Tuesday, September 30, 2003
how to lose a guy in 10 days?
a romantic comedy movie. such a 'naughty' game to know how to impress a man by all your phisical attraction, then dump him not longer than 10 days ;) but when it returns to you with what they called as love, what should you do, gals? just go away from him or straightly catch him back? ;)
as i arrived at the station a small man in dishevelled suit came close and asked, "Yogya pak?".
nope i said. not a minute later another man asked the similar question, "Bandung pak?"
nope i said (again).
i walked along the empty corridor in order to get to our rendezvous point. as i passed a group of people, one of them quickly asked that typical question again, "mana pak? Bandung?"
it all started to bother me but this time i didn't bother to say anything and just continued my step. i promised to my self if i hear the same question my answer would be, "Tangerang!" or perhaps, "saya mo ke toilet. berapa ongkosnya?" :D
not so far away i saw a big banner: "Daerah Bebas Calo"
how ironic.
nope i said. not a minute later another man asked the similar question, "Bandung pak?"
nope i said (again).
i walked along the empty corridor in order to get to our rendezvous point. as i passed a group of people, one of them quickly asked that typical question again, "mana pak? Bandung?"
it all started to bother me but this time i didn't bother to say anything and just continued my step. i promised to my self if i hear the same question my answer would be, "Tangerang!" or perhaps, "saya mo ke toilet. berapa ongkosnya?" :D
not so far away i saw a big banner: "Daerah Bebas Calo"
how ironic.
ok here is the situation:
we have a small group of users located at another site. some of them have a CD-ROM drive installed on their PC, some are not. one of those users who don't have CD-ROM drive wants to install a new software. they are all connected in a LAN. now, how should you install the requested software from a CD on a PC without CD-ROM drive?
simply sharing a CD-ROM drive on another PC and you'll get along just fine. but what did the local System staff take action? they contacted us and asked if we can borrow them a CD-ROM drive. how foolish. so my boss agreed to fulfill their request and ship a broken CD-ROM
. yes it still can run but always get hang oftenly, in fact it is only in 20% good condition.
and he can't hold himself from not insulting them, "goblok! dasar enggak punya otak."
we have a small group of users located at another site. some of them have a CD-ROM drive installed on their PC, some are not. one of those users who don't have CD-ROM drive wants to install a new software. they are all connected in a LAN. now, how should you install the requested software from a CD on a PC without CD-ROM drive?
simply sharing a CD-ROM drive on another PC and you'll get along just fine. but what did the local System staff take action? they contacted us and asked if we can borrow them a CD-ROM drive. how foolish. so my boss agreed to fulfill their request and ship a broken CD-ROM
and he can't hold himself from not insulting them, "goblok! dasar enggak punya otak."
Monday, September 29, 2003
well i have no idea if it is a true story or not, but it's worth to read. this is about a test for new candidate at Astra Intl years ago. there's only one question, it is a story case:
you are in a region that had been hit by flood. the local goverment tried to evacuate the people the best they can, however they only have 1 single bus. the bus has been gone for several trip and finally there are only 4 person left need to be evacuated. you, a doctor, an old woman and your truly love. it's been night already and the bus has just been gone for its last trip today and will come back tomorrow morning.
fortunately, you have your motorbike with you, you can use it to save yourself and 1 other person. the question is which one will you choose? the doctor, the old woman or your true love?
the old woman is dying and will die soon unless she gets a good medical treatment but hei, people will die soon or later won't they?
the doctor had saved your life once before, you owe him. so perhaps this is the good time to pay your debt.
your true love is the only one you've been searching and dreaming for the entire life. there's no way you can find another person like her/him again.
what's your answer and your reason?
there were 2000 candidates but only 1 passed the exam. the succesful candidate wrote short:
"i'll give the motorbike to the doctor and ask him to take the old woman to the refugees camp, while i'll stay with my true love and wait for the dawn when the bus comes to pick us up."
the HRD manager was so happy found the answer and recommended the successful candidate with following notes: "smart and brilliant employee. prospectful career"
the candidate not only passed the exam but later became one of the top management at the company. she is now the minister of Industrial and Trade, Rini MS Soewandi.
so the point is, to give, to admit our limit and to share might returns to us in even more valuable thing than we expected
you are in a region that had been hit by flood. the local goverment tried to evacuate the people the best they can, however they only have 1 single bus. the bus has been gone for several trip and finally there are only 4 person left need to be evacuated. you, a doctor, an old woman and your truly love. it's been night already and the bus has just been gone for its last trip today and will come back tomorrow morning.
fortunately, you have your motorbike with you, you can use it to save yourself and 1 other person. the question is which one will you choose? the doctor, the old woman or your true love?
the old woman is dying and will die soon unless she gets a good medical treatment but hei, people will die soon or later won't they?
the doctor had saved your life once before, you owe him. so perhaps this is the good time to pay your debt.
your true love is the only one you've been searching and dreaming for the entire life. there's no way you can find another person like her/him again.
what's your answer and your reason?
there were 2000 candidates but only 1 passed the exam. the succesful candidate wrote short:
"i'll give the motorbike to the doctor and ask him to take the old woman to the refugees camp, while i'll stay with my true love and wait for the dawn when the bus comes to pick us up."
the HRD manager was so happy found the answer and recommended the successful candidate with following notes: "smart and brilliant employee. prospectful career"
the candidate not only passed the exam but later became one of the top management at the company. she is now the minister of Industrial and Trade, Rini MS Soewandi.
so the point is, to give, to admit our limit and to share might returns to us in even more valuable thing than we expected
Ini sagnat menraik
Menuurt sbeauh penilitean di Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, tdaik mejnadi maslaah bgaimanaa urtaun hufur-hufur di dlaam sebauh kaat, ynag palngi pnteing adlaah leatk hruuf partema dan terkhair itu bnaer. Siasnya dpaat brantaaken saam skelai dan kmau maish dpaat mebmacanya tnpaa msaalah. Hal ini kerana oatk masunia tdaik mambeca seitap huurf msaing-msaing, tatepi kaat kesuleruhan. Manejkubakn naggk?
stlil not beleive? hvae you raed tihs before?
