Friday, October 31, 2003
ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your secret admirer. the one that love you and caring for you but prefer not to let it out and stay in silent. some mysterious messages or missed call from unknown number might be the sign of their appearance.
or they could be someone you know well, quite close and often hanging out together but instead of telling the truth they choose to hide their true feeling since it can ruin everything among you two as once love gets involve, nothing will stay the same as they were before.
so open your heart and look around. you may have one without you even ever dream about it.
or they could be someone you know well, quite close and often hanging out together but instead of telling the truth they choose to hide their true feeling since it can ruin everything among you two as once love gets involve, nothing will stay the same as they were before.
so open your heart and look around. you may have one without you even ever dream about it.
look what stuffs the staffs at my office will take home as bingkisan lebaran about 2 weeks later:
sirup Marjan 2 botol, minyak goreng 2 lt, gula pasir 3 kg, blue band 2 bks, biskuit Khong Guan 1 kaleng, Astor 1 toples. and one of my co-workers said like this:" wah, repot bawanya!! gue mentahnya aja dehhh........."
sirup Marjan 2 botol, minyak goreng 2 lt, gula pasir 3 kg, blue band 2 bks, biskuit Khong Guan 1 kaleng, Astor 1 toples. and one of my co-workers said like this:" wah, repot bawanya!! gue mentahnya aja dehhh........."
by the way does anybody smurf what i smurf?
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
a jerk wants CD room which is also a DVD plus CD RW installed on his PC. in addition, he also requests for a CD burn software and Video Editing. but this idiot even didn't know how to plug monitor cable into its port. so what is the use of all those advanced tools if he has no capability to use them? plus he has no intention to learn. i might add that his kid is just like his father. completely idiot. and so they perform a perfect combo. dumb and dumber. duh.
if i may, i like to suggest that jerk to up grade his brain and stop acting like a big big boss and understand his limit, beside it is not a wise move to give an angkot driver a Mercedes Benz.
one more thing, if you manage computer for your team better spread it based on user not job. and that's what confuses us when she requests to purchase a new PC. her team is only has 6 member while they have at least eight PCs. consider that every one is facing their own monitor there are still two PCs idle. so what the hell does that requested PC come for? stupid girl. never make a dedicated PC since it will be a huge waste of money.
we've been quite busy the whole day. good thing i guess so i didn't have time to sleep.
if i may, i like to suggest that jerk to up grade his brain and stop acting like a big big boss and understand his limit, beside it is not a wise move to give an angkot driver a Mercedes Benz.
one more thing, if you manage computer for your team better spread it based on user not job. and that's what confuses us when she requests to purchase a new PC. her team is only has 6 member while they have at least eight PCs. consider that every one is facing their own monitor there are still two PCs idle. so what the hell does that requested PC come for? stupid girl. never make a dedicated PC since it will be a huge waste of money.
we've been quite busy the whole day. good thing i guess so i didn't have time to sleep.
Blackeyed Bulbul (Pycnonotus barbatus)
mm.. seems different with the other one here, huh?
well, these is the condition happens in a cosmopolitan city, called Jakarta. when most the time are passed on the streets on the way reaching the final destination of the day. even in a bulan ramadhan when people most likely to enjoy it with their lovely family, in a place called home.
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
it was 22:30 and my bus still got stuck in the traffic jam. somebody held a dangdut show and the audience ran over the street, plus every intersection in this city seems to be the bottle neck and can easily lock out the traffic flow.
huh, jakarta streets are really nightmare and that silly local authority never has a brilliant idea for making a permanent or at least long term solution for all of those transportation problems.
i suppose they do not have the capability nor vision of a leader. instead i believe they think they live in feodal age where people have to serve them and not vice versa.
and now i'm suffering the common problem regarding to the change of my biology clock. i'm lack of sleep
and it results in a big "hoaaaaaahm" almost every 5 minutes but i need to complete my work but my eyes can't compromise and it's even harder to stay awake and the only thing that helps is surfing. doesn't matter the site, as long as my IE opened then i believe i'm strong enough to reply if somebody calls.
duh, can't imagine my life without browser. i'm a kind of cyber people i think :)
huh, jakarta streets are really nightmare and that silly local authority never has a brilliant idea for making a permanent or at least long term solution for all of those transportation problems.
i suppose they do not have the capability nor vision of a leader. instead i believe they think they live in feodal age where people have to serve them and not vice versa.
and now i'm suffering the common problem regarding to the change of my biology clock. i'm lack of sleep
duh, can't imagine my life without browser. i'm a kind of cyber people i think :)
ooh Gosh! the first day of fasting, and found myself for the first time break my fasting during the way home. what a pity! though it was 4 pm when i moved out from the office, but still i couldn't avoid that traffic jam during the roads kuningan-mampang-buncit. i thought i could be at home earlier, since usually it 'just' took about one and half hours to reach home. but too bad, coz it doesn't prove anything if the case just like yesterday.
