Monday, September 27, 2004

last saturday

mm.. sebenarnya hari ini udah bete duluan, perihal acara kencan mingguan harus digeser hari minggu besoknya. duh, tau kan rasanya, udah ngebayangin sabtu pagi mpe malam dirumah aja, bengong, soalnya malez juga jalan sendiri. alasannya, si bapak hawky ada "urusan" sedikit dan kebetulan make appointmentnya sama si agent cuman bisa sabtu. oh well.. begitu deh, udah malez"an aja bawaannya.

truzz.. iseng dah sms si bapak. nanyain gmn dengan "barang" barunya. tapi-tapi.. kok gak ada jawaban yaa..? aduh apa lagi nyobain the new stuf? mm.. rada-rada cemas juga sih. tus coba nelpon ke rumahnya, Om bilang lagi keluar. nah lhoo? makin bingung khan? coba sms lagi, tp gak ada jawaban juga. duh makin worried aja deh. akhirna ampir sekitar jam 1-an karena penasaran dan pulsa buat call gak ada, gue putusin buat coba nelpon lagi via wartel.

avanza yellow champangedengan rambut yg masih agak basah karna abis keramas..gue keluar deh, cuek dengan celana pendek selutut dan baju rumah menuju ke wartel. eh.. baru buka pintu pagar dalam kost-an, samar-sama gue liat mobil avanza parkir di depan. trus.. trus.. kok yg duduk dibelakang kemudi sekilas kok mirip kakak yaa..? *binun style Mode: ON* orang itu kayaknya lagi megang HP gitu.. dan ternyataa... oalah itu memang kakak!! terbukti hp gue bunyi tanda ada sms masuk. it must be from him, to inform me that he's here now.

avanza yellow champangewell, what a surprise!!! sementara gue cemas gak tau juntrungan takut dia kenapa-napa, ternyata kakak langsung dateng ke kost-an dengan his brand new stuff!! huhuhu.. cie.. cie.. jadinya mo pamer boil baru neh?? hehe. i know, he's dreaming of this stuff since a very long long time ago, and now he proudly present his own car to me! well, congrats ya dear. hope this stuff can be work optimally for you and kakak selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan ketika mengedarainya. Malamnya sekalian ngisi bensin n dinner, gue juga ikut ngerasain gimana senangnya naik boil baru.

Friday, September 24, 2004

you can consider this as official statement.

i believe i have enough blogging around and honestly i'm tired maintaining this site alone while actually this is designed for two. i have shared you all though, stories and complaining and tell you the truth i'm getting bored each time i open this page i only see nothing but my post. it seems that i'm the only one who busy keeping and guarding this site while the other poster only sit relax and watch and do nothing. i'm sick and it is totally unacceptable.

if this site is made for two then the two should maintain it. together. not one. not a single person only. not me alone. so i'm retired now. not forever. only for a time being. i want to see this page is fully completed by the other contributor before i start writing again.

however, this decision is not final. under certain circumtances and in very special case i may blog something, but believe me it will be very rare. i might still found in comment and shoutbox but that's all. thank you.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

haluu.. i'm back

hehehe.. after so many times, finally i write sumthin' here again.
aduh.. mohon dipersory yaah.. lama gak nulis. soalnya tau sendiri mood ngeblog tuh rada ilang. gak tau napa. bingung apa yg mo ditulis. ditambah lagi nih 2-3 minggu terakhir rutinitas di kantor lumayan sibuk. kerjaan yng dikejar deadline, lembur ampe malem, ditambah bolak-balik ke DPR sejak minggu lalu.

oh well, nyokap juga kebetulan mampir ke jakarta minggu lalu tepat seminggu sebelum pemilu. jadi ceritanya, nih body capek banget. capek fisik karna harus kemana-mana n pulang malam mulu. untungnya waktu itu nginep di hotel di daerah cikini temanin mama. then dilanjutin nginep lembur karna kerjaan di hotel sahid sudirman.

everything going well finally, meski fisik dan psikis agak menurun. hehehe. oke deh, segini dulu yaa.. ntar kalo ada mood or cerita baru, nanti nongol lagi. hehehe. *kabur sebelum dipentung hawky*

Thursday, September 16, 2004

what will happen if i take leave for a couple days or if i go off? one thing i know for sure: this site is dead !!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

i seek challenge. i need it. office is now so boring without it. i don't need thing that can be completed in no time. i need more than just daily back up, user checking, user training, design analysis. i don't need uncertain project -just do your part and next month we'll see if it can go on-. let's sit together and talk about a big, sophisticated, powerful and very useful project. let's make a leap not a step.

days run so slow. and i wonder what is time doing now. does he sleep?

Thursday, September 09, 2004

i believe i have to stop my desire to this gadget. the reason is very simple; i can't lost in the middle of conversation just bcoz the battery is dead. and what the hell on earth that i have to bring a back up batt every where i go?

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

i've been waiting for so long and i don't want that stupidity tiny little barrier prevents me from passing through.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

lady - kenny rogers, still - lionel richie, all at once - whitney houston are best listened at night inside a dark locked room. place the rain falls sound outside as a plus.

and now it seems that this is more likely MY blog instead of ours as most of the post are mine, mine, mine and nothing but mine.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Thursday, September 02, 2004

some people are so damn stupid
and only bego people would apply the orang-kecil-orang-besar idea while slicing the problem.
and only fucking goblok people would die to defend the "orang kecil selalu benar dan boleh melakukan apa saja dan harus dimaklumi" idea.