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. amzanig, huh?
source: forwarded email
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. amzanig, huh?
source: forwarded email
i don't drink and i don't smoke.
i don't like coffe and prefer milk for morning
i don't like night society and prefer be at home when the night arrives
i'm not interest to how much money you have,
but i do interest to where does that money come from
i'm not interest to your age or your maturity,
but i do interest to your way of thinking and how's your perception of life
i'm not interest to your society class status,
but i do interest to your integrity and how you treat people around you
i'm not interest to your color but i do interest to how do you look at the colors
i don't like coffe and prefer milk for morning
i don't like night society and prefer be at home when the night arrives
i'm not interest to how much money you have,
but i do interest to where does that money come from
i'm not interest to your age or your maturity,
but i do interest to your way of thinking and how's your perception of life
i'm not interest to your society class status,
but i do interest to your integrity and how you treat people around you
i'm not interest to your color but i do interest to how do you look at the colors
Friday, September 26, 2003
hari santai
hari ini begitu santai di kantor. banyak yang dinas ke luar kota dan ada yang ijin. wah.. ditambah lagi atmosfer weekend hari jumat gini.. fuuh.. jadi bersa santai banget deh di kantor. jadina bosen jugak.. ntar liat-liat kesempatan juga incase bisa jalan bentar ke atrium pas waktu jumatan. cuci mata dikit dunk!
but alhamdulillah i passed. thanks also to my on-hands experience and the learning tutorial kit. well things are not always run smooth as we expected. almost every expert that i met told the same story, they had failed several times before be what they are right now. but failure doesn't mean lose. it is just something we can try again next time. however if you fail and down and laying down there forever, there you lose.
i believe started from now things are gonna be harder
Thursday, September 25, 2003
blue day
temen-temen sekantor, terutama para staff baru seangkatan gw, bikin ide dress code: warna biru tiap hari kamis. hahaha.. asyik juga ngelihatnya. keliatan kompak gitu. jadinya, gue pun gak mau ketinggalan. hari ini ngikutin gaya mereka. gue pake deh blazer + trousers biru yang baru gw beli beberapa minggu lalu
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
walk fast or at least a little above average. not slow and not too slow. i just can't stand against people who walk like a turtle. little by little step as if the world is stop and waiting for her to complete. has she ever realized how many things she might missed for her slow-lame moving action?
worse thing, she knows nothing about IT but demands a fully detail explanation about server, desknote, C#, asp, web, router, and all those alien terms from the other side of galaxy. and it makes all of us tired oftenly. though my friend has a lot of patience (second rank in our group for the most patience person) he still complains about her.
worse thing, she knows nothing about IT but demands a fully detail explanation about server, desknote, C#, asp, web, router, and all those alien terms from the other side of galaxy. and it makes all of us tired oftenly. though my friend has a lot of patience (second rank in our group for the most patience person) he still complains about her.
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
cintaku di kampus biru
selama di jogja kemaren gue sempetin mampir and jalan-jalan seputar mantan kampus gue tercinta.
wanna know some news? ini yang gue dapet dari sana:
1. fakultas gue tambah okey. bangunan lima lantai sudah berdiri megah disana. wah.. enjoy banget suasananya. gak kebayang betapa para mahasiswa baru sangat dimanjakan dengan berbagai fasilitas mewah ini. jaman gue dulu aja.. hua kampus masih tradisionil, masih seadanya. nampaknya sejak kampus ini berganti status menjadi BHMN, semuanya jadi berbenah untuk menonjolkan fakultas masing-masing.
2. hari minggu pagi gue jalan" lagi sepanjang boulevard. sejak dulu kalo hari minggu jalanan ini dipenuhi sama mahasiswa yang berolahraga pagi, dan di sisi-sisi jalannya bertebaran pedagang makanan seperti bubur ayam, lontong opor dll. tapi sekarang nampaknya makin rame aja, soalnya jumlah pedangag tambah banyak *gak jauh beda ama parkit senayan* dan pengunjung. wah asli.. nih kampus jadi super duper crowded di hari minggu. after all, apapun perubahan di kampus ini, gue cinta banget ama suasana dan kenangan yang ada di sana
does megawati deserve a second chance? some people might said yes but i don't think so. though i do admit things are getting better and the politic is quite composed but the criminal rate is still high and law enforcement is nothing but just a talk show among elites. beside, the unemployment rate is also high, very high while this fucking country is less and more less attractive for investors.
i'm not saying that she was doing nothing to bring indo out of crisis but i don't think it is enough and worth a credit for her at the next election. i don't like her leadership style. some experts say that she positioned herself as an aristocratic princess, so it is the people who have to understand her, it is the people who have to be smart in translating the meaning of her smile, it is the people who have to hear her, reach her and not vice versa. is it a good habit for a leader?
however, megawati is still better then wahid. she performed a solid team and not re-assembly it again and again while time is critical here and hungry people can't wait any longer. that old man couldn't position himself at the right time and the right place, couldn't use his tongue wisely, has no idea which thing should be at the top priority and has no tolerance to critics.
somehow i doubt the next election can produce a capability leader who can serve the people better. perhaps we need 10 or 15 years more to have a person like that and also to replace the corrupt system with a fresh new one. a clean and strong one that many dream about.
and does Bush deserve a second chance? absolutely not!
i'm not saying that she was doing nothing to bring indo out of crisis but i don't think it is enough and worth a credit for her at the next election. i don't like her leadership style. some experts say that she positioned herself as an aristocratic princess, so it is the people who have to understand her, it is the people who have to be smart in translating the meaning of her smile, it is the people who have to hear her, reach her and not vice versa. is it a good habit for a leader?
however, megawati is still better then wahid. she performed a solid team and not re-assembly it again and again while time is critical here and hungry people can't wait any longer. that old man couldn't position himself at the right time and the right place, couldn't use his tongue wisely, has no idea which thing should be at the top priority and has no tolerance to critics.
somehow i doubt the next election can produce a capability leader who can serve the people better. perhaps we need 10 or 15 years more to have a person like that and also to replace the corrupt system with a fresh new one. a clean and strong one that many dream about.
and does Bush deserve a second chance? absolutely not!