Monday, October 27, 2003
it is almost 15:30 which means that the office will end up in about the next five minutes or more. how amazing how a day can run so fast, if you were fully occupied by work and have a long long to-do-list.
but usually i still reach the home near 18:00 since there are three industries here with at least 2000 employees each and they are all come out at the same time. you can imagine how crowded it is when over 500 people going home all together. even a person can't move a little step.
but usually i still reach the home near 18:00 since there are three industries here with at least 2000 employees each and they are all come out at the same time. you can imagine how crowded it is when over 500 people going home all together. even a person can't move a little step.
and finnaly i moved to my new room at the same boardinghouse last saturday. fiuhh.. it's a totally tiredfully day. though i've moved some stuffs already another day before, but still it need extra energy to finish it well on that day.
a new room. a new atmospher. a new spirit. a new brand day. a great wishes and hoping of tomorrow.
well, at least i can feel a little bit cozier place than the one used to be my room. reading book or watching some new movies in my own room without a lot of annoying and disturbing from anothers. oh well, let's start the new day then!
a new room. a new atmospher. a new spirit. a new brand day. a great wishes and hoping of tomorrow.
well, at least i can feel a little bit cozier place than the one used to be my room. reading book or watching some new movies in my own room without a lot of annoying and disturbing from anothers. oh well, let's start the new day then!
i wanna feel the sand with its warm water.
i wanna sit on the rock feeling the wind splashes on my face.
i wanna breath the air of the sea and hear the wave sings
i remember when i went to bidadari island. by the time i left my cottage for morning prayer i found a totally silence surrounded the area. no sound of people talking. no sound of machine. no sound of tv, radio or phone. no sound at all except the wave that hit the shore. and it was dark. not "night dark" which leads to gloomy, but dawn one that leads to a new day.
and i felt at ease. peacefully. sometimes i wish i could capture that moment into a small wooden box and turn it out everytime i feel awful
during ramadhan the office starts on 7:00 and ends on 15:30. the bus departs on 6:00 so that i have to leave the house at 5:15. a little bit earlier? not at all. i just love start the activity in the morning where everything is still fresh. there's a funny feeling like i'm the first of human kind in the world who had dressed up and ready to go when the rest is still asleep.
Friday, October 24, 2003
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Bapak-bapak.. ibu-ibu... maap lahir batin yah..
menjelang bulan puasa maap-maapan dulu, biar ibadahnya lebih afdol nanti.
selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa semuanya...
menjelang bulan puasa maap-maapan dulu, biar ibadahnya lebih afdol nanti.
selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa semuanya...
i wonder why do people are so happy when Ramadhan is about to end and Eidl Fitri is near. they usually go shopping, buy new stuff and claim that "hari kemenangan telah tiba" or even "kemenangan besar!". bullshit. who's winning? nobody wins anything. win against what or who? further more they even say that "setelah sebulan penuh menahan hawa nafsu kini tiba saat merayakannya." so that's it? only for a month? and after Ramadhan is gone we are free to do whatever we want? how i feel sorry for that idea. though i'm glad for having my normal life back and freedom to eat when hungry or drink when thirsty but on the other hand i can't deny that somehow deep down inside here there's a funny feeling of missing.
i remember i saw a popular artist in TV and she said that each time Eidl Fitri comes, "dosa-dosa kita diampuni, jadinya kita bersih seperti bayi yang baru lahir." what an idiot. how come she could be so sure about it? yet we never know if our fast is valid and if we are granted for a reward. therefore we can't say that we are forgiven. perhaps if you reach sufi level and you have made a perfect Ramadhan you will probably can say your sins are forgiven but even a sufi doesn't dare to claim it. i don't like her stupid words.
actually each time Ramadhan ends i feel like, i haven't done anything yet and i waste a chance, a good one to gain reward. and i never know if i still have another one year to fix it.
i remember i saw a popular artist in TV and she said that each time Eidl Fitri comes, "dosa-dosa kita diampuni, jadinya kita bersih seperti bayi yang baru lahir." what an idiot. how come she could be so sure about it? yet we never know if our fast is valid and if we are granted for a reward. therefore we can't say that we are forgiven. perhaps if you reach sufi level and you have made a perfect Ramadhan you will probably can say your sins are forgiven but even a sufi doesn't dare to claim it. i don't like her stupid words.
actually each time Ramadhan ends i feel like, i haven't done anything yet and i waste a chance, a good one to gain reward. and i never know if i still have another one year to fix it.
someone sms-ed me with some beautiful, fllirty *is this a word?*, sometimes jayus, and naughty words last night. i got headache and couldn't stand the pain, but somehow those sms still could make me laugh and smile in heart, as usual. unfortunately, 2 sms-es *the third and fourth one* were totally blank, since i couldn't get what actually the message was. somebody can help me?
