when the world war II was over, one of the Germany government's primary focus was education sector as they realized if they didn't supply a high quality education for their people they would be lack of high quality human resources in the next 10-20 years. also, a well educated people is easier to be trained, to teach do and don't. they don't mind to spend a lot of money to produce excellent education system, hire the best teachers and start the R & D process.
how about indonesian? well, this fucking country took a totally different way to go. after the proclamation people were busy fighting for power, to be in the high ranking of local government state. even after they successed, they prefer to satisfy themselves instead of thinking about how to settle this country and make its people live happy and peacefully. they try to be a
king instead of leader.
education sector is forgotten, corruption can be forgiven
*actually, it is legal*, to get a project is about how much you can give, i really hate those f*cking
birokrat with their bastard
"kalau bisa dipersulit kenapa harus dipermudah" moral
pay attention to the traffic light. you'll find out many motor cycles stop in front of the stopping line. they are racing for the first seat so they can break up the red light if the road is empty. they don't care about the rules. bandits stopping you on street asking for 500 or thousand rupiah. bitch! do they think money is so easy to get? if you wanna some money that find a job or trade. i used to call them
"manusia tanpa masa depan, sampah masyarakat". they deserve an electric chair.
with so many uneducated people what can we expect from this kind of notorious country? a piece of junk in Asia. nothing. here is where the strong wins. and the public figures or politicians can only talk. when Sony corp. moved out from indo what did the local goverment say?
"Boikot produk Sony!" how stupid. doesn't it more important to fix the regulation and to teach those stupid labors not to ask too much?
last thing we heard about
KIR test for each personal car and motor cycle. i believe the guy at related div are happy hearing that news. what do you think they think? another chances to increase income. we're talking about
pungli here.
i wonder if those stupid high officers goverment have brain? let's say they have, i wonder if it still active and working properly? i wonder if they ever educated about good management and good government. i wonder if indo people ever trained to maintain public property. i've seen a residential complex with artistic fluorecents but too bad they are all broken. people said it was
tukang ojek who did it. why? becoz they want to keep that street dark so people will chosee to ride an
ojek instead of walking alone aside a big empty square at night.
stupid and greedy. that's just a simple example about how an uneducated people will act. they are led by insting not logic.
now what has the Germany achieve? Mercedes and BMW for example. how about indo? what has indo achieve? Timor. oh c'mon, how many people in the world who know Timor?
btw, speaking about Timor there's an old joke about where does this name come from. it is said that Tommy asked Tinton to test a new car he is willing to sell. after a test drive at Sentul, Tinton's first comment was
"Tom, Iki Mobil Opo Rongsokan?"