Monday, September 22, 2003
three days in jogja. What a peaceful vacation!
Lying on my mom's bed, enjoying some food while watching some gossip on TV and other entartainment news! Take a bath around 11 am (is it still morning? ) and go to sleep... (again!) That's what mostly i've done during those 3 days. oh.. my wonderful days!
Friday, September 19, 2003
i’ve been quite busy this week. some dinner invitations, list of target must be completed, outside meeting without snack provided, only a can of fanta nanas, spend some hours at the train station, manage the C site. oh my, it feels like i’ve been lived for a thousand years.
now i wanna spend my weekend at home. watching tv *sinetron suck *, eating, sleeping, playing games or play with my nephew. well perhaps i can add some badminton games, or just walking around my residential complex in the morning
now i wanna spend my weekend at home. watching tv *sinetron suck *, eating, sleeping, playing games or play with my nephew. well perhaps i can add some badminton games, or just walking around my residential complex in the morning
i've just read this news and my first though was "who the hell do they think they are?" are they the world savior? are they super hero who had brought this country out of disaster? how special they are so they think they deserve to do what ever they want and public must accommodating their wish, no matter if it is tiresome other people?
they are suck and somehow paranoid. though i'm not against them but i don't like their policy this time. beside a commercial and residential complex it is also a public area and therefore should let opened all the time. and Marriott definitely is not a holy temple.
they are suck and somehow paranoid. though i'm not against them but i don't like their policy this time. beside a commercial and residential complex it is also a public area and therefore should let opened all the time. and Marriott definitely is not a holy temple.
i got a forwarded flash made calculator. it is just a simple calculator with basic functions. small size (about 500 kb) and the number 0 to 9 on top of it.
what it makes different is when you turn on your speaker and raise up the volume. the louder the better and soon the entire room will looking at you. coz clicking a number will trigger the sound "aaaahh", click another one you'll hear "oooohhh", "give it to me baby". click again and you'll reach the top: "aaarggh!!!"
and they call it orgasmic calculator
what it makes different is when you turn on your speaker and raise up the volume. the louder the better and soon the entire room will looking at you. coz clicking a number will trigger the sound "aaaahh", click another one you'll hear "oooohhh", "give it to me baby". click again and you'll reach the top: "aaarggh!!!"
and they call it orgasmic calculator
Thursday, September 18, 2003
this is the result from yesterday meeting: we agree to modify our system so that it can export all necessary information into a file in particular format to be sent by email later. we (or should i say they) agree to be one of the first participants and customize the system so the exported file can fit in vendor's data table.
and at the same time i still have to design a code structure for our new installation. well i prefer the design rather than do the system modification. it's more challenging. and user at C site requests for some modifications while i still have to prepare my self for my exam.
and i've just talked with one of our section head division and he asked if it is possible to create a small program to link the data of his div with warehouse's. and i still wanna continue develop our new template to replace the old one.
and i only have one brain, two hands, two eyes and one sexy lips (yeah i know it's unrelated but let me say it will you?)
and now finally i can see the benefit of clone technology
and at the same time i still have to design a code structure for our new installation. well i prefer the design rather than do the system modification. it's more challenging. and user at C site requests for some modifications while i still have to prepare my self for my exam.
and i've just talked with one of our section head division and he asked if it is possible to create a small program to link the data of his div with warehouse's. and i still wanna continue develop our new template to replace the old one.
and i only have one brain, two hands, two eyes and one sexy lips (yeah i know it's unrelated but let me say it will you?)
and now finally i can see the benefit of clone technology
a couple days ago i tried to surf using this O/S and guess what i found?
well, this page lost its background colour. we have to highlight the text to make it visible, and of course the falling star feature didn't work. this page showed the wrong column width. (the left column covered almost the entire page), and this page ended up in funny layout. it splitted into two rows instead of two columns. the comment box was in the first row. there were several things but i can't remember what they are :p
sorry i didn't have a chance to try the other blogs as the day ran off and i must go home or i'll miss the bus.
well, this page lost its background colour. we have to highlight the text to make it visible, and of course the falling star feature didn't work. this page showed the wrong column width. (the left column covered almost the entire page), and this page ended up in funny layout. it splitted into two rows instead of two columns. the comment box was in the first row. there were several things but i can't remember what they are :p
sorry i didn't have a chance to try the other blogs as the day ran off and i must go home or i'll miss the bus.
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
i could never understand those people at C site. don't they know the meaning of "learn and remember"?
learn what you have to learn. and remember what you have learned. so you won't ask it again and again. they are lame, passive, not object oriented, hard to understand, no willing to improve their skill, no imagination and stupid enough to understand what does "altius, citius, fortius" mean.
learn what you have to learn. and remember what you have learned. so you won't ask it again and again. they are lame, passive, not object oriented, hard to understand, no willing to improve their skill, no imagination and stupid enough to understand what does "altius, citius, fortius" mean.
two stories of
mmm.. how lovely and fresh when it's rain!
pagi tadi jam 6.30 gue cabut dari kost. 15 mnt sebelumnya gerimis turun. wah.. bakal keujanan lagi deh, gitu pikir gue. udara memang fresh banget.. cuman blum brangkat kantor tetep aja takut kena becek ato macet di jalan. keluar ke jln raya lgs naik 75. turun di bakrie, untungnya langsung dapet P20 yg kosong. mm.. jalanan ternyata *belum* gak gitu macet. trus pak sopir juga nyupirnya gak ngebut. jadi sepanjang perjalanan gue bisa menikmati udara pagi yang segaaarrrr banget! sampe di kantor jam 7.45-an deh
see the difference with this:
how come rainy day do this to me!