Thursday, October 23, 2003
i fixed the printer and my fingers are black as result. anybody wanna do a handshake with me? ;)
and i still can find no suitable time to examine the material for my 4th exam. shit. i really wanna do it but this project need to be cleared first. btw, anybody knows where i can find bimbo song which titled "shalawat"? notice that if it's downloaded file then no ftp or P2P software like Kazaa installation would be required. our firewall block it all.
and i still can find no suitable time to examine the material for my 4th exam. shit. i really wanna do it but this project need to be cleared first. btw, anybody knows where i can find bimbo song which titled "shalawat"? notice that if it's downloaded file then no ftp or P2P software like Kazaa installation would be required. our firewall block it all.
wanna try some cookies?
rasanya enak lhoo. ada castangel, nastar, egg drops, corn flakes, coco krunch, salju, etc. harganya juga masih lebih murah dibanding yang dijual di bakery ato swalayan pas deket-deket lebaran. price around 27 - 33 thousand only!! good taste, good price! eits.. kok jadi promosi gini yakk?
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
our new blade server has arrived and my eyes are sparkling like a kid got his birthday present. don't let your eyes fool you, it's not that small as it looks like but big, wide with high intensity rating. turn the power on and you feel like you're starting up a jet fighter. thus, we have to yell each other while talking. another problem that comes with it is how do we plug it into our server rack?
i also got an annoucement of THR, though it is quite enough to buy a new shoes but i bet the tax is also high. damn.
i also got an annoucement of THR, though it is quite enough to buy a new shoes but i bet the tax is also high. damn.
ceritanya minggu kemaren itu acara Family Gathering kantor gue. kebetulan sekalian memperingati hari keuangan dan minggu itu, acaranya dibuka dengan jalan santai. berangkat dari rumah jam 6.15-an, gw ama anak" yang laen janjian di depan halte kompleks kantor. soalnya denger-denger acara dimulai sekitar jam 7-an.
sampe disana, gw rada bingung, soalnya kok nampak sepi. gak keliatan kerumunan karyawan berpakain t-shirt atau semacamnya seperti layaknya peserta jalan santai. masuk ke komples, gue ketemu anak-anak yang lain. Apa katanya? ternyata rombongan jalan santai udah 'jalan' mulai jam 6.30. dan kami berlima yang pada janjian ngumpul, semuanya pada telat! ada juga dateng langsung dikasih snack. lumayan.. gak pake keringatan tapi langsung dapet makan euy!
sampe disana, gw rada bingung, soalnya kok nampak sepi. gak keliatan kerumunan karyawan berpakain t-shirt atau semacamnya seperti layaknya peserta jalan santai. masuk ke komples, gue ketemu anak-anak yang lain. Apa katanya? ternyata rombongan jalan santai udah 'jalan' mulai jam 6.30. dan kami berlima yang pada janjian ngumpul, semuanya pada telat! ada juga dateng langsung dikasih snack. lumayan.. gak pake keringatan tapi langsung dapet makan euy!
i could never understand why do fans can be so crazy when seeing their idol. ie: "oh my God! it's really him! it's him! Mandraaaaa! aaawwww!"
aren't they also human like us? it is us who call them celebrities, it is us who god them. are they better than us? not certainly. are they noble? nope. sure they are popular but for me it doesn't mean anything.
and if i win a grand prize to meet every idol in this world and perhaps spend a day with each of them, it still doesn't interest me. if there's someone i like to meet personally -even in a dream- then it would be Rasulullah but my sin is still uncountable so yeah..
speaking about him, i read a thin book about Isra' Mi'raj and here is the quote:
sesudah itu mereka meneruskan perjalanan lagi pada suatu tempat dimana ada segerombolan orang yang memukul kepalanya sendiri dengan palu godam sehingga kepala mereka pecah. tetapi setelah pecah lalu kembali lagi seperti semula lalu dipukuli lagi dengan tidak ada henti-hentinya. Nabi bertanya, "hai Jibril, siapakah mereka itu?"
