Thursday, July 31, 2003
i don't understand, what is the use of Penataran P4, Ketatanegaraan, kewiraan and all of those stupid silly useless things for pegawai negeri. why don't the related department gives their employee more practical courses according to their position. i believe the benefit will be much more valuable then try to memorize "how many points in Pancasila?"
ok. say that it is a must for them to know all things above coz their work for government but it should not take weeks to study it doesn't it? they only have to read, not memorize, just know, not completely understand. it would be wiser if the goverment tries to improve their skill instead.
ok. say that it is a must for them to know all things above coz their work for government but it should not take weeks to study it doesn't it? they only have to read, not memorize, just know, not completely understand. it would be wiser if the goverment tries to improve their skill instead.
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
some people have a brilliant idea to translate computer terms into indonesian. it might sound good for application guidance but better not force it. rude translation will end up in funny silly result. take a loot at the sample below, what happened if they are translated just as they are:
leave your joystick at the center and move it slowly several times. when you're done, your joystick is ready to use. have fun!
in indonesian:
letakkan batang kebahagiaan anda di tengah-tengah dan gerakkan perlahan beberapa kali. setelah anda selesai, batang kebahagiaan anda pun siap digunakan. selamat bersenang-senang!
sounds stupid.
leave your joystick at the center and move it slowly several times. when you're done, your joystick is ready to use. have fun!
in indonesian:
letakkan batang kebahagiaan anda di tengah-tengah dan gerakkan perlahan beberapa kali. setelah anda selesai, batang kebahagiaan anda pun siap digunakan. selamat bersenang-senang!
sounds stupid.
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
i heard rumours that the company will move one of our another factory, either the C or E site to our site. i have no idea it would be a good or bad news. but one thing i know for sure, there will be efficiency action in all aspects of work. meaning the company will cut its employee, many will lose their job. oh my!
Monday, July 28, 2003
angel behind the star
How do you define the word beauty?
Is it like a wild rose from the forest in the morning where the mist still touches the earth?
Or is it like a perfect shape of a diamond that shines so sharp that you can’t even hold yourself to touch it?
Well I believe that every one has their own description –and their own reason too, of course- we might not feeling we’re beautiful but we never know if someone out there thinks that we are one of the most beautiful person he/she ever seen.
If I believe that behind each star there is an angel then I also believe that each of us are someone else’s angel. :)
Is it like a wild rose from the forest in the morning where the mist still touches the earth?
Or is it like a perfect shape of a diamond that shines so sharp that you can’t even hold yourself to touch it?
Well I believe that every one has their own description –and their own reason too, of course- we might not feeling we’re beautiful but we never know if someone out there thinks that we are one of the most beautiful person he/she ever seen.
If I believe that behind each star there is an angel then I also believe that each of us are someone else’s angel. :)
if you ask me how do i feel about indonesian then here is my answer:
i hate this fucking country with its fucking transportation system and its fucking traffic and its fucking criminals and its fucking bandits and its fucking fighting students school and its fucking uneducated people and its fucking politicians and its fucking goverment and its fucking House of Senate and its fucking corruption and its fucking bureaucracy.
i do hate fucking all of them.
i hate this fucking country with its fucking transportation system and its fucking traffic and its fucking criminals and its fucking bandits and its fucking fighting students school and its fucking uneducated people and its fucking politicians and its fucking goverment and its fucking House of Senate and its fucking corruption and its fucking bureaucracy.
i do hate fucking all of them.
we are the IT people. we create, design and building information system. we make complex becomes simple, hard becomes easy, paperless, on-line information.
we are loved but also hated. by implementing an IT solution to a non-IT based system, you can save many including cut your employee to half. and i heard that their blame us for losing their job.
we are loved but also hated. by implementing an IT solution to a non-IT based system, you can save many including cut your employee to half. and i heard that their blame us for losing their job.
on my way back to home i heard an intense discussion between a group of student school and a pengamen. that guy told the children about the dangerous side effect of "solikin" to human body. he said that this "solikin" could destroy your body, make it hard as rock and contamined your blood.
after several minutes the discussion ran, one of the student couldn't hold himself and asked the same thing that bothered me, "solikin apaan? silikon kali"
"lho emang udah ganti ya?" the pengamen replied ;D
after several minutes the discussion ran, one of the student couldn't hold himself and asked the same thing that bothered me, "solikin apaan? silikon kali"
"lho emang udah ganti ya?" the pengamen replied ;D
idle for a while
nyempetin posting sklian pamit,karna selama 2 minggu ke depan kudu ikut diklat kantor dan mungkin bisa onlen pas hari minggu doang. for a while, the other one poster of this blog will see you here :)
Friday, July 25, 2003
do you prefer people think that you are sexy or sensual? well i prefer if people think that i'm sensual. sexy is mostly physical. how your body shape is, how your shoulder is, your breast, your bunch and so on but sensual has a deeper meaning. it can be the smell of your body, the way you caress your hair, the way you touch or the way your body speaks. it is softer but has stronger attractive passionate.
you can tell someone is sexy just by looking at him/her but you can't tell someone is sensual until you are close enough to find out. and when you did, you'll be caught in surprise.
you can tell someone is sexy just by looking at him/her but you can't tell someone is sensual until you are close enough to find out. and when you did, you'll be caught in surprise.
Thursday, July 24, 2003
when words hurt you
ada hikmahnya dan kita harus bisa saling menghormati, namun kadang ucapan dan
canda yang kita anggap wajar bisa menjadi pedang yg sangat tajam bagi orang lain
Mm..bener banget! eventhough it's a very close friend, but sometime when their words hurts us so much, i believe we never expect to hear it :(
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
bermasalah dengan piutang?
Tips berikut ini mungkin bisa membantu:
Hubungi debitur secara langsung
Hubungi secara langsung, baik melalui telepon atau mendatangi kantornya secara langsung.
Ciptakan pertemuan itu sepersonal mungkin antara Anda dan dia.
Sehingga Anda bisa membicarakan masalah ini dengan jelas.
Kuasai masalahnya
Pahami dan kuasai kondisi permasalahannnya sejelas mungkin.
Jangan sampai Anda dianggap sebagai penagih yang sekedar menjalankan tugas dan tidak akan bermasalah jika tagihan itu tidak dilunasi secepatnya. Maka kuasai keadaan dan situasinya. Untuk itu milikilah catatan lengkap, korespondensi, