Friday, January 30, 2004
finnaly today, we all are legalized as government cervant. after one year waiting, after 2 weeks short training, after passing some experiences outtown with others, etc, etc.. finally we all are the same status with the others. congrats! and so the hours left today hope will be fun since it will be passed in the second hometown.. let's get the long weekend!
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
this lady said:
Kalau diperhatiin, kayanya bertolak belakang gitu deh. Gw juga jadi ngerasa sepertinya hidup gw setengah2, nggak total gitu. Kadang kesannya alim, kadang kesannya bandel. Apa karena gw gemini ya? *lho apa hubungannya??? ya... kembar tapi beda sifat gitu looo*
i said:
this is what will happen if we install two different systems on the same brain, especially if the both are enemy-till-die against each other, ie: Windows vs Linux. they will try to dominate their rival which will cause an unstable personality and configuration setting on the installed brain.
the solution is simple, simply remove one of them and stay with a single system only. but be careful, before you start pls check if there's any kind of autoself destruction device. if you find one, make sure it is disable before continue with the uninstallation wizard otherwise your brain will lost its config file and you may need to search for a brand new O/S which will end up in totally different with your current personality setting.
and this girl said:
Tapi selalu ada pertanyaan dalam hati gw, kalo aja ival gak pergi waktu itu...pasti saat ini juga, kita akan sama dengan apa yang gw dan aa going through. He'll be planning for our marry, since he already purposing me just 6 month after he go. Walaupun waktu itu dia ngomong nya only by phone, tapi dia selalu bilang, kalo dia kalah cuma karena dia gak ada di sisi gw. And i'm sure...i know who will win my heart if only they were both in my side at the first place..i will know...
i said:
this is what we called WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get method. a very popular method among the romance software developer. since it's virtual it's obviously more interesting to pick up. since you have decided to stay with the selected picture, i would suggest you to erase the old one that you've been dropped down. you can use the erase command or simply press delete button while holding the shift. otherwise the old picture will stay behind as a shadow image and haunt the entire picture.
Kalau diperhatiin, kayanya bertolak belakang gitu deh. Gw juga jadi ngerasa sepertinya hidup gw setengah2, nggak total gitu. Kadang kesannya alim, kadang kesannya bandel. Apa karena gw gemini ya? *lho apa hubungannya??? ya... kembar tapi beda sifat gitu looo*
i said:
this is what will happen if we install two different systems on the same brain, especially if the both are enemy-till-die against each other, ie: Windows vs Linux. they will try to dominate their rival which will cause an unstable personality and configuration setting on the installed brain.
the solution is simple, simply remove one of them and stay with a single system only. but be careful, before you start pls check if there's any kind of autoself destruction device. if you find one, make sure it is disable before continue with the uninstallation wizard otherwise your brain will lost its config file and you may need to search for a brand new O/S which will end up in totally different with your current personality setting.
and this girl said:
Tapi selalu ada pertanyaan dalam hati gw, kalo aja ival gak pergi waktu itu...pasti saat ini juga, kita akan sama dengan apa yang gw dan aa going through. He'll be planning for our marry, since he already purposing me just 6 month after he go. Walaupun waktu itu dia ngomong nya only by phone, tapi dia selalu bilang, kalo dia kalah cuma karena dia gak ada di sisi gw. And i'm sure...i know who will win my heart if only they were both in my side at the first place..i will know...
i said:
this is what we called WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get method. a very popular method among the romance software developer. since it's virtual it's obviously more interesting to pick up. since you have decided to stay with the selected picture, i would suggest you to erase the old one that you've been dropped down. you can use the erase command or simply press delete button while holding the shift. otherwise the old picture will stay behind as a shadow image and haunt the entire picture.
congratulation hawk! you are now a MCDBA. you have proven your skill in using Microsoft product and tools technology and recognized by the world as one of the expert in database community.
now don't get cocky and remember that there's still a long path to go through. this is only the first step and the beginning of something bigger.
now don't get cocky and remember that there's still a long path to go through. this is only the first step and the beginning of something bigger.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
it's kinda a lit bit quiet here. some staff were having their turn, three days training, at Bidakara. some others have important periodic meeting at Millenium Hotel. noticed that nowadays are not so much activities in works, till around April i guess, so here we are. the rests are just stay at the office. without so much tight schedule or assignment in works like it's used to be along the end of the year ago.
and just like me, myself, with much much leisure time of doing nothing. unless, as you know, activities like blogging or YM or browsing just like now. the good thing with this kinda cozy, quiet, and relaxing atmosphere like this, i do have a good time to write down what the hell in my mind. nothing special actually, but i do feel like it's so easy to express whatever i'm feeling right now.
one thing that make me become so confused today is about my need to have my own mobile not-so-expensive-smart-machine. i've decided to buy this one. knowing that my budget is only about 5-6 million rupiahs. but then it comes to ruin my mind when one.. no! it's two friends, said that it's worthless to buy such that junk stuff. oh my!
fortunately, a lovely-surprising-lunch date 2 hours ago with bulbul, make the day become so easier. forgot my confuseness today and also the flu i've just got, but that surprising gifts from him, as usual! mm.. thanks dear. and also congratulation for passing the fourth exam!
and just like me, myself, with much much leisure time of doing nothing. unless, as you know, activities like blogging or YM or browsing just like now. the good thing with this kinda cozy, quiet, and relaxing atmosphere like this, i do have a good time to write down what the hell in my mind. nothing special actually, but i do feel like it's so easy to express whatever i'm feeling right now.
one thing that make me become so confused today is about my need to have my own mobile not-so-expensive-smart-machine. i've decided to buy this one. knowing that my budget is only about 5-6 million rupiahs. but then it comes to ruin my mind when one.. no! it's two friends, said that it's worthless to buy such that junk stuff. oh my!
fortunately, a lovely-surprising-lunch date 2 hours ago with bulbul, make the day become so easier. forgot my confuseness today and also the flu i've just got, but that surprising gifts from him, as usual! mm.. thanks dear. and also congratulation for passing the fourth exam!
Monday, January 26, 2004
Friday, January 23, 2004
finally the annual profit is given just now! i don't know yet how much the amount, but seemed that the old staff complain that it might be are not fair, as usual. mm.. i think i can give some comment till open 'it' at home.
updated 26 Jan @ 8.19 am :
mm.. seemed that what one co-workers said was true. the bad things, 'it' even less then they received a year ago. much different then what i hope actually. but anyway, alhamdulillah. better less then nothing, right.
updated 26 Jan @ 8.19 am :
mm.. seemed that what one co-workers said was true. the bad things, 'it' even less then they received a year ago. much different then what i hope actually. but anyway, alhamdulillah. better less then nothing, right.
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
one common problem working with labor is welfare becomes a very sensitive issue and how easy for them to launch demo against management. before you judge, you should notice that not all of their assertion are make sense. there are however, some those which make no sense and can cause more damage to the company life cycle.
i saw my desk calendar and soon realized that there are so many mark, meaning that my sched for Jan is heavy. along with the installation of the new systems, it successfully created a complicated projects-hundred complains-hundred errors-tight sched-lack of time-but the show must go on january!
now i think a 3.5 hours in theatre is good for my brain, escp if it is used to watch arragorn and the black riders.
i saw my desk calendar and soon realized that there are so many mark, meaning that my sched for Jan is heavy. along with the installation of the new systems, it successfully created a complicated projects-hundred complains-hundred errors-tight sched-lack of time-but the show must go on january!
now i think a 3.5 hours in theatre is good for my brain, escp if it is used to watch arragorn and the black riders.