"Itulah perumpamaan orang-orang yang berat mendirikan shalat wajib"
and if i win a grand prize to meet every idol in this world and perhaps spend a day with each of them, it still doesn't interest me. if there's someone i like to meet personally -even in a dream- then it would be Rasulullah but my sin is still uncountable so yeah..
speaking about him, i read a thin book about Isra' Mi'raj and here is the quote:
sesudah itu mereka meneruskan perjalanan lagi pada suatu tempat dimana ada segerombolan orang yang memukul kepalanya sendiri dengan palu godam sehingga kepala mereka pecah. tetapi setelah pecah lalu kembali lagi seperti semula lalu dipukuli lagi dengan tidak ada henti-hentinya. Nabi bertanya, "hai Jibril, siapakah mereka itu?"
"Itulah perumpamaan orang-orang yang berat mendirikan shalat wajib"
and here we goes. back to the office again today
actually i have so many stories to tell. but lemme have a break first.
speaking about previous monday, what did you guys do? coz i've spent my day with moving my stuffs to a new room at the same bordinghouse. i sms-ed my friend to inform that i would not come to the office because of not feeling so good * oh yeah, what a stupid reason* and do you know what?? i've just told this morning that actually he also was off yesterday! oh my!
actually i have so many stories to tell. but lemme have a break first.
speaking about previous monday, what did you guys do? coz i've spent my day with moving my stuffs to a new room at the same bordinghouse. i sms-ed my friend to inform that i would not come to the office because of not feeling so good * oh yeah, what a stupid reason* and do you know what?? i've just told this morning that actually he also was off yesterday! oh my!
Monday, October 20, 2003
i don't like plaza or mall which put an extra charge for toilet service. it is their duty to make their guest happy. their duty to serve the guest well and that's including provide any public facility for free. coz people don't have to come there. they are there bcoz they want to not coz they have to.
that's why i put plaza senayan at the first place for the most comfortable plaza in Jakarta. it has a huge open space, clean and wide corridor, benches and also the best mushalla i've ever found. it's clean, light, air conditioner room and designed very well so that dry and wet path are separated and people who want to prayer which of course wet and watery and they who had just finished won't mix each other.
puri indah mall at the second place. it also has benches, sun light and a nice big open space food court. its minus credit goes to its lugubrious, small, stinky and clammy mushalla. lippo supermal at the third, just like puri it also has benches but poor food court and mushalla condition make its credit falls.
pim at the fourth. my, i have no idea who is the stupid which manage this place. it has no benches, dark and poor food court with tiny mini chairs and tables and two small poor mushalla. the only credit it earns is for hok-hok ben *beef yakiniku and eggs roll yummy...*
, pizza hut, KFC, wendy's, hanamasa, baskin robbins, A & W *they still have the best root beer in town*, gramedia and gunung agung. you can find them all in one single place. and that's all. surely the management doesn't bother to try to make people stay longer than they used to be.
blok m is suck. small and not comfortable and you can't sit if you tired unless you drop by at one of the food counter and of course, buy something. they won't let you sit for free, this is indo! everything comes with a price.
that's why i put plaza senayan at the first place for the most comfortable plaza in Jakarta. it has a huge open space, clean and wide corridor, benches and also the best mushalla i've ever found. it's clean, light, air conditioner room and designed very well so that dry and wet path are separated and people who want to prayer which of course wet and watery and they who had just finished won't mix each other.
puri indah mall at the second place. it also has benches, sun light and a nice big open space food court. its minus credit goes to its lugubrious, small, stinky and clammy mushalla. lippo supermal at the third, just like puri it also has benches but poor food court and mushalla condition make its credit falls.
pim at the fourth. my, i have no idea who is the stupid which manage this place. it has no benches, dark and poor food court with tiny mini chairs and tables and two small poor mushalla. the only credit it earns is for hok-hok ben *beef yakiniku and eggs roll yummy...*
blok m is suck. small and not comfortable and you can't sit if you tired unless you drop by at one of the food counter and of course, buy something. they won't let you sit for free, this is indo! everything comes with a price.
that's it. i'm not gonna waste my valuable time trying open this forum again and again. though i love that site but spend almost an hour waiting for the page opened is absolutely can not be tolerance. and i also find that those floating hearts are very annoying. make me click the wrong link oftenly.
why don't they remove that suck script and place banner instead? it is obviously lighter and simpler *speaking about the term Kiss that i told before*
why don't they remove that suck script and place banner instead? it is obviously lighter and simpler *speaking about the term Kiss that i told before*
Friday, October 17, 2003
it's friday so let's relax and focus on your week end. i've just visited this rabbit and found out that he is now Dory, while me myself transform into the following one

What Finding Nemo Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
btw, i didn't have a chance to watch Nemo. what if you put Nemo againts Bruce Almighty? well the result was Charlie's Angels. and who is this "Gill"? is this kind of bad or good guy?
