo damn slow!
so be smart.
Monday, December 05, 2005
i wonder why does this fucking country never stop having disaster and disease. tsunami, earthquake, riot, malaria, dbd, avian flu,... you add it. seems like indo is collecting all of them and race to the top of most-destruction-country-in-the-world list. perhaps this is the time to migrate to delta quadran? A sign from above that this land is cursed or should i say this nation is cursed. we are doom, i guess. led by a fucking goverment and man like that greedy-bitch charlie caplin, jusuf anwar and aburizal, there is no hope for us.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
i was here yesterday for a free seminar event. the place is excellent, the food is adequate and the material event is interesting although from six sessions, one was heavily boooooring
. why should i attend this event?
1. simply because it was free.
2. and is near.
i hate an event that takes place in a seems-easy-but-hard-to-reach-location like shangrila hotel. to reach there i must go through sudirman which means i must bring two other people to avoid that stupid 3-in-1. heh, why not ritz carlton? Mega Kuningan is more friendly than sudirman-thamrin-gatot subroto and another 3-in-1 area.
1. simply because it was free.
2. and is near.
i hate an event that takes place in a seems-easy-but-hard-to-reach-location like shangrila hotel. to reach there i must go through sudirman which means i must bring two other people to avoid that stupid 3-in-1. heh, why not ritz carlton? Mega Kuningan is more friendly than sudirman-thamrin-gatot subroto and another 3-in-1 area.
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