i got many comment about my ym status. well, sadly to say that i have to "hibernate" it for a time being which that i-do-not-know-it-my-self. it all started when we re-designed our network structure and coz we wanted it to be more secure, we modifed the our site installation, placed antivirus and firewall. the firewall blocks all high-risk ports that can be used to penetrate our LAN from outside. and unfortunately, ym used the port which is categorized as "black list" and must be closed due to security reason.
can i open it? i might find a way but to do it meaning remove all barriers from your gate and open it wide enough to invite unwanted person to come in and destroy your kitchen.
*why kitchen? why not the rest room? and where should i pup if it is destroyed? in the garden among the flower? very funny
beside i'm a shy guy after all
*put that look-who's-talking expression away, will you?* and i prefer to hear instead of talk and sometimes i have no ide how to continue a dead lock conversation and i don't talk a lot and and i enjoy sit and watching and gazing and make a silence assessment of the person in front of me.
beside i'm cool
*can be hot if needed*
and hate publication coz i can't yell at that bastard
pengendara-motor-brengsek-yang-seenaknya-menerobos-lampu-merah-dan-jalan-di-trotoar-dan-nyenggol-mobil-orang-lalu-kabur-tapi-kalo-disenggol-marah-kayak-gorilla-kehilangan-pisang-dan-suka-jalan-di-jalur-yang-berlawanan-karena-mengira-kalo-mati-bisa-hidup-lagi if i'm popular and every body knows me and every woman will get histeria sindrome if they see me at ex-plaza and they will tell their friends later.
*omg!!! ketemu mandra di ex!!! cakep banget!!! 
so i guess that's the reason why my ym sleeps all the time.
now if you execuse me, it's already
ashar and i haven't do something yet.