now i notice the major different between IT people and others:
when IT thinks it is simple others think it is complex
when IT thinks for five years ahead others think for five hours
if IT sees a circle others see a line
if IT sees the big picture others see the small piece
no i'm not saying that IT is the superman. it is only the way of thinking but that makes the different
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
last wednesday
mm.. halu, i'm back! aduh lama bang-get yah gak nulis di blog. hehe. aduh maklum yahh.. abisnya rada-rada jenuh nge-blog nih, atau jenuh ama lay out nya yakk?? yasutralah. oke deh skrg gue mo ngomongin mengenai jakarta macet rabu kemaren itu. duh, topik basi kali yaa??
hehe, ya maap, soalnya kemaren itu gue baru masup kantor setelah dinas yang 'diperpanjang' menjadi 5 hari di jogja. nah, pas onlen ke forum ini gue baru tau kalo hari rabu minggu lalu itu ternyata jakarta super duper macet. sampe banyakan orang kantoran pada pulang pagi dini hari keesokan harinya. alamak jann!!
ceritanya begini, hari rabu itu gue brangkat ke jogja dengan pesawat jam 4 sore. emang sejak siang hujan udah mulai turun dan kilat petir menyambar-nyambar *hikz.. cerpen banget bahasa* dan jam stengah dua-an baru gue and bos gue mulai brangkat setelah taxi datang. nah, kebayang gak, jam segini aja, dari kantor yang di senen itu makan waktu ampir 3/4 jam kali yaa.. baru sampai di hotel golden daerah gunung sahari itu. ampun deh, masih jarak dekat aja udah macet gak gerak gitu?? dari hotel golden ke arah kemayoran agak mendingan, dan akhirnya baru setelah masuk tol priok-cengkareng mulai lancar jalannya. untungnya sampe di bandara jam 3 pas jam cek-in. duh gak kebayang gue kalo kejebak macet di tengah jalan. bisa-bisa angus 2 tiket yg gue beli buat perjalanan dinas ke jogjaa... palagi denger-denger orang" di jkt pada gak bisa pulang ke rumah hari itu. gimana coba kalo gue gak dinas hari itu? bakal kejebak macet juga kali?? hii.. but, bad newsnya 1 tiket buat bos gue yang gue talangin dulu itu blum digantiin sampe sekarang! hikzz...
ceritanya begini, hari rabu itu gue brangkat ke jogja dengan pesawat jam 4 sore. emang sejak siang hujan udah mulai turun dan kilat petir menyambar-nyambar *hikz.. cerpen banget bahasa* dan jam stengah dua-an baru gue and bos gue mulai brangkat setelah taxi datang. nah, kebayang gak, jam segini aja, dari kantor yang di senen itu makan waktu ampir 3/4 jam kali yaa.. baru sampai di hotel golden daerah gunung sahari itu. ampun deh, masih jarak dekat aja udah macet gak gerak gitu?? dari hotel golden ke arah kemayoran agak mendingan, dan akhirnya baru setelah masuk tol priok-cengkareng mulai lancar jalannya. untungnya sampe di bandara jam 3 pas jam cek-in. duh gak kebayang gue kalo kejebak macet di tengah jalan. bisa-bisa angus 2 tiket yg gue beli buat perjalanan dinas ke jogjaa... palagi denger-denger orang" di jkt pada gak bisa pulang ke rumah hari itu. gimana coba kalo gue gak dinas hari itu? bakal kejebak macet juga kali?? hii.. but, bad newsnya 1 tiket buat bos gue yang gue talangin dulu itu blum digantiin sampe sekarang! hikzz...