kemaren, jam 6.30 cabut dari kost. peyut rada mules gue biarin aja, mungkin ntar ilang juga. eit.. sampe di halte gue ragu" soalna sakit lagi. tp berhubung habis ujan dan takut kejebak macet gue naik bis aja. yakkk.. baru sampe perempatan mangga besar, peyut gue melilit lagi.. mules euy.. nimbang" bentar akhirnya gue turun. muter balik pake angkot. yak. gue balik ke kost buat memenuhi "hasrat ingin ke belakang"
yaa.. daripada kebelet di tengah jalan yg macet, hihihi.. dan akhirnya 6.50 baru brangkat dan sampe mampang 7.30. udah gitu masih kudu nunggu p20, karna disini udah pada penuh semua. mm.. sampe di atrium jam 8-an.. dan kena cipratan pula dari angkot yg gue cegat. huhhh... sebelnya!!
akhirnya sampe hampir stengah 9 di ktr, setelah bersih" kaki di restroom... fuuh...
pagi tadi jam 6.30 gue cabut dari kost. 15 mnt sebelumnya gerimis turun. wah.. bakal keujanan lagi deh, gitu pikir gue. udara memang fresh banget.. cuman blum brangkat kantor tetep aja takut kena becek ato macet di jalan. keluar ke jln raya lgs naik 75. turun di bakrie, untungnya langsung dapet P20 yg kosong. mm.. jalanan ternyata *belum* gak gitu macet. trus pak sopir juga nyupirnya gak ngebut. jadi sepanjang perjalanan gue bisa menikmati udara pagi yang segaaarrrr banget! sampe di kantor jam 7.45-an deh
see the difference with this:
how come rainy day do this to me!
kemaren, jam 6.30 cabut dari kost. peyut rada mules gue biarin aja, mungkin ntar ilang juga. eit.. sampe di halte gue ragu" soalna sakit lagi. tp berhubung habis ujan dan takut kejebak macet gue naik bis aja. yakkk.. baru sampe perempatan mangga besar, peyut gue melilit lagi.. mules euy.. nimbang" bentar akhirnya gue turun. muter balik pake angkot. yak. gue balik ke kost buat memenuhi "hasrat ingin ke belakang"
Monday, September 15, 2003
How can I say "No" to you?
being with you is a miracle for me
happiness come to me as your coming
sadness run away from me because of you
How can I say "No" to you?
being loved by you is the feel
make me become complately alive!
far away from your love
is such a deep painful to me
All I just want you to know
it's the great moment in my life
that I can be the part
of your heart
-- part of your heart --
quote from: All about LOVE
when the rain falls and i'm at home, i used to sit and watch the wet nature out there, feeling the wind blowing on my face and let my body trembling. i watch as the water slips through the green leaves, quickly falls to the ground and disappears. i hear the sound of falling tears as the rain touches the earth. sometimes the water covers the entire road so that any vehicles that want to pass through must move slowly, guided by local town folks, otherwise they'll be misleading and can fall into the trench.
or i stay in my room, listening to the tick.. tick... sound as the rain knocks on my window. i love the atmosphere she brings. the cold, the blue, the peace, all things those make me feel at ease.
and it's
over here.........
or i stay in my room, listening to the tick.. tick... sound as the rain knocks on my window. i love the atmosphere she brings. the cold, the blue, the peace, all things those make me feel at ease.
and it's
ok, now it's time to play some tips n trick.
if you're using MS Windows (doesn't matter your version) and your keyboard has the Start button (that's it, button with the Windows logo appears on it) then you can do the following trick:
press Start + E will open windows Explorer. this is the easiest way to browse a file. i used to use this and successfully impress many people.
try to open many windows at a time. now, what if you wanna hide them all in one single action? minimize them one by one? not necessary. simply press Start + D will show your Desktop and therefor, minimize all open windows. this is the quickest way to hide your game if your boss is coming ;)
last, press Start + F will bring you to the Find file and folder dialog box. this old trick still run on XP though.
if you're using MS Windows (doesn't matter your version) and your keyboard has the Start button (that's it, button with the Windows logo appears on it) then you can do the following trick:
press Start + E will open windows Explorer. this is the easiest way to browse a file. i used to use this and successfully impress many people.
try to open many windows at a time. now, what if you wanna hide them all in one single action? minimize them one by one? not necessary. simply press Start + D will show your Desktop and therefor, minimize all open windows. this is the quickest way to hide your game if your boss is coming ;)
last, press Start + F will bring you to the Find file and folder dialog box. this old trick still run on XP though.
Friday, September 12, 2003
still about english language
kadang gue suka geli sendiri mendengar keluhan beberapa orang di sekitar gue yang heboh soal bahasa ini. "wah.. trainingnya nanti dalam bahasa inggris.. gimana nih? entar cengok aja kita disana" atau mungkin yang seperti ini: "wah.. ada tamu orang asing nih.. coba wakilkan saya. kalian aja yang temui!"
duuh.. jadi sedih dengernya. padahal orang yang ngomong seperti itu sudah pada posisi penting di kantor. atau entahlah.. meski seseorang itu staff biasa atau pada level supervisor ke atas, kadang mereka masih suka kelabakan jika menghadapi undangan atau acara dengan bahasa pengantar english. iya, pasti mereka pasti bisa memahami. tapi merubah status aktif menjadi pasif itu yang mereka belum bisa dan belum mau (?)