What Finding Nemo Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
btw, i didn't have a chance to watch Nemo. what if you put Nemo againts Bruce Almighty? well the result was Charlie's Angels. and who is this "Gill"? is this kind of bad or good guy?
Thursday, October 16, 2003
i wanna a home in quite comfortable resident complex. location in Jaksel or Jakbar is prefered. easy to reach, secure, has many access and of course macet free. small but not too small. big but not too big. two floors with all three bedrooms at the second floor, while living room, kitchen and dining room at the ground. there is an extra bedroom with single bed at the ground floor for stayed visitor.
the main bed room has rest room inside with shower, bath tub and ordinary tub. it also has a home theatre, two seat bed with big pillow and a small wooden desk aside *i need a place to put my desknote*. the wardrobe will be plugged into the wall, light cinnamon color with three doors. the parquet is covered by rug. it must has a balcony where i can sit and watching the stars up there. and yes, it is air conditioner already.
on the other side of the room there is a book cupboard. secured and locked. and also a mini refrigrator -one door only- where softdrinks, snack, ice cream and chocolate stay and rest *but it won't be long, i sure you*
the primary rest room is a combination of dry and wet one mixed together. partitioned by the floor height, it is also equipped with a huge mirror
at the ground floor there is a small room that i used as my office. yep, i like to run SOHO. dry and wet kitchen are separated but still connected to each other. the garage must be big enough to store at least two cars.
what a dreamer..
the main bed room has rest room inside with shower, bath tub and ordinary tub. it also has a home theatre, two seat bed with big pillow and a small wooden desk aside *i need a place to put my desknote*. the wardrobe will be plugged into the wall, light cinnamon color with three doors. the parquet is covered by rug. it must has a balcony where i can sit and watching the stars up there. and yes, it is air conditioner already.
on the other side of the room there is a book cupboard. secured and locked. and also a mini refrigrator -one door only- where softdrinks, snack, ice cream and chocolate stay and rest *but it won't be long, i sure you*
the primary rest room is a combination of dry and wet one mixed together. partitioned by the floor height, it is also equipped with a huge mirror
at the ground floor there is a small room that i used as my office. yep, i like to run SOHO. dry and wet kitchen are separated but still connected to each other. the garage must be big enough to store at least two cars.
what a dreamer..
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
and finally i've finished the chapther 2 of one series from this Dad's book.
right, realize that now i'm becoming too hard to finish even one book
speaking about this book, it's still about how to start building some investment of your own. are you the type of person who keep in the savety place as quadrant E? or dare enough to break the wall by being a new investor as quadrant I, when your money did the money without working hard?
it's all up to you
right, realize that now i'm becoming too hard to finish even one book
speaking about this book, it's still about how to start building some investment of your own. are you the type of person who keep in the savety place as quadrant E? or dare enough to break the wall by being a new investor as quadrant I, when your money did the money without working hard?
it's all up to you
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
each time i get some information about it, no doubt that i agreed to do some investment of this stuff. but still, i really don't know yet when i will be ready and where exactly i will put the money to. sure, it will be much easy if somebody want to join me. yeah, speaking about achieving a simply dream.
now Conan faces exactly the same situation. he might let the countdown continues to save someone who he protects the most in this world.
btw, read the picture from right to left if somehow you get lost.
Monday, October 13, 2003
how good u manage ur financial??
A. Si Pemboros
Menghamburkan uang jadi kenikmatan tersendiri buat anda. Anda sangat pemurah, tapi cenderung sembrono. Buat Anda, yang penting asal senang. Tak heran, Anda selalu ‘besar pasak daripada tiang’.
B. Si Tukang Irit
Jadi tukang irit bukan berarti Anda miskin. Sebaliknya, Anda justru punya lebih banyak dari yang Anda bayangkan. Anda memang tak pernah ingin menghabiskannya, karena takut benar-benar habis. Artinya, Anda ketakutan tak punya cukup uang untuk hidup.
C. Si Sembrono
Wah, wah, sepertinya Anda sedang di ambang bahaya. Bersikap tak peduli terhadap masalah keuangan sebetulnya adalah gambaran rasa tak percaya diri. Anda tak yakin mampu hidup mandiri dalam kondisi sekarang.
D. Si Lepas Kendali
Anda termasuk orang yang selalu menghabiskan uang tanpa ‘jaring-jaring pengaman’. Cepat atau lambat, Anda mungkin bisa terjerat utang.