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Monday, April 26, 2004
Friday, April 23, 2004
the common question yesterday morning among the staff is:
"sampe rumah jam berapa kemarin?"
and the common answer is:
"dari kantor jam 5. sampe rumah tanggal 22"*audience is laughing*
so you leave the office at 5 pm and arrive at home at 1 am. only in jakarta ladies and gentlemen. *audience is clapping*
"sampe rumah jam berapa kemarin?"
and the common answer is:
"dari kantor jam 5. sampe rumah tanggal 22"*audience is laughing*
so you leave the office at 5 pm and arrive at home at 1 am. only in jakarta ladies and gentlemen. *audience is clapping*
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
kartini day
wah.. hari ini emang hari keberuntungan buat wanita kali yaa??
cubak, gue inget-inget dulu. tadi pagi pas bangun rencananya mo brangkat agak siang aja berhubung status hari ini dinas luar, brarti gak perlu absen. trus dipikir-pikir, kayaknya brangkat siang malah entar repot karna bawa barang, ntar malah kepanasan di jalan. yasut, akhirnya ke kantor aja pagi seperti biasa. eh, sampe kantor, yang lain pada sepakat ke ruang big bos, berhubung beliau ultah. nah, emang dasar rejeki, kita dibagi"in kue ultahnya, belum lagi ntar siang diminta jgn makan dulu, karna udah disiapin makan siang Hokben.
trus.. tadi mampir ke BNI transfer duit.. eh tau-tau gue dapat setangkai bunga dari teller cowoknya. hihihi.. yah meski bunga biasa aja.. tapi semua wanita diberikan bunga itu sehubungan dengan hari kartini ini. he-he jadi tersipu maluw. dari bulbul aja gw belum pernah dikasih bunga lhoo??
trus.. tadi mampir ke BNI transfer duit.. eh tau-tau gue dapat setangkai bunga dari teller cowoknya. hihihi.. yah meski bunga biasa aja.. tapi semua wanita diberikan bunga itu sehubungan dengan hari kartini ini. he-he jadi tersipu maluw. dari bulbul aja gw belum pernah dikasih bunga lhoo??
jogja lagiii...
here i come... jogja. wah.. blum sampai 2 minggu yang lalu mudik ke jogja, eh sekarang ke jogja lagi. mana gratis pulak, segala ongkos + akomodasinya! hehe, namanya juga dinas kantor, jadi segala biaya udah disiapin. salah satu enaknya kerja di pemerintah, haha. sebenarnya sih gak nyangka secepat ini. maunya tuh bulan" juni gitu, jadi gak begitu dekat jaraknya dengan mudik sebelumnya. tapi ya mo bagaimana lagi, namanya juga tugas, jadi harus siap kapan aja. yaa.. itung-itung bisa santai dikit disana sampai hari senin, mengingat yg liburan kemarin terkesan buru" banget, cuman 3 hari. jadi yah bisa manfaatin kesempatan buat cari-cari batik lagi di beringhardjo
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
i wanna go home and play heroes iv. oh shit. how come the clock ticks so damn slow?. i like to design and plan *i think i'm good on it* especially if it is something related to real life and i hate being interupted.
i plug out the phone. i hate ring reng rang from fucking users asking for something which is not worth to ask.
i plug out the phone. i hate ring reng rang from fucking users asking for something which is not worth to ask.
Monday, April 19, 2004
mati listrik
gini deh, suka dukanya jadi anak kost. tadi pagi 5.20 am bangun *karena alrm hp gue bunyi* tiba-tiba tersentak. iya, soalnya guw ngelirik jam di hi-fi gue, tapi gak kliatan. wah! brarti listrik mati!! hiaaa... langsung loncat panik! hua.. pasalnya kalo listrik mati begini, itu artinya pompa air tidak jalan! dan itu artinya, kita susah mandinya, karna bak belum terisi penuh. belum lagi gue inget, tuh air udah gak jalan sejak tadi malem soalnya pas mo cuci piring airnya abis. mo nyalain pompa, takut si tante kost complain lagi.
huaa.. walhasil daku segera keluar dari kamar. masih gelap sih, apalagi lampu di teras kamar tidak nyala. jadinya yg lain juga masih nerusin bubunya. beberapa teman udah bangun, dan gue langsung aja cari bantuan lilin buat di kamar mandi. setelah dapet buru-buru deh gue mandi. soalnya takut kalo makin siang yang lain pada bangun. untung aja bak kamar mandi gue masih isi setengahnya. untung deh, jadinya masih bisa langsung mandi. nah, pas gue dah selesai mandi itulah, baru kebanyakan yang lain pada ribut-ribut cari kamar mandi yg airnya masih ada. haha.. pada ngunsi ke kamar mandi gue, padahal airnya gak gitu banyak lagi. hehe.. malah ada yg marah-marah soalnya udah keburu mo brangkat tapi keabisan air buat mandi. hik..hik.. hik.. kecien deh semua. makanya bangun pagi dan langsung mandi dunk kek gue..