kadang yang bikin gue bingung itu, kenapa sih mereka suka mengeluh gak bisa, padahal belum dicoba? kenapa gak mencoba mempersiapkan diri dengan latihan, daripada sekedar menyesali dan ngedumel? kenapa gak coba benahi diri sendiri dulu daripada menyalahkan lingkungan? kenapa gak menggunakan waktu dengan belajar dan meningkatkan kemampuan diri daripada nanti tertinggal oleh kemajuan jaman?
to be honest, gue sendiri merasa kemampuan gue in english masih kurang banget. though i've learn about it for years, but still i realize that my capability in this language still so far from it should be. tapi gue gak pernah nyerah. cuman satu yg gue andalkan: kepercayaan diri. asal kita pd and berani, semuanya pasti bisa dijalani. dan satu lagi, jangan pernah takut salah! coz we're never learning anything if we didn't make any mistake. am i right? ;)
speaking about english, this smart lady has inspired me to do the same.
i adore her capability in english. sure.
duuh.. jadi sedih dengernya. padahal orang yang ngomong seperti itu sudah pada posisi penting di kantor. atau entahlah.. meski seseorang itu staff biasa atau pada level supervisor ke atas, kadang mereka masih suka kelabakan jika menghadapi undangan atau acara dengan bahasa pengantar english. iya, pasti mereka pasti bisa memahami. tapi merubah status aktif menjadi pasif itu yang mereka belum bisa dan belum mau (?)
kadang yang bikin gue bingung itu, kenapa sih mereka suka mengeluh gak bisa, padahal belum dicoba? kenapa gak mencoba mempersiapkan diri dengan latihan, daripada sekedar menyesali dan ngedumel? kenapa gak coba benahi diri sendiri dulu daripada menyalahkan lingkungan? kenapa gak menggunakan waktu dengan belajar dan meningkatkan kemampuan diri daripada nanti tertinggal oleh kemajuan jaman?
to be honest, gue sendiri merasa kemampuan gue in english masih kurang banget. though i've learn about it for years, but still i realize that my capability in this language still so far from it should be. tapi gue gak pernah nyerah. cuman satu yg gue andalkan: kepercayaan diri. asal kita pd and berani, semuanya pasti bisa dijalani. dan satu lagi, jangan pernah takut salah! coz we're never learning anything if we didn't make any mistake. am i right? ;)
speaking about english, this smart lady has inspired me to do the same.
i adore her capability in english. sure.
Thursday, September 11, 2003
twinkle, twinkle litte star
how i wonder what you are
up above in the world so high
like a diamond in the sky
a children song that my 2 years old nephew love to hear. it's funny to see him singing it with his cute little mouth. one thing about him, he can't help himself from not controlling the computer. each time he sees someone's playing a PC game, the only thing he does is running for it and try to hold the mouse with his tiny little hands. do some click.. click.. click... and boom! the game crashed. later a victory yell coming out, "abiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssss..."
and so we have to start the game again. the only available time to play is when he is sleeping. sadly, he is rarely sleeps.
i played Tomb Raider on PC several times and i love it for its puzzles to solve and the legend of each artifact behind. i was a little disappointed when i saw the movie as i found out that too many action and too little puzzle that Lara must solve. yeah i realize it's hard to pack over 20 levels in a two hours duration movie *including the opening theme* but please make it better than that. it's not even worth for the ticket price. Angeline Jolie is closely match Lara Croft character *at least they have the same breast*
but one thing i admit from the movie, Angelina Jolie is sexy with a white towel
but one thing i admit from the movie, Angelina Jolie is sexy with a white towel
cinta = persahabatan?
ini untuk yang ke-sekian kalinya gue nonton film ini. walaupun cuman sekilas dan gak sengaja kok gue masih berurai air mata lagi yahh? hahaha. padahal tadi malam tuh udah episode terakhir, itupun gue nontonnya selang-seling ganti-ganti channel liatin this handsome guy di stasiun laen.
sebenarnya temanya sederhana sekali. cinta dan persahabatan. mungkin karna simple makanya ceritanya cukup mengena. apakah cinta = persahabatan? ataukah cinta memang berawal dari persahabatan? rasa sayang pada teman dekat atau sahabat apakah nanti akan bermuara pada yang namanya cinta?
cinta tumbuh karna terbiasa. mungkin ini istilah yang tepat untuk mengambarkan bahwa cinta dapat tumbuh di hati siapa saja. tak peduli apakah dia seorang teman atu sahabat sekalipun. kalau cinta sudah bicara hati siapapun yang kena panahnya akan luluh juga. right?
i met a friend of mine last night. he was an accountant but he is jobless now. 40 years old with an elementary school age kid and his wife is just a house-wife with no revenue at all, i can understand how hard this situation is for him.
well i hope it won't happen to me. *Insya Allah* i was thinking about become an investor or something else like that. mie ayam maybe? ;)
well i hope it won't happen to me. *Insya Allah* i was thinking about become an investor or something else like that. mie ayam maybe? ;)
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
i spent last night read a book about Adam, Hawa, sungai Nil, Nuh, Luth, Musa, Firaun, Namrudz, Iskandar Dzulkarnain, about his great wall and his journey to the land of the dark, Isa and Dajjal. impressive. i wonder if someday i have a chance to meet Jibril personally and of course he should introduce himself so that i know it is him.
and yes i hope it is the good news that he brings to me :)
and yes i hope it is the good news that he brings to me :)
to dearest Mom,
happy 53rd anniversary...
i hope you're always fine and in healthy condition all the time.
as far as my life, i know you are the main reason of my journey.
with your love and care, i know i never become a person as what i am now.
afterall, i know whatever i achieve, it's all because of you.
all your praying and all your support.
thank you Mom.. i love you always..
-- simple words from ur lovely daughter --
happy 53rd anniversary...
i hope you're always fine and in healthy condition all the time.
as far as my life, i know you are the main reason of my journey.
with your love and care, i know i never become a person as what i am now.
afterall, i know whatever i achieve, it's all because of you.
all your praying and all your support.
thank you Mom.. i love you always..