E. Si Juru Kontrol
Selamat! Kondisi keuangan Anda selalu berada di jalurnya. Latar belakang keluarga memang lumayan berpengaruh terhadap kepribadian Anda. Mungkin Anda memang tumbuh dalam lingkungan yang sehat dan bisa memberi contoh teladan.
wahhh!! selamet. ternyata gue masih termasuk orang 'bijak' zone type E!
what bout u? find out your type here!
in IT there is a word KISS but don't imagine a romantic and passionate event coz this one is totaly far away from it.
it is a guidance for every IT engineer/developer that should be remembered first while building their system. make it slim, thin, light-weight, easy to maintain and keep it at low level cost and everybody will happy. otherwise get ready for an administrative nightmare and make sure you had arranged a good story to explain to management.
btw, KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. so how do you want me to kiss you? ;)

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
it is a guidance for every IT engineer/developer that should be remembered first while building their system. make it slim, thin, light-weight, easy to maintain and keep it at low level cost and everybody will happy. otherwise get ready for an administrative nightmare and make sure you had arranged a good story to explain to management.
btw, KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. so how do you want me to kiss you? ;)
You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, October 10, 2003
linux fanatic always claim, Linux is virus free!!
well i say, just because it is not infected by virus doesn't mean it can't be infected. when linux replaces windows in popularity then all virus creators will turn their target from Gates's flagship into Linus's child. so don't be so sure yet. nothing is virus free as no site is 100% secure. both are build using the same tech: IT, so i don't see the reason why people can sneak into one O/S but can't to another. so it is only a matter of time.
now it doesn't mean that i'm on Gates side. i'm not a heavy fans of certain brand. if it is excellent, meet my requirements and suitable for me then i'll go along with it. if not then "hasta la vista beibeh"
only the best deserves the first place.
based on my experience using MS tech i can tell you many many bugs and drawback of Windows family that i encountered along with its power of course. hey, people have to be objective don't they?
but despite it, one thing i know for sure, MS is outstanding for knowledge base and help file articles. how easy it is to find your answer just by typing minimal clue or do two clicks. open the Help/Search Index window and type "query" for keywords and you'll get a bunch list of it, including related topics.
when i tried the same thing on IBM DB2, i only got one result: query is...
bweeeeh! i don't need that such rookie information. i need to know how to create a query, where i can find it and what aggregate functions it has. i need advance info for advance user. and it must easy to locate. a bad help can consume time more than you could ever imagined, it can even hold the project for a couple days.
well i say, just because it is not infected by virus doesn't mean it can't be infected. when linux replaces windows in popularity then all virus creators will turn their target from Gates's flagship into Linus's child. so don't be so sure yet. nothing is virus free as no site is 100% secure. both are build using the same tech: IT, so i don't see the reason why people can sneak into one O/S but can't to another. so it is only a matter of time.
now it doesn't mean that i'm on Gates side. i'm not a heavy fans of certain brand. if it is excellent, meet my requirements and suitable for me then i'll go along with it. if not then "hasta la vista beibeh"
based on my experience using MS tech i can tell you many many bugs and drawback of Windows family that i encountered along with its power of course. hey, people have to be objective don't they?
but despite it, one thing i know for sure, MS is outstanding for knowledge base and help file articles. how easy it is to find your answer just by typing minimal clue or do two clicks. open the Help/Search Index window and type "query" for keywords and you'll get a bunch list of it, including related topics.
when i tried the same thing on IBM DB2, i only got one result: query is...
bweeeeh! i don't need that such rookie information. i need to know how to create a query, where i can find it and what aggregate functions it has. i need advance info for advance user. and it must easy to locate. a bad help can consume time more than you could ever imagined, it can even hold the project for a couple days.
for the last several weeks on my way to the office, i found banners everywhere, "kelurahan A sepenuhnya mendukung Kampret sebagai walikota anu"
funny thing, right beside it there is another banner, same color, same pattern, same font, the only different thing is the sentence, "segenap warga kelurahan A sepenuhnya mendukung Sompret sebagai walikota anu"
normal people would wonder, who does this "kelurahan A" support? Kampret or Sompret? obviously those banners are not placed by people at Kelurahan A, therefor not representative their will.
don't you think that in election, all candidates should describe their program, their vision and their primary concern to the people not to DPRD or something? but instead of doing those all, they are busy paying people to support them and placing banners every where as if they are fully supported by the local town folks.
and if the fave candidate somehow defeated, his people are going to turn the city into the sea of fire and ruin everything.
and they call it democracy. oh yeah, and call me Arnold ZegarZeger.