huaa.. walhasil daku segera keluar dari kamar. masih gelap sih, apalagi lampu di teras kamar tidak nyala. jadinya yg lain juga masih nerusin bubunya. beberapa teman udah bangun, dan gue langsung aja cari bantuan lilin buat di kamar mandi. setelah dapet buru-buru deh gue mandi. soalnya takut kalo makin siang yang lain pada bangun. untung aja bak kamar mandi gue masih isi setengahnya. untung deh, jadinya masih bisa langsung mandi. nah, pas gue dah selesai mandi itulah, baru kebanyakan yang lain pada ribut-ribut cari kamar mandi yg airnya masih ada. haha.. pada ngunsi ke kamar mandi gue, padahal airnya gak gitu banyak lagi. hehe.. malah ada yg marah-marah soalnya udah keburu mo brangkat tapi keabisan air buat mandi. hik..hik.. hik.. kecien deh semua. makanya bangun pagi dan langsung mandi dunk kek gue..
Friday, April 16, 2004
lock the door. turn off the light.
lit up the candle. turn on the music.
pick up a fragnance. drop one or two.
come here. come to me.
look into my eyes. feel my breath. calling your soul.
come close. reach my hand. touch my lips.
kiss me...
deeper. hotter. wilder.
run your fingers through mine. feel my body.
my spirit. my passion.
touch me. anywhere you like.
don't think. just act.
don't speak. just whisper.
follow the fire inside.
try to know better each other.
don't question. you'll know yourself.
lit up the candle. turn on the music.
pick up a fragnance. drop one or two.
come here. come to me.
look into my eyes. feel my breath. calling your soul.
come close. reach my hand. touch my lips.
kiss me...
deeper. hotter. wilder.
run your fingers through mine. feel my body.
my spirit. my passion.
touch me. anywhere you like.
don't think. just act.
don't speak. just whisper.
follow the fire inside.
try to know better each other.
don't question. you'll know yourself.
this place now become less and less interesting. no hot topic, no funny jokes, no good quality thread. all are gone as the wind had carried them away. forever far away beyond the sea. good point is, i can save my energy now.
btw i really need to spare time to learn the paper but those damn projects seems like never stop from bugging me. one finished, there comes another one. i want a break but not a mall shopping or movie theatre sleeper. just a rest on bed with good book and vcd and crispy snack and a good taste of meals. all day long like a lazy.
damn, i need my lightsaber back.
btw i really need to spare time to learn the paper but those damn projects seems like never stop from bugging me. one finished, there comes another one. i want a break but not a mall shopping or movie theatre sleeper. just a rest on bed with good book and vcd and crispy snack and a good taste of meals. all day long like a lazy.
damn, i need my lightsaber back.
Thursday, April 15, 2004
ok. if there's no update from me it doesn't mean that i'm running out of idea but simply bcoz i'm too busy to blog. i'm sure you'll understand that it is the consequences for becoming ehm.. very very popular
. *don't shoot, just kidding*.
okay, to be honest i'm very busy preparing my campaign for the incoming election. some people which claim the representative of bee ring in, idiot cow, as well as the other clan had contacted me and gave their vote for me. to make it a success story i need to be focus and so i say bye bye to blog for a time being. don't be hesitate to call me mr president if all run smooth
. *all right, put that pentungan down. just joke.*
well, honestly i face some stupid mindless persons here which think that change the system design is as simple as changing shoes. and it is enough to ruins out my very preciously time and energy
, therefore the allocate time to browse must satisfied for losing its priority. and that is the consequences for becoming uhm.. a well - known - the last and only hope - reputated - profesional. *okay, i'm out of here*
okay, to be honest i'm very busy preparing my campaign for the incoming election. some people which claim the representative of bee ring in, idiot cow, as well as the other clan had contacted me and gave their vote for me. to make it a success story i need to be focus and so i say bye bye to blog for a time being. don't be hesitate to call me mr president if all run smooth
well, honestly i face some stupid mindless persons here which think that change the system design is as simple as changing shoes. and it is enough to ruins out my very preciously time and energy
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Thursday, April 08, 2004
a very close and best friend of mine when in college called from malang just to say: "eh, gue mo ke jogja nih"
then it reply me to answer: "wahhh... kebetulan bang-get.. gw juga besok kesana!!". a smile showed up in my face. noticed that it will be my first meet again with her since her marriage almost 2 years ago.