-- simple words from ur lovely daughter --
i got a protest for my english posted :P, ok so here i write in indo:
gue teringat pengalaman dengan seorang user yang komplain klo dia sulit memakai komputer. alasannya "sebab pakai bahasa inggris sih pak"
dan saat itu juga gue merasa kasihan, geli sekaligus sebal. kasihan karena dia tidak mengerti. geli karena alasannya begitu sederhana. sebal karena dia tidak mau belajar dan menyesuaikan diri dengan tuntutan jaman malah menyalahkan lingkungan.
pernah juga seorang user tidak bisa memberi tahu apa pesan error yang muncul di komputernya. "enggak tahu pokoknya error aja!" setelah didatangi dan dicheck ternyata masalahnya begitu sepele, ada disket di dalam saat komputer dinyalakan. begitu remeh yang semestinya bisa dibantu via telp tanpa harus capek-capek datang. klo saja dia bisa bahasa Inggris, dalam hitungan detik masalahnya selesai dan dia bisa kerja lagi. tapi karena tidak bisa, keseluruhan masalah memakan waktu hingga 20 menit. 20 menit terbuang percuma. itu semua karena dia tidak mengerti Inggris.
kita biasa menjalankan perintah "File\Save.." ketika hendak menyimpan file, tapi berapa banyak diantara kita yang mengerti makna dibalik perintah itu? tidak banyak. sebagian besar melakukan itu karena terbiasa bukan karena mengerti kalau Save itu berarti menyimpan.
suatu ilmu bisa dipertajam jika sering digunakan. makin sering diasah makin bagus hasilnya. sama saja dengan bahasa. untuk memperlancar pemakaian suatu bahasa hanya ada satu jalan, yaitu dengan mempraktekkannya sesering mungkin. sebagian orang mungkin merasa cukup dengan kemampuan Inggris pasif. selama dia bisa mengerti dan memahami tulisan berbahasa Inggris, baginya tidak ada masalah.
tapi gue berpikiran lain. gue tidak begitu. klo kita ingin maju maka kita harus lebih baik dari yang lain, termasuk dalam bahasa asing. apa gunaya Inggris pasif ketika kita harus berhadapan face to face dengan seseorang yang mengerti bahasa Inggris tapi tidak indo? apa gunanya kita bisa memahami sebuah artikel dalam Inggris tapi tidak bisa mengutarakan keinginan kita ketika kita perlu? Tidak ada gunanya sama sekali.
lalu apakah kita bisa menghakimi seseorang lupa akarnya hanya karena ia banyak menggunakan bahasa asing? pantaskah kita menyalahkan orang lain hanya karena ia suka berbahasa asing? apa bisa kita menuduh seseorang bule, negro, asia, eskimo, mongol hanya karena cara ia mengutarakan opininya? hendaknya kita membuka pikiran dan mencoba bersikap lebih dewasa, lebih bijak dalam memandang sesuatu dan tidak berpikiran sempit. warna kulit dan postur tubuh saja sudah cukup untuk menggambarkan asal orang tersebut.
beberapa orang legendaris di dunia fasih dalam lebih dari satu bahasa. Cleopatra menguasai 7 bahasa asing. Soekarno menghentak ruang sidang PBB dengan pidatonya yang menggelegar dalam bahasa Inggris, tapi apa ada orang yang menuduh Soekarno lupa akar? jadi semestinya kita belajar menerima perbedaan. boleh saja kita menggerutu tapi ada batasnya dan tahu diri. jangan ikut metode pikiran Orba yang segala sesuatu harus sejalan seirama. siapa berbeda lantas dimusuhi. itu semua hanya membuat cara pikir kita tidak berkembang. dan itu pula salah satu sebab kenapa setelah penguasa jatuh, rakyat indo seperti orang bingung. sebab mereka tidak biasa berbeda, tidak pernah dilatih berpikir, semuanya serba "menurut petunjuk bapak presiden..."
jangan lupa kalau Al Quran dibaca dan dilantunkan dalam bahasa Arab. umat Budha juga melafalkan ayat-ayat mereka tidak dalam bahasa indo. lantas apa dengan begitu mereka semua adalah orang-orang yang "lupa akar?" dewasalah sedikit..
gue teringat pengalaman dengan seorang user yang komplain klo dia sulit memakai komputer. alasannya "sebab pakai bahasa inggris sih pak"
pernah juga seorang user tidak bisa memberi tahu apa pesan error yang muncul di komputernya. "enggak tahu pokoknya error aja!" setelah didatangi dan dicheck ternyata masalahnya begitu sepele, ada disket di dalam saat komputer dinyalakan. begitu remeh yang semestinya bisa dibantu via telp tanpa harus capek-capek datang. klo saja dia bisa bahasa Inggris, dalam hitungan detik masalahnya selesai dan dia bisa kerja lagi. tapi karena tidak bisa, keseluruhan masalah memakan waktu hingga 20 menit. 20 menit terbuang percuma. itu semua karena dia tidak mengerti Inggris.
kita biasa menjalankan perintah "File\Save.." ketika hendak menyimpan file, tapi berapa banyak diantara kita yang mengerti makna dibalik perintah itu? tidak banyak. sebagian besar melakukan itu karena terbiasa bukan karena mengerti kalau Save itu berarti menyimpan.
suatu ilmu bisa dipertajam jika sering digunakan. makin sering diasah makin bagus hasilnya. sama saja dengan bahasa. untuk memperlancar pemakaian suatu bahasa hanya ada satu jalan, yaitu dengan mempraktekkannya sesering mungkin. sebagian orang mungkin merasa cukup dengan kemampuan Inggris pasif. selama dia bisa mengerti dan memahami tulisan berbahasa Inggris, baginya tidak ada masalah.