funny thing, right beside it there is another banner, same color, same pattern, same font, the only different thing is the sentence, "segenap warga kelurahan A sepenuhnya mendukung Sompret sebagai walikota anu"
normal people would wonder, who does this "kelurahan A" support? Kampret or Sompret? obviously those banners are not placed by people at Kelurahan A, therefor not representative their will.
don't you think that in election, all candidates should describe their program, their vision and their primary concern to the people not to DPRD or something? but instead of doing those all, they are busy paying people to support them and placing banners every where as if they are fully supported by the local town folks.
and if the fave candidate somehow defeated, his people are going to turn the city into the sea of fire and ruin everything.
and they call it democracy. oh yeah, and call me Arnold ZegarZeger.
Thursday, October 09, 2003
where you stand when it comes to finding a honey versus marrying into money? my result like this:
Meg, when it comes to love or money, you're a Hopeless Romantic
For richer? For poorer? It doesn't matter to you because you're the Hopeless Romantic. Whether your sweetie is an oil baron or a grease monkey, it's all about until death do us part.
Even if you haven't met "the one," you'll judge your soul mate by the love letters, roses, and foot massages — not the size of their bankroll. And even if their wallet is as fat as their sonnet collection, the toughest part of your relationship will be arguing over which charity to choose, who loves whom more, and who's the bigger Schmoopie. And if that diamond ring turns brass, no biggie — your love is totally not-for-profit.
mm.. is that what really me?
Hotel Indonesia
sejak selasa-rabu kemaren divisi gue ngadain rapat alias konsinyiring di HI. dan apa yg bisa gue catet dari sana? kamar yang apek dengan fasilitas minim dan memprihatinkan! udah seprai kusam dan bau apek ditambah lagi suasana lantai 8 *tempat gw nginep* yang rada angker. hii..! Duh.. ampun deh! moga" laen kali kantor gue ada ide lebih baik buat make hotel yang lebih nyaman.
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
you know, a CD can store file(s) up to 650 - 700 MB while a floppy disk has only 1.4 MB capacity. but not like the disk, write to CD is a one way ticket trip. in most case, after you burn the CD you can't modify, delete or add new file. if there's the need then put the CD in your trash can and burn a new one.
and what if someone ask you to write a 327 kb (0.3 MB) size file into a blank fresh CD? our first though was "why didn't use a floppy disk instead or just simply send it by e-mail?" what a waste of space. although it is his CD but when we burned it somehow it still felt silly.
and i could never understand some people who sweat small stuff at work, likewise the file name has a space or it is in capital letter. we have an external user, age at 50 something who demanded to replace the CD he had received just because the file name had a space in it. this old man probably do not know how much the cost for a CD. not the material only but also the extra time it takes. i imagine this guy is old, an ancient artifact from Majapahit era, not humble, less respected by people around him, has a fear inside though he's not really sure what he's afraid of and try to show the world that he still has some power to order people.
we got another mr. big who complained about a video file we sent -a documentation of short tour in our site-. to make it more alive we set a background music for the file. and that was he complained about. how childish. this time our GM ignored him. he suggested that jerk to turn off the speaker or mute it and problem solved. take the simple way whenever it is there. actually, his first comment was quite acrimonious, "kalo dia enggak mau dengar musiknya ya banting aja speakernya"
well if you have power and position then try to lower your head and not to sweat small stuff like them. there are more important things to concern about.
and what if someone ask you to write a 327 kb (0.3 MB) size file into a blank fresh CD? our first though was "why didn't use a floppy disk instead or just simply send it by e-mail?" what a waste of space. although it is his CD but when we burned it somehow it still felt silly.
and i could never understand some people who sweat small stuff at work, likewise the file name has a space or it is in capital letter. we have an external user, age at 50 something who demanded to replace the CD he had received just because the file name had a space in it. this old man probably do not know how much the cost for a CD. not the material only but also the extra time it takes. i imagine this guy is old, an ancient artifact from Majapahit era, not humble, less respected by people around him, has a fear inside though he's not really sure what he's afraid of and try to show the world that he still has some power to order people.
we got another mr. big who complained about a video file we sent -a documentation of short tour in our site-. to make it more alive we set a background music for the file. and that was he complained about. how childish. this time our GM ignored him. he suggested that jerk to turn off the speaker or mute it and problem solved. take the simple way whenever it is there. actually, his first comment was quite acrimonious, "kalo dia enggak mau dengar musiknya ya banting aja speakernya"
well if you have power and position then try to lower your head and not to sweat small stuff like them. there are more important things to concern about.
