Tuesday, August 31, 2004

you can try to resist
try to hide from my kiss
but you know but you know
that you can't fight the moonlight

deep in the dark
you'll surrender your heart

you'll-surrender-your-heart.... now that's cool!

Monday, August 30, 2004

i was back from lunch when a red card is waiting on my desk. an invitation from the past. funny that they spell my name wrong. funny that it doesn't hit anything inside here any more. funny that i feel that this kinda a stranger couple that i never meet before. how many times you open an invitation and read the name and notice that you are not familiar with even one of both name and wondering if you ever known the sender and then you are busy to remember where the hell if you ever met this people?

not a chance that i'll be there.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

as you all might have been noticed, i am the single writer in this blog. well, the truth is out there, ups i mean, this site is maintained by two persons but it seems that i'm the only one who blog and blog and blog day by day. now it's not mean that i'm unhappy with it, but i believe however, if this site has two contributors and they update it frequently, it can be more colorful.

well i hope that that runs smooth as we've been waiting for so long since the age of diponegoro and it would get me mad if this time it fails. i know somebody is gonna be hurted.

and oh ladies, just curious, which one do you prefer: this or this or this? this one is not bad either. i think this one is nice as well as this one. and this one is quiet funky, though.

Monday, August 23, 2004

You are Amiga OS. Ahead of your time.  You keep a lot of balls in the air.  If only your parents had given you more opportunities to suceed.
Which OS are You?

damn. i was hoping for MacOS!
say we have a server application. that's it - an application put on server and therefor can be accessed from any pc as long as you are connected to network.

but oh but, i find out that there are so many stupid-bego-bloon-goblok- users who think that they can only open that application from a certain pc just becoz they used to use that pc for so long.

Friday, August 20, 2004

dear you,
how are you? and what are you doing now? i've just finished my lunch and the friday-prayer. now i'm sitting back on my desk all alone in this room as the others are still having their lunch. you know, it is friday and the lunch time is a little bit longer than it used to be. to make the air a little bit crunchy i turn on the mp3, listen to glenn and ada band. actually i wanna hear that song, the song when you took me to a hot-closed-sweat night in stadium. despite the feel-like-burn-in-hell, that song reminds in my mind long than you expected. oh well, i guess i must satisfied by hummering it as you still haven't find it yet.

you know, it is funny sitting alone in this room with a half opened yellow pack cheese cracker beside me. hoping that you might call somehow. now it plays iwan fals, damn this guy doesn't lose his manly touch although he sings a love song. sometimes i love this silent. a perfect companion to think and dream.

oh well, it is almost 13:00 and i must get back to work. well, actually i do not have urgent things to do today. yes there are some but they can wait. i think a little research on exchange is enough for today. i'm just waiting for the 17:00 after all.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

it is funny that i don't feel excited welcoming the independence day. it is just a day like normal day. the only benefit is it gave me an extra holiday. perhaps i don't care anymore about it as this fucking country never gets better and those fucking politicians are keeping busy about "what else we should do to fill in our pocket" while actually their pocket are already full.

perhaps, you may find it is interesting that i almost forget that august 17th is our ID. if only i didn't see flags all along the street, i wouldn't notice that this fucking bastard country is celebrating its birthday. and if the year 1945 is not the year where the WW II ended, i guarantee i will forget that the proclamation took place at that time. the only reason for remember 1945 as a great part of history is hiroshima and nagasaki.

Monday, August 16, 2004

i know you know that i know that you know.
should i explain it?

Friday, August 13, 2004

serba salah deh

me : bu..katanya kamis depan (mendadak) mau konsinyiring/rapat di bogor..Saya kebetulan akan ambil cuti, karena adek saya wisuda..
mrs.boss : iyah saya dengar begitu.. kamu acaranya hr apa?
me : hari kamis bu..
mrs.boss : ya udah, jumat langsung masuk khan?
me : wah.. kebetulan saya mo sekalian ngurus SIM, dan lain-lain bu.. (makanya tadinya gue mo ambil cuti 3 hr gitu lho buu.. pegimane siih..) *sambil menggerutu*
me : ya.. nanti pekerjaan saya selesaikan dan saya titipkan ke B (sbg bahan masukan diskusi)
mrs. boss: nanti saya yg atur. yang ngatur pekerjaan khan saya.. bukan kamu.
me : tidak.. maksud saya data bidang pendidikan yg saya kerjakan bu.. %@$^*&%% (dengan hati setengah dongkol n gak enak mendapat jawaban yg agak ketus)

duhh.. suseh deh.. ngomong ma ibu boss.
ceritanya gini, sedianya sejak awal gue udah rencana mo ambil cuti 3 hari buat minggu depan karna adek cewek gw yg paling bontot akan wisuda di graha sabha UGM tgl 19 nanti. nah berhubung itu hr kamis, makanya gw mo ambil cuti skalian *aturannya min, 3 hari* eh.. tp mendadak ada usulan dari boss untuk melaksanakan konsinyiring aka rapat/brainstorming slm 2 hari di bogor pada waktu yg bersamaan!! duh.. gimana ya? pasalnya gw udah merencanakan ini jauh-jauh hari. kasian juga khan adek gw wisuda cuman didampingi ama mama doang. well, 2 kakak yg lain khan di makassar dan gw pengen turut hadir untuk ikut membesarkan hatinya. tapi, setelah minta ijin ibu boss dan dengan jawaban dia yg mengiyakan namun terlihat agak berat gitu.. kok rasanya jadi gak enak yaa...