Friday, January 16, 2004
check out this
here i quote some:
Kebanyakan warga hanya ingin mencoba bagiamana rasanya naik ’barang baru’ bernama busway itu. Seorang ibu rumah tangga bernama Ita dari Ciganjur, Jakarta Selatan, mengatakan, ia dengan enam anggota keluarganya sengaja datang hanya untuk mencoba busway. "Pingin tahu aja. Kan rame diberitain, kita lihat di tv, lagi pula gratis," katanya.
and more:
Orang-orang terus memaksa masuk. "Mas, tunggu bus yang berikut saja. Ini sudah penuh jangan masuk lagi," kata penumpang yang berdiri di pintu. Yang mau masuk menjawab, "Jangan masuk gimana sih. Wong ini gratis kok."
my comment? norak, kampungan, undicipline, stupid, brain dead, barbar, idiot once idiot forever, typically indo people, like animal just follow their instinct and have no respect to other citizen rights. i think there's no much we can hope from a junk-stupid-fuck-low edu-must be sent to the farest jungle in africa where there's no need to queue- people like them. it's about culture after all.
here i quote some:
Kebanyakan warga hanya ingin mencoba bagiamana rasanya naik ’barang baru’ bernama busway itu. Seorang ibu rumah tangga bernama Ita dari Ciganjur, Jakarta Selatan, mengatakan, ia dengan enam anggota keluarganya sengaja datang hanya untuk mencoba busway. "Pingin tahu aja. Kan rame diberitain, kita lihat di tv, lagi pula gratis," katanya.
and more:
Orang-orang terus memaksa masuk. "Mas, tunggu bus yang berikut saja. Ini sudah penuh jangan masuk lagi," kata penumpang yang berdiri di pintu. Yang mau masuk menjawab, "Jangan masuk gimana sih. Wong ini gratis kok."
my comment? norak, kampungan, undicipline, stupid, brain dead, barbar, idiot once idiot forever, typically indo people, like animal just follow their instinct and have no respect to other citizen rights. i think there's no much we can hope from a junk-stupid-fuck-low edu-must be sent to the farest jungle in africa where there's no need to queue- people like them. it's about culture after all.
oh well, if bus way can solve the problem in jakarta, so let's do it! i'll sure join with!. yeah, speaking that damn-so bad transportation in Indonesia, expecially in this metropollis city, i agree if there's a transportation system which can reserve the customer *passangers* very well, at least say it, cukup manusiawi. let see the small case i just got this morning. the first bus said: "kosong, ada bangku di belakang", but then it results with: i must just stand up along the way to the next bus stopping with dongkol feeling inside. then, move to the second bus, oh God. what the next annoy?. the bus 'ngetem' for about almost 10-15 minutes. i don't see if the driver waited for another passangers till quite fully loadedf unless that they actually waited for another bus. forget what actually the reason, but it make me dongkol setengah mati with some complains out from my mouth. bla .. bla.. bla.. then, it's over. is it over?? No!! the next is that the damn driver again 'move' us to another bus when the bus not so full in people. Ooh.. God! during 1 hour along the way to office in this *should be* lovely morning i should yel and very very dongkol *again* inside here. ooh.. what a morning!
Thursday, January 15, 2004
sometimes i wonder what if we can choose to whom we want to fall in love with? though it doesn't matter if the person feels the same way but we might only choose the one who love us as much as we do. coz no one wants to have a broken heart.
and we might pick the one which is: good looking, intelligence, good sense of humor, slim, tall, white/black/red/brown *which one you like*, rich, honest, loyal, take care of us bla bla bla.. coz everyone wants to have their dream prince/princess.
but as human, we have no such that ability. we can control our emotion but not our feeling. furthermore, how do we know that person loves us if none of us make the first move. once we get a positive signal, we would be able to decide either to go on or to leave it.
sometimes i wonder what if we have the ability to see if this relationship can continue or will end up in tears. therefor there'll be no more broken hearted people, yet on the other hand we may lose something, a chance to make ourselves stronger and be a more mature, wiser person. though pain is hurt but it helps us building our characters and mental.
i often found myself smiling alone while reading someone else's love story. it's a fun after all, regardless its ending.
and we might pick the one which is: good looking, intelligence, good sense of humor, slim, tall, white/black/red/brown *which one you like*, rich, honest, loyal, take care of us bla bla bla.. coz everyone wants to have their dream prince/princess.
but as human, we have no such that ability. we can control our emotion but not our feeling. furthermore, how do we know that person loves us if none of us make the first move. once we get a positive signal, we would be able to decide either to go on or to leave it.
sometimes i wonder what if we have the ability to see if this relationship can continue or will end up in tears. therefor there'll be no more broken hearted people, yet on the other hand we may lose something, a chance to make ourselves stronger and be a more mature, wiser person. though pain is hurt but it helps us building our characters and mental.
i often found myself smiling alone while reading someone else's love story. it's a fun after all, regardless its ending.
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
i like to say to all of you who consider yourself as a webmaster: never ever ever fill your page with suck script that need to access certain ActiveX control of lib file.
okay light script is ok but not a heavy one. it makes the page so damn slow and oftenly doesn't downloaded completely. and trust me, instead of making your site looks better it felt very annoying. i found it here and another one here and i'm not happy with it.
i configure my browser to prompt if there's any script wants to run ActiveX control in my local HDD. if it's unsafe then forget it. i choose to have a healthy system instead of letting anyone sneak into and do something and it all ends up in a crash boom bang of my WinXP.
okay light script is ok but not a heavy one. it makes the page so damn slow and oftenly doesn't downloaded completely. and trust me, instead of making your site looks better it felt very annoying. i found it here and another one here and i'm not happy with it.
i configure my browser to prompt if there's any script wants to run ActiveX control in my local HDD. if it's unsafe then forget it. i choose to have a healthy system instead of letting anyone sneak into and do something and it all ends up in a crash boom bang of my WinXP.
*. the difference between rich and poor countries is not their age:
Egypt and India are more than 2000 y.o and still poor
Canada and New Zealand are much younger and rich
*. the difference between rich and poor countries doesn't reside on available resources:
Japan has minimum nat resource but it is in the second world economy
Indonesian, well, you know deh.
*. the difference between rich and poor countries is not the skin color or race
the diffs are:
1. ethics as basic principles
2. integrity
3. responsibility
4. respect to the laws and rules
5. respect to the right of other citizens
6. work loving
7. strive for saving and investment
8. will of super action
9. punctuality
in poor country only minority follow those in their daily life while the rest follow their instinct like animal and give up to their cupidity.
Egypt and India are more than 2000 y.o and still poor
Canada and New Zealand are much younger and rich
*. the difference between rich and poor countries doesn't reside on available resources:
Japan has minimum nat resource but it is in the second world economy
Indonesian, well, you know deh.
*. the difference between rich and poor countries is not the skin color or race
the diffs are:
1. ethics as basic principles
2. integrity
3. responsibility
4. respect to the laws and rules
5. respect to the right of other citizens
6. work loving
7. strive for saving and investment
8. will of super action
9. punctuality
in poor country only minority follow those in their daily life while the rest follow their instinct like animal and give up to their cupidity.
Monday, January 12, 2004
we, all the staffs and some 'not so big' boss, will held kinda trip to Bandung next saturday. so, i was pointed as one of two staffs as co-ordinator to manage the event. starting to arrange the budget for 2 days trip, the accomodation, transportaion, drinks n foods, etc, etc. well, the day left for preparing still today and friday, since starting tomorrow till next thurday, i will join kinda a short-training at Bidakara Build. complex.
i wonder when jakarta will have a clean-fast-on time-affordable fare MRT like spore's. i wonder when this huge kampoeng doesn't transform into a huge swimming pool right after the rain comes. i wonder when those jerk motorist know the meaning of rules and learn to obey it. so people, if you come to jakarta pls don't forget to bring your sexiest swimsuit since you'll find water around you each time it rains. no charge at all. it is free and if you're lucky, you might find your picture inside Popular or FHM.