what a lucky day. thinking that we might be able to meet again with her 1.5 years old sweety lit girl. and it's not the only one surprise thing. knowing that another friend of us (complete with husband and kid, i guess) also plan to go to jogja for her viahara's reunion this weekend. i can't imagine how the day will be so wonderful there. reunion of three of us. well, let's see later then and hope everything planned will be going fine
then it reply me to answer: "wahhh... kebetulan bang-get.. gw juga besok kesana!!". a smile showed up in my face. noticed that it will be my first meet again with her since her marriage almost 2 years ago.
what a lucky day. thinking that we might be able to meet again with her 1.5 years old sweety lit girl. and it's not the only one surprise thing. knowing that another friend of us (complete with husband and kid, i guess) also plan to go to jogja for her viahara's reunion this weekend. i can't imagine how the day will be so wonderful there. reunion of three of us. well, let's see later then and hope everything planned will be going fine
1. go to store A then B then C till Z and then back to A just to leave for nothing since she didn't agree with the price.
2. Sunday: accompany her to her friend's wedding
Monday: having nomat with her
Tuesday: having lunch with her and before bed call her for 60 minutes.
Wednesday: accompany her after office hours to mall and return with a blazer, bra and cd
Thursday: go to supplier and after that, drop by at her office although you know boss is waiting
Friday: call her and plan sched for weekend. buy her a cup or two at starbucks
Saturday: rent vcd and going somewhere together till late night. arrive at home by midnight.
Sunday (again) : call her to tell that you can't go today as there's something to do. she's mad and yell, "kapan sih lu punya waktu buat gue?!"
execuse me? look at the back and see with your eyes. sometimes woman doesn't use their brain when they speak.
and i hate that.
1. go to store A then B then C till Z and then back to A just to leave for nothing since she didn't agree with the price.
2. Sunday: accompany her to her friend's wedding
Monday: having nomat with her
Tuesday: having lunch with her and before bed call her for 60 minutes.
Wednesday: accompany her after office hours to mall and return with a blazer, bra and cd
Thursday: go to supplier and after that, drop by at her office although you know boss is waiting
Friday: call her and plan sched for weekend. buy her a cup or two at starbucks
Saturday: rent vcd and going somewhere together till late night. arrive at home by midnight.
Sunday (again) : call her to tell that you can't go today as there's something to do. she's mad and yell, "kapan sih lu punya waktu buat gue?!"
execuse me? look at the back and see with your eyes. sometimes woman doesn't use their brain when they speak.
and i hate that.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
things i hate during the way office (back home) :
1. dah siap" pake baju, dah rapi jali, and ready ninggalin kmr kost, eh tiba-tiba in the last minute.. eh prasaan mo (maap) boker itu datang...! yakss!!
2. pagi" mo berangkat hujan turun dengan enaknya. iih, kalo becek khan bikin bete dan kemungkinan kejebak macet tuh besar.
3. during the journey (maksudnya udah duduk enak di bis) eh kebelet pen pipis ato mulez sakit perut. kebayang kan gimana rasanya. ini lebih parah dari point satu diatas.
4. di bis, gue (mau gak mau) dapat duduk di sebelah kiri, brarti bakal kena panas dan silau matahari. palagi kalo perjalanan macet dan lama.
5. duduk disamping orang yg berbadan subur (alias gemuk) jadi gue terhimpit ke pojok bis.
6. duduk disamping ato di dekat orang yg gak tau diri ngerokok dalam bis yang penuh sesak dengan orang dan bikin tambah sesak dan pengap dengan asapnya.
7. siap-siap pulang (buru" biar gak kejebak macet) eh ada tugas mendadak dari bos.
8. mo pulang eh hujan turun.. hikz.. hikz..
2. pagi" mo berangkat hujan turun dengan enaknya. iih, kalo becek khan bikin bete dan kemungkinan kejebak macet tuh besar.
3. during the journey (maksudnya udah duduk enak di bis) eh kebelet pen pipis ato mulez sakit perut. kebayang kan gimana rasanya. ini lebih parah dari point satu diatas.
4. di bis, gue (mau gak mau) dapat duduk di sebelah kiri, brarti bakal kena panas dan silau matahari. palagi kalo perjalanan macet dan lama.
5. duduk disamping orang yg berbadan subur (alias gemuk) jadi gue terhimpit ke pojok bis.
6. duduk disamping ato di dekat orang yg gak tau diri ngerokok dalam bis yang penuh sesak dengan orang dan bikin tambah sesak dan pengap dengan asapnya.
7. siap-siap pulang (buru" biar gak kejebak macet) eh ada tugas mendadak dari bos.
8. mo pulang eh hujan turun.. hikz.. hikz..
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
ok that's it. i'm tired and my eyes need a rest
. i believe insaniquarium will be good for me. i'm sched to attend another outsite meeting tomorrow. just hope that i can go home earlier and get my cash back.
the election is like a game somehow. you vote and then you wait till the result comes out. if your vote gets the big five, you're happy. if it wins the first place you're happier. you clap, laugh and say thanks God bla bla bla...
but that's it. if your candidate becomes mr president, his/her point still not the majority. in other words, the house of representative, the cabinet still belongs to other forces and there must be a compromise so everyone is happy. so forget about a clean and strong goverment if you should satisfy everyone even when you know it is wrong. and there we back to square one. like a circle that has no ending.
but that's it. if your candidate becomes mr president, his/her point still not the majority. in other words, the house of representative, the cabinet still belongs to other forces and there must be a compromise so everyone is happy. so forget about a clean and strong goverment if you should satisfy everyone even when you know it is wrong. and there we back to square one. like a circle that has no ending.
Friday, April 02, 2004
friendster fever!!
see.. when sumthin being a fever, like this new style of community, then any media will take place forward to talk about it. seems that everybody didn't want to miss this new kind online 'game'. neither at forum or YM, they talked about friendster. Like yesterday, two friends asked confirmation to add me, then another one asked how to use it! see.. when a fever comes, no one can ignore it, unless she/he is such a blind intruder in this cyber world!
Thursday, April 01, 2004
i really need to go to grapari but there's one problem however: i can't find any grapari near me. why don't they spread it like ATM BCA? easy to reach and not so hard to find. it doesn't have to be a room equipped with its complete staff. just a simple counter for serve the client for minor till medium complain, or for people who want to switch their packet program. simple administration procedures, quick process and only a minute away.
the lay out had been changed since last monday.
therefore, i have a new environment to face each day of working. it's just about 2 meters away from my previous desk took place anyway, but then that 90 degrees-changed not make me comfortable enough. that fully brightness came from the north-view-window was the problem, i guess. don't forget the untidy and crowded room, full of people and also many electricity and i-net cable on the floor! Gezz, when i can get my comfortability here?? an i-net cable is not counted in, is it?
therefore, i have a new environment to face each day of working. it's just about 2 meters away from my previous desk took place anyway, but then that 90 degrees-changed not make me comfortable enough. that fully brightness came from the north-view-window was the problem, i guess. don't forget the untidy and crowded room, full of people and also many electricity and i-net cable on the floor! Gezz, when i can get my comfortability here?? an i-net cable is not counted in, is it?
the procurement guys from C site finally arrived yesterday and they kept us busy for a couple hours. setting up the LAN, PC and software. we also had a briefing with the big guy, talking about the plan ahead. not bad but not very good also. the replication ran smooth *good news for all of us*, speaking about the low quality of our vpn connection.
and don't joke me about money. it's very sensitive issue this time. perhaps if i'm richer than uncle Gates, it'll be ok, or at least as rich as him. and let's hope by that time, you'll get a strong o/s which combine unix and mac stability, ms user friendly
and don't joke me about money. it's very sensitive issue this time. perhaps if i'm richer than uncle Gates, it'll be ok, or at least as rich as him. and let's hope by that time, you'll get a strong o/s which combine unix and mac stability, ms user friendly
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