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
if love comes only to leave
then i prefer love never comes to me at all
i love Keanu's suit in Matrix Reloaded. cool and black.
my fave color is black and dark blue. dark brown at the second rank.
but hey, am i that black?

Your Heart is Black
What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
then i prefer love never comes to me at all
i love Keanu's suit in Matrix Reloaded. cool and black.
my fave color is black and dark blue. dark brown at the second rank.
but hey, am i that black?
Your Heart is Black
What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, October 06, 2003
a friend of mine ever mocked me once before, "everyone is migrating to linux, why do you still stuck with MS?"
oh don't worry, i'll be there too. you know that i never miss a new interesting stuff like that but i'll go when i think it is the time. i'm not that kind of guy who goes wherever the wind blows. there are plans and schedule and the best comes to those who wait. let me complete my MS track first before start with another one.
and by the time i get there, i'll make sure he'll be caught in surprise
oh don't worry, i'll be there too. you know that i never miss a new interesting stuff like that but i'll go when i think it is the time. i'm not that kind of guy who goes wherever the wind blows. there are plans and schedule and the best comes to those who wait. let me complete my MS track first before start with another one.
and by the time i get there, i'll make sure he'll be caught in surprise
Friday, October 03, 2003
Thursday, October 02, 2003
Jakarta Oh Jakarta...
JAKARTA. kadang gue gak ngerti ama kota ini. gak ada ujan, gak ada kebakaran tau-tau jalanan yang biasanya lancar untuk jam-jam tertentu langsung bisa berubah kondisi menjadi super duper maceettt total!! bayangin aja, sampe kemaren ini udah terjadi 3 kali berturut-turut dan paling parah yah rabu kemaren.
ceritanya gini. biasanya gue cabut kantor sekitar 16.30-an dan perkiraan waktu sampai dapet bis paling lama 15-20 menitan kemudian *ini paling apes* nah.. biasanya tuh sampe daerah Menteng khan sekitar jam 5 pm lebih dikit. kemaren ini belum sampe perempatan Menteng Plaza aja kendaraan udah berderet-deret antri. fuuh... jadinya sepanjang Menteng ke arah Kuningan macet banget! gue gak ngerti kenapa, karna biasanya sih 'normalnya' macet baru terjadi di sekitar prapatan Cassablanca menuju perempatan Kuningan-Gatsu.
duuh.. ampuun deh! mana di bis penuh sesak dengan orang yg br plg kantor.. berasa kehabisan napas deh. yg bikin bete karna ini ke-3 kalinya dalam seminggu ini. emangnya ada apa sih? ada demo? atau apa? karna denger" daerah sudirman-thamrin juga kena macet seperti ini. yang jelas gue baru sampe rumah ampir jam 7 deh.
ooh Jakarta.. andai gue bisa menghindari peluh dan lelah yang kau berikan ke wargamu setiap hari....
becoz somehow gue capek hidup di kota ini.......
ceritanya gini. biasanya gue cabut kantor sekitar 16.30-an dan perkiraan waktu sampai dapet bis paling lama 15-20 menitan kemudian *ini paling apes* nah.. biasanya tuh sampe daerah Menteng khan sekitar jam 5 pm lebih dikit. kemaren ini belum sampe perempatan Menteng Plaza aja kendaraan udah berderet-deret antri. fuuh... jadinya sepanjang Menteng ke arah Kuningan macet banget! gue gak ngerti kenapa, karna biasanya sih 'normalnya' macet baru terjadi di sekitar prapatan Cassablanca menuju perempatan Kuningan-Gatsu.
duuh.. ampuun deh! mana di bis penuh sesak dengan orang yg br plg kantor.. berasa kehabisan napas deh. yg bikin bete karna ini ke-3 kalinya dalam seminggu ini. emangnya ada apa sih? ada demo? atau apa? karna denger" daerah sudirman-thamrin juga kena macet seperti ini. yang jelas gue baru sampe rumah ampir jam 7 deh.
ooh Jakarta.. andai gue bisa menghindari peluh dan lelah yang kau berikan ke wargamu setiap hari....
becoz somehow gue capek hidup di kota ini.......
i've just returned from our warehouse for checking some installation there. my, it's so far away located on the other side of the earth.
the doctor says that is good to do some sport in the morning and i must admit he is right. the problem is, now i can't hardly wait for lunch time. i'm hungryyyyy...
the doctor says that is good to do some sport in the morning and i must admit he is right. the problem is, now i can't hardly wait for lunch time. i'm hungryyyyy...
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
ooh.. so much need! a house, mobile kompie, digi-cam, etc, etc..!!
must check my financial status and grade it up first!
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