my bus -an orange metro mini- hit a jeep on a street race with the other bus. people would say that they were "kebut-kebutan ngejar setoran". the jeep driver ran into that jerk bus driver and they were quarreling, force the passenger into to transfer to another bus. the funny and stupid thing as well, the other fellow passenger blame the jeep driver for this situation. huah, nenek-nenek geblek
can't she see who's innocent in this case? who's the one which did the race in the middle of heavy traffic? who hit who? i bet if she was in the jeep she would said the backward. some people still can't admit if they were wrong and choose to hide behind their ego instead.
my bus -an orange metro mini- hit a jeep on a street race with the other bus. people would say that they were "kebut-kebutan ngejar setoran". the jeep driver ran into that jerk bus driver and they were quarreling, force the passenger into to transfer to another bus. the funny and stupid thing as well, the other fellow passenger blame the jeep driver for this situation. huah, nenek-nenek geblek
Friday, January 09, 2004
i just dropping by at this really nice and fantastic site of fairy and found so many nice and interested articles of hers. good writing and really really nice stories you have. thanks to Ann. i have the link from her site. knowing that actually many Malay People *i just got two person actually* were so fascinated to Indonesia. nice to know you, girls!
ada apa dengan cinta?
sakitnya mengutuk tubuhmu,
perihnya merontokkan jiwamu,
atau ada yang salah pada dirimu?
hingga tak jua kau mengerti
kenapa ia meluluhlantahkan keabadian dalam hatimu
mengkonyak-konyak relung terdalam
atas cintamu. dirimu. jiwamu.
hingga ia kosong.
tak berbekas.
a touching circumstances, at one site i just dropped by, interested me to post the above ones.
well, sometimes love can be so hurts. it kill the heart and remain deep pain inside.
sakitnya mengutuk tubuhmu,
perihnya merontokkan jiwamu,
atau ada yang salah pada dirimu?
hingga tak jua kau mengerti
kenapa ia meluluhlantahkan keabadian dalam hatimu
mengkonyak-konyak relung terdalam
atas cintamu. dirimu. jiwamu.
hingga ia kosong.
tak berbekas.
a touching circumstances, at one site i just dropped by, interested me to post the above ones.
well, sometimes love can be so hurts. it kill the heart and remain deep pain inside.
Thursday, January 08, 2004
with some co-workers finnaly i have a chance to visit this place.
it's just a sight seeing for me actually, since it was my friends and boss who exactly much interested to do some 'investment' here. so, we went along to Balaraja, exactly jl. raya serang, maybe not so far away from bulbul's office. the environment not so bad. seemed quite comfortable for living. and the price are much better and can be achieved, i guess. just one thing. that it's quite far from the center of jakarta. thinking that people have to pass kebon jeruk-tomang area which is known as so crowded streets either in the morning and afternoon. well, living in jakarta means must ready to pay in high price, indeed.
it's just a sight seeing for me actually, since it was my friends and boss who exactly much interested to do some 'investment' here. so, we went along to Balaraja, exactly jl. raya serang, maybe not so far away from bulbul's office. the environment not so bad. seemed quite comfortable for living. and the price are much better and can be achieved, i guess. just one thing. that it's quite far from the center of jakarta. thinking that people have to pass kebon jeruk-tomang area which is known as so crowded streets either in the morning and afternoon. well, living in jakarta means must ready to pay in high price, indeed.
here are some quotes from my personal agenda:
*- in trends follow the crowd, in principles stand firm like a rock
*- a good reputation is one's greatest asset
*- people can be stronger by eating and wiser by reading
*- bird needs nests spider needs webs people need friendship and i need you
note: the last four words of the last sentences are mine
*- in trends follow the crowd, in principles stand firm like a rock
*- a good reputation is one's greatest asset
*- people can be stronger by eating and wiser by reading
*- bird needs nests spider needs webs people need friendship and i need you
note: the last four words of the last sentences are mine
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
it is funny how people make commitment to themselves on each new year eve likewise "must save..", "must love him/her better", "must this must that" but then easily forget it with thousand of excuses. you have to be realistic and do not put a target beyond your range to shoot it. more important, do not make a promise that you can not keep. the world will consider you as a lame, childish and kind of talk only no action person.
more over be honest to your self and avoid to blame the others. objective and honest is one requirement to be a charm, integrity person. and do remember what you've said and be consistent unless there's a major force or under certain circumtances that out of your ability to handle it coz lying and plin-plan go to hell
more over be honest to your self and avoid to blame the others. objective and honest is one requirement to be a charm, integrity person. and do remember what you've said and be consistent unless there's a major force or under certain circumtances that out of your ability to handle it coz lying and plin-plan go to hell
Monday, January 05, 2004
good news: i return after hundreds of effort to access it always end up in "opening page...." but the page was never showed up.
bad news: i still can't access it any time like i used to do. there's time when the page never downloaded completely or send a sweet nice "time out connection" message.
bad news: i still can't access it any time like i used to do. there's time when the page never downloaded completely or send a sweet nice "time out connection" message.
kaleidoskop 2003
inspired by this friend of mine story, so here it is my short story, i call as kaleidoskop 2003:
Des 2002: mid Des akhirnya mulai masuk di tempat kerja baru. kena post power syndrome dikit, soalnya mulai dari awal lagi, seems so different then my previous place :( by the way at end of Dec, contact someone for his b'day.
Jan: Taun baruan bersama anak" KG. beberapa hari kemudian, for the second times, finally i met him again, after our first 'date' about 6 months ago, then just communication by phone, sms or imel.
Feb: what a beautiful months. awal feb, ada gath official pertama kali bersama forum. and not so long after this event, surprise, he 'proposed' me to be his closest friend. the only ONE for him, vice versa. so, we decided to be together, as a very very special person to each other.
Maret: i kinda forgot what happened during this month, unless much of them was happy.. happy.. happy.. with him.
April: at third week, take a short vacation to Jogja, with him, for the first time. spend the days by searching all through the city.
May: spend the long weekeend around Jakarta. end of this month, i and several co-workers take some fun in Bandung.
Juny: my first official trip *at the new office*, going to Pontianak.
July: end of this month till mid of august, ikut diklat prajabatan di Asrama Haji, Pondok Gede.
Agustus: spend my birthday at the training center i mentioned above. at the middle of months, going to this place with him and some co-workers.
Sept: so many activities at the office. mudik to Jogja at the third week. alone.
Oct: i started to try selling some cookies my mum made, to the office. it's not so bad. thought that i was succeed enough to make them sold out till around lebaran days.
Nov: spent the Iedul Fitri days at Makassar, my originally home town *after Jogja* with the whole family and relatives.
Dec: it's his b'day again! we spent it at hanamasa just yesterday. he treat me so well. i think it's kinda sweet replacement, since he can't spend the new year 2004 eve with me. after all, despite everything we through all this time both the bad and good time, i would like to say much much thank you to you dear, for this almost one year together with you..
Des 2002: mid Des akhirnya mulai masuk di tempat kerja baru. kena post power syndrome dikit, soalnya mulai dari awal lagi, seems so different then my previous place :( by the way at end of Dec, contact someone for his b'day.
Jan: Taun baruan bersama anak" KG. beberapa hari kemudian, for the second times, finally i met him again, after our first 'date' about 6 months ago, then just communication by phone, sms or imel.
Feb: what a beautiful months. awal feb, ada gath official pertama kali bersama forum. and not so long after this event, surprise, he 'proposed' me to be his closest friend. the only ONE for him, vice versa. so, we decided to be together, as a very very special person to each other.
Maret: i kinda forgot what happened during this month, unless much of them was happy.. happy.. happy.. with him.
April: at third week, take a short vacation to Jogja, with him, for the first time. spend the days by searching all through the city.
May: spend the long weekeend around Jakarta. end of this month, i and several co-workers take some fun in Bandung.
Juny: my first official trip *at the new office*, going to Pontianak.
July: end of this month till mid of august, ikut diklat prajabatan di Asrama Haji, Pondok Gede.
Agustus: spend my birthday at the training center i mentioned above. at the middle of months, going to this place with him and some co-workers.
Sept: so many activities at the office. mudik to Jogja at the third week. alone.
Oct: i started to try selling some cookies my mum made, to the office. it's not so bad. thought that i was succeed enough to make them sold out till around lebaran days.
Nov: spent the Iedul Fitri days at Makassar, my originally home town *after Jogja* with the whole family and relatives.
Dec: it's his b'day again! we spent it at hanamasa just yesterday. he treat me so well. i think it's kinda sweet replacement, since he can't spend the new year 2004 eve with me. after all, despite everything we through all this time both the bad and good time, i would like to say much much thank you to you dear, for this almost one year together with you..
Friday, January 02, 2004
my sweetheart...
if you ask me how deep my love is, then what should i say?
is it as wide as the ocean? is it deeper than the deepest sea?
or maybe is it higher than even the highest mountain in the world?
sure, the answer must be: "No"
my love is uncountable in value.
coz it can't be compared with anything in this world,
insted of the love from you itself.
my love is nothing without your love.
my soul is empty without its mate.
my heart is crying without you beside.
so, how deep my love is?
even thousand words can't say it!
it's undescribeable.
unless, it is true and forever.
how deep is your love?
a question in the middle of the day @ 1 January 2004
if you ask me how deep my love is, then what should i say?
is it as wide as the ocean? is it deeper than the deepest sea?
or maybe is it higher than even the highest mountain in the world?
sure, the answer must be: "No"
my love is uncountable in value.
coz it can't be compared with anything in this world,
insted of the love from you itself.
my love is nothing without your love.
my soul is empty without its mate.
my heart is crying without you beside.
so, how deep my love is?
even thousand words can't say it!
it's undescribeable.
unless, it is true and forever.
how deep is your love?
a question in the middle of the day @ 1 January 2004
do you believe that in this 21st century some people still have no idea how to use ATM? in addition, they think if they transfer Rp 20.000 into someone's else account they will be richer Rp 20.000
i might add that they do not know how to "read" the instruction. speaking about low educated people, indo is truly rich of them.
tell me your name, well, at least the first alphabet of it and find out how your sex appeal is:
Kebutuhan terbesar Anda adalah bicara. Jika teman kencan Anda bukan pendengar yang baik, hubungan Anda bisa buruk. Pasangan Anda harus menarik secara intelektual. Jika tidak, Anda tak akan tertarik secara seksual padanya. Anda butuh teman untuk seorang kekasih sekaligus pendamping untuk teman tidur. Anda membenci ketidakharmonisan dan gangguan tetapi menikmati perdebatan sesekali. Anda senang main mata karena tantangan lebih penting dibanding tindakan seksual. Namun sekali Anda memberikan hati, Anda adalah orang yang sangat setia. Ketika Anda tak punya teman tidur yang baik, Anda akan tertidur dengan sebuah buku bagus di sisi Anda. (Terkadang, dalam kenyataan Anda lebih memilih buku yang baik).
sorry guys, only available in indo version. source: here
tell me your name, well, at least the first alphabet of it and find out how your sex appeal is:
Kebutuhan terbesar Anda adalah bicara. Jika teman kencan Anda bukan pendengar yang baik, hubungan Anda bisa buruk. Pasangan Anda harus menarik secara intelektual. Jika tidak, Anda tak akan tertarik secara seksual padanya. Anda butuh teman untuk seorang kekasih sekaligus pendamping untuk teman tidur. Anda membenci ketidakharmonisan dan gangguan tetapi menikmati perdebatan sesekali. Anda senang main mata karena tantangan lebih penting dibanding tindakan seksual. Namun sekali Anda memberikan hati, Anda adalah orang yang sangat setia. Ketika Anda tak punya teman tidur yang baik, Anda akan tertidur dengan sebuah buku bagus di sisi Anda. (Terkadang, dalam kenyataan Anda lebih memilih buku yang baik).
sorry guys, only available in indo version. source: here
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