Thursday, August 12, 2004

while he was sleeping..

aduh enakna baringan di rumah,
cuba ya itu warung blog dijaga n diposting,
masa kakak mulu yang posting :toeng:
mm.. acara gosip jam brapa ya?

received @10:57

duuh.. gini deh kalo si bulbul lagi atit.. kena diare lagi. tadi malem sms katanya dah 4 kali ke 'belakang'. eh taunya pagi ini dah sms lagi kalo lagi 'leyeh-leyeh' di rumah. hehehe. eniwei, get well soon ya dear..

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

the bonded zone project is our last hope for peace.
it failed.
during the president war it becomes something greater.
our last, best hope for victory

for you who is a B5 fans, you must be familiar with the sentences above. well, what we face right now is typically similar except we don't have the mighty white star fleet.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

i found out that i'm quickly losing my temper when dealling with idiot user which always makes common mistake although he had been told before from time to time. seeing him working and complaining somehow it forces me to believe in darwin theory.

the one that always make me angry is that he always blame the system while actually it was his fault. i often yell to him, can't hold it for he keeps disturbing us for the same problem each time. it is hard to understand why is that the others had succesfully ran smooth while he is still left behind.

Friday, August 06, 2004

i got many comment about my ym status. well, sadly to say that i have to "hibernate" it for a time being which that i-do-not-know-it-my-self. it all started when we re-designed our network structure and coz we wanted it to be more secure, we modifed the our site installation, placed antivirus and firewall. the firewall blocks all high-risk ports that can be used to penetrate our LAN from outside. and unfortunately, ym used the port which is categorized as "black list" and must be closed due to security reason.

can i open it? i might find a way but to do it meaning remove all barriers from your gate and open it wide enough to invite unwanted person to come in and destroy your kitchen. *why kitchen? why not the rest room? and where should i pup if it is destroyed? in the garden among the flower? very funny *

beside i'm a shy guy after all *put that look-who's-talking expression away, will you?* and i prefer to hear instead of talk and sometimes i have no ide how to continue a dead lock conversation and i don't talk a lot and and i enjoy sit and watching and gazing and make a silence assessment of the person in front of me.

beside i'm cool *can be hot if needed* and hate publication coz i can't yell at that bastard pengendara-motor-brengsek-yang-seenaknya-menerobos-lampu-merah-dan-jalan-di-trotoar-dan-nyenggol-mobil-orang-lalu-kabur-tapi-kalo-disenggol-marah-kayak-gorilla-kehilangan-pisang-dan-suka-jalan-di-jalur-yang-berlawanan-karena-mengira-kalo-mati-bisa-hidup-lagi if i'm popular and every body knows me and every woman will get histeria sindrome if they see me at ex-plaza and they will tell their friends later. *omg!!! ketemu mandra di ex!!! cakep banget!!! *

so i guess that's the reason why my ym sleeps all the time.
now if you execuse me, it's already ashar and i haven't do something yet.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

twenty eight

sometimes i think that my life goes in a quite low speed.
i have had a quite good and prospective work, middle financial status and had some experiences go through Indonesia and abroad. i have a good-sweet-nice lovers, as well as my dream n wishes. but still, sometimes i got the time when i compare it with others. litle cute kids, house, vacation, or what the call as family soul. though, Insya Allah, it's also our dream to go to that next step and arrange our life in the future..

well, God have a his own plan for everybody in this world. so, why don't we just pray to the God and thanks for everything he gave to us? during the whole 28 years my life untill this day, once again i say my deep thank you to you, My Lord!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

that project is stuck. damn.
the other one may not running smooth as it was expected. another damn.
it is when we deal with people. damn. (again).

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

setting up a printer can be an easy thing to do like snapping your finger but it can also turn into nightmare if the printer itself is @#@#@! or you must connect a high-end printer to a peninggalan-jaman-jepang-nan-bobrok-yang-mestinya-sudah-pensiun pc.

and i've just spent approx. two hours try to perform those all with only 90% succeded. time consuming and suck.

Monday, August 02, 2004

if i share you my story then listen. pay a little attention and learn to appreciate the story teller unless you wanna ruin the good thing.

and q-mail is a mail server application just like ms exchange and like its rival it can be customized to send automatic response to any condition. a mailer daemon message is not always mean the delivery has failed. it could meant anything. read the message carefully before complaining, stupid. *can't hardly hold not to chide it*

and oh, i hate "omg!!!! ketemu bertand di ex!!!!cakep banget!!!" stupid girl with stupid thinking.

somebody eliminate her from this world plizz..