tapi gue berpikiran lain. gue tidak begitu. klo kita ingin maju maka kita harus lebih baik dari yang lain, termasuk dalam bahasa asing. apa gunaya Inggris pasif ketika kita harus berhadapan face to face dengan seseorang yang mengerti bahasa Inggris tapi tidak indo? apa gunanya kita bisa memahami sebuah artikel dalam Inggris tapi tidak bisa mengutarakan keinginan kita ketika kita perlu? Tidak ada gunanya sama sekali.
lalu apakah kita bisa menghakimi seseorang lupa akarnya hanya karena ia banyak menggunakan bahasa asing? pantaskah kita menyalahkan orang lain hanya karena ia suka berbahasa asing? apa bisa kita menuduh seseorang bule, negro, asia, eskimo, mongol hanya karena cara ia mengutarakan opininya? hendaknya kita membuka pikiran dan mencoba bersikap lebih dewasa, lebih bijak dalam memandang sesuatu dan tidak berpikiran sempit. warna kulit dan postur tubuh saja sudah cukup untuk menggambarkan asal orang tersebut.
beberapa orang legendaris di dunia fasih dalam lebih dari satu bahasa. Cleopatra menguasai 7 bahasa asing. Soekarno menghentak ruang sidang PBB dengan pidatonya yang menggelegar dalam bahasa Inggris, tapi apa ada orang yang menuduh Soekarno lupa akar? jadi semestinya kita belajar menerima perbedaan. boleh saja kita menggerutu tapi ada batasnya dan tahu diri. jangan ikut metode pikiran Orba yang segala sesuatu harus sejalan seirama. siapa berbeda lantas dimusuhi. itu semua hanya membuat cara pikir kita tidak berkembang. dan itu pula salah satu sebab kenapa setelah penguasa jatuh, rakyat indo seperti orang bingung. sebab mereka tidak biasa berbeda, tidak pernah dilatih berpikir, semuanya serba "menurut petunjuk bapak presiden..."
jangan lupa kalau Al Quran dibaca dan dilantunkan dalam bahasa Arab. umat Budha juga melafalkan ayat-ayat mereka tidak dalam bahasa indo. lantas apa dengan begitu mereka semua adalah orang-orang yang "lupa akar?" dewasalah sedikit..
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
i could never understand for some people, especially women, which didn't pay much attention to their way dressing. wearing a short sexy t-shirt *what they call it? junkies shirt?* + tight jeans with her underwear appears by others. have they ever noticed that its become center of attention? i'm pretty sure every people, especially men, can't get their eyes off from that 'attractive show'.
Monday, September 08, 2003
megawati's supporter admit that they are disappointed to her for her effort on law enforcement, clean goverment and her attention to people. but they said that they'll keep elect her on the next elective.
how we should call people like them? not make sense? yes. not logic? of course. stupid-idiot-slave mentally? absolutely.
you choose your leader and later you found out that he/she didn't match your hope. so what will you do? keep choosing him/her for the next period or find another better one? if you think the rests are nothing better then what will you do next? still give your credit to your former leader although you know that he/she had disappointed you?
how about to choose not to choose? indo people really must be trained to open their mind.
how we should call people like them? not make sense? yes. not logic? of course. stupid-idiot-slave mentally? absolutely.
you choose your leader and later you found out that he/she didn't match your hope. so what will you do? keep choosing him/her for the next period or find another better one? if you think the rests are nothing better then what will you do next? still give your credit to your former leader although you know that he/she had disappointed you?
how about to choose not to choose? indo people really must be trained to open their mind.
never flies in group
i saw an image of flying eagle with the sentences above. a blue sky appeared as the background. it is when i was a fresh graduate job seeker person with no working experience at all. but the picture inspired me to move up and improve my skill as far as i can reach.
If I could reach, higher
Just for one moment touch the sky
From that one moment in my life
I’m gonna be stronger
Know that I’ve tried my very best
I’d put my spirit to the test
If I could reach
*Gloria Estefan - Reach*
a company may have 1000 staffs, 50 managers and 10 directors. but there's only one chairman. and i want to be that chairman. the eagle.
smile! you're in smiley zone!
i think i should link this smiley zone for making my thoughts expressed well.
what do you think, guys? go, find it! ;)
what do you think, guys? go, find it! ;)
one of my fave place is the bookstore. gramedia, gunung agung, kharisma, as long as they have good items and allow visitor to read without purchase i'll put them in my have-to-visit list. it would be a credit point if they also provide benches or chairs so the guests can sit and enjoy their reading.
i can spend hours there, busy opening book one by one, read article and comic. i need to do it again someday *it's been quite long* basically i read everything, comic, religion, poem, art, cooking, law, sex, psychology, history, novel, everything. i feel sorry that book in indo is not cheap. i don't understand why does that stupid goverment put so many kind of charges on book.
i can spend hours there, busy opening book one by one, read article and comic. i need to do it again someday *it's been quite long* basically i read everything, comic, religion, poem, art, cooking, law, sex, psychology, history, novel, everything. i feel sorry that book in indo is not cheap. i don't understand why does that stupid goverment put so many kind of charges on book.
Sunday, September 07, 2003
Friday, September 05, 2003
'cheer leader'
i'm not connected yet to KG today. the next 15 minutes i must be at ground to see and support our volly ball team in this championship. well.. goodbye KG for today, see you at least tomorrow. now i'm going to be 'cheer leader' for a while ;)
my destiny? No!
Oh Gosh! i hate when i'm trying to connect to i-net, then some troubles come along. around 8.30 am i was trying to find out what my destiny will be here but it's not completed yet when finnaly my connected didn't work coz the server down. then around 3 pm when finnaly i get a chance to connect again but still i have some annoys: being interupted by my boss. ooh.. ooh.. pleasee.. i hope it's not what they called as my destiny.
what did Luke say when he first saw Millennium Falcon?
what a piece of junk!
and he made Han fractious
what a piece of junk!
and he made Han fractious
we were very busy this morning. a CD installation, a handycam to VCD transfer, an Adobe document need to be printed *but the security setting not allowed to do so*, a not focus LCD in the primary meeting room, an excel data file need to be transfered to sql, some need-to-checked data, some halting print jobs *of course, the owner paused the printer. no body can never print to it*
and i still have an exam paper to examine. oh well, just got back from lunch *soto ayam warteg* now all i have to do is waiting for the critical moment where eyes felt so heavy and a pillow would be much more interesting than the daily routine jobs.
and i still have an exam paper to examine. oh well, just got back from lunch *soto ayam warteg* now all i have to do is waiting for the critical moment where eyes felt so heavy and a pillow would be much more interesting than the daily routine jobs.
Thursday, September 04, 2003
some girls are just not confident for having small breast. do they think the bigger the better? too big is not good since it will attract most attention first. me myself prefer cute and sensual
not too big but enough to be explored
above all i still believe it should stay *again* proportional and fit your body.
above all i still believe it should stay *again* proportional and fit your body.
oh my! Star Trek Nemesis is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot!!!! thriller! action! oh my! who said that watching Nemesis is boring? whoever said that must be stupid enough to understand a Star Trek movie. who said that the first half of the movie makes you feel sleepy? those stupid foolish guys who said it obviously don't know Star Trek concept and sure they still have to learn more!
every Star Trek film is built on a strong foundation. a strong foundation need reason, background and excuses. to assembly them all into a story line need conversation that will lead you to the top of the conflict, where the thrill begins. remember that this is a science fiction, not an action fiction. if you wanna see dar-der-dor boom-bang-boom from the beginning till the end then go for Rambo.
one of my fave scene is when Data tries to decrypt password to open a secured hangar bay while Picard fights alone under gunfire against enemy troops. as the android tries to give a full detail explanation about the complexity of Reman's verb and how hard it is to find a match combination, the captain cut it with a strong-straight order, "yes i found that it is interesting but we really need that door: opened!!"
i got another surprise when i found Janeway in Nemesis *and she is Admiral now*. the story must take place after the USS Voyager made its way home. i wonder why the Enterprise didn't adopt the armor technology that the Voyager brought?
and like i used to say, a science fiction movie is only for they who have the capability, intelligentsia, fantasy and star lovers. it is definitely not for everyone.
every Star Trek film is built on a strong foundation. a strong foundation need reason, background and excuses. to assembly them all into a story line need conversation that will lead you to the top of the conflict, where the thrill begins. remember that this is a science fiction, not an action fiction. if you wanna see dar-der-dor boom-bang-boom from the beginning till the end then go for Rambo.
one of my fave scene is when Data tries to decrypt password to open a secured hangar bay while Picard fights alone under gunfire against enemy troops. as the android tries to give a full detail explanation about the complexity of Reman's verb and how hard it is to find a match combination, the captain cut it with a strong-straight order, "yes i found that it is interesting but we really need that door: opened!!"
i got another surprise when i found Janeway in Nemesis *and she is Admiral now*. the story must take place after the USS Voyager made its way home. i wonder why the Enterprise didn't adopt the armor technology that the Voyager brought?
and like i used to say, a science fiction movie is only for they who have the capability, intelligentsia, fantasy and star lovers. it is definitely not for everyone.
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
some people think that i've already success but how much they know about my dreams my ambition? i'm still so far away from what you called "success". let me tell you what that word means to me; just imagine a young energic dynamic professional sits behind his notebook/laptop/desknote whatever you like. Yves or calvin klein or Arrow shirt, cool, calm, not speak much, nice looking and still fresh although it is 8 pm already, is checking mails from relation, partner, vendor or friends. he is a MS, Oracle, Cisco and all well-known vendor certifieds. inovative, self confident and up to date with the information tech.
leaving the office at 9 pm, driving his small compact luxury car *think about Merc, BMW or Audi. surely it is not japanese car!* . arrive at his home in a middle-high class resedential complex, welcomed by his wife. taking a bath, dinner and then watching tv together while sharing today stories.
sounds perfect eh? well for me success is not just about all things above. it is about financial freedom, society status and of course a happy religious family. it covers those three aspects. and that is my dream.
leaving the office at 9 pm, driving his small compact luxury car *think about Merc, BMW or Audi. surely it is not japanese car!* . arrive at his home in a middle-high class resedential complex, welcomed by his wife. taking a bath, dinner and then watching tv together while sharing today stories.
sounds perfect eh? well for me success is not just about all things above. it is about financial freedom, society status and of course a happy religious family. it covers those three aspects. and that is my dream.
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
ini 'perlengkapan' yang gue bawa buat dinas kantor di bogor untuk 2 hari- 3 malam, starting this afternoon: 2 hem, 2 baju kaos + 1 blazer, 2 celana panjang, baju tidur + 1 t-shirt + many underwears + 'peralatan wanita' lainnya. ini blum termasuk baju + blazer yang gue pake sekarang.
ck.. ck.. ck.. kapan yah gue bisa efisien bawa barang kalo bepergian?
ck.. ck.. ck.. kapan yah gue bisa efisien bawa barang kalo bepergian?
Monday, September 01, 2003
most of my friends had married and have some children. if we meet, they keep asking the same question, "kapan nyusul?"
instead of reply with such an answer that contains time, soulmate, carrier or another excuse, i used to make it short and straight, "ada 300 juta? ngasih, bukan minjem karena aku gak akan balikin. klo ada maka dalam tempo 6 bulan aku kirim undangan"
they didn't answer and just cengengesan
instead of reply with such an answer that contains time, soulmate, carrier or another excuse, i used to make it short and straight, "ada 300 juta? ngasih, bukan minjem karena aku gak akan balikin. klo ada maka dalam tempo 6 bulan aku kirim undangan"
they didn't answer and just cengengesan
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