Thursday, March 31, 2005
take a look at this: you wake up at 7 am. have a tea and make a bowl of noodle for breakfast. play civ III till 11 o'clock. take a bath and watch infotainment *that's how they call it*. going out for lunch *gado-gado nyuum* at 12:30. going around the city, drop by at mall and have a creambath at nearest salon. go for shopping at supermarket and have a bowl of bakso + teh botol before you leave. by the time you arrive at home it's still 16:00 o'clock. the day is still long and you still have so much available time to spend. now i call it a place where time goes slow. how i wish jakarta was like it
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
after doing some blogwalking i found out that many people still proud for mastering linux, oracle, cisco router, any technical thing like it. though being able to do what nobody else can is fun, however they should see farer. tech is difficult. not everyone can. once you mastering it people will recognize your special skill and honoring you. but tech will not give you profit as much as management. you are ace, you are hero in your community, you are the most wanted person if someone has problem with their toy but despite them all, you are still a peasant. no more no less. and a peasant doesn't get as much as boss's.
another fact that should be taken into account is tech never stops growing. you have to follow it close enough or you'll be left behind and soon forgotten. if you still wanna called as the master then you must never stop learn which is consuming your entire life. bcoz you spend your time to study you'll never get chance to develop yourself. to try something else different. coz you simply can't crawl and climb up higher with your tech skill only.
for people who are busy boasting and smugging around, i let them with they narrow mind. they are surely heading nowhere.
another fact that should be taken into account is tech never stops growing. you have to follow it close enough or you'll be left behind and soon forgotten. if you still wanna called as the master then you must never stop learn which is consuming your entire life. bcoz you spend your time to study you'll never get chance to develop yourself. to try something else different. coz you simply can't crawl and climb up higher with your tech skill only.
for people who are busy boasting and smugging around, i let them with they narrow mind. they are surely heading nowhere.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005
registration number: NCC-XXXX-XX
type: light freighter class starship
maximum speed: 180
defense system: primary shield, secondary shield + GOA hull
weapon: primary phaser, secondary phaser, torpedo launcher, neutron flash
hyperdrive capability: yes
cloacking device: no
holograph emitter: no
manufacturer: Toyota Engineering Corporation
Shipyard: Sunter solar system
since its introduction this ship becomes very popular and widely used by common race in galaxy. along with its sister ship USS Xenia, the duo perform a deadly combo for their competitor. its compact design makes it easy to fly and at the same time makes it an aggresive vessel. its cargo volume gives the flexibility for its owner to bring goods or passenger. this ship also known as the light version of USS Innova, a freighter with higher class.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
pergi ke kantor ato mall selalu bermasalah dengan parkir. baru datang sudah bingung cari tempat parkir dan terpaksa muter-muter gedung parkir. setelah dapat slot kosong, parkir mobilnya sendiri susyeh. sorenya pas mo pulang lupa tadi parkir dimana. B1? B2? zona merah ato hijau ya? pas mobilnya ketemu ternyata di depan mobil kita ada mobil lain yang diparkir paralel. terpaksalah cari tukang parkir dulu. setelah beres dan mo jalan, bingung lagi cari karcis parkir. tadi ditaruh dimana ya? di dompet gak ada. di kantong celana ato di tas? karcisnya ketemu masih harus antri di pintu keluar buat bayar parkir!
that's an example about repeat the same word many times in your sentence. thought sometimes it's hard to avoid *like the case above* it still can be done in another way. here's a brief of paragraph with the word "saya". instead of using "saya" again and again, you can do it without changing your sentence with a little trick:
terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada bapak kepala sekolah dan para guru. juga kepada teman-teman aku yang sudah mendukung gue selama ini. jika ada kata yang salah, ane mohon dibukakan pintu maaf yang sebesar-besarnya. demikian sambutan dari beta. wassalam.
that's an example about repeat the same word many times in your sentence. thought sometimes it's hard to avoid *like the case above* it still can be done in another way. here's a brief of paragraph with the word "saya". instead of using "saya" again and again, you can do it without changing your sentence with a little trick:
terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada bapak kepala sekolah dan para guru. juga kepada teman-teman aku yang sudah mendukung gue selama ini. jika ada kata yang salah, ane mohon dibukakan pintu maaf yang sebesar-besarnya. demikian sambutan dari beta. wassalam.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Friday, March 04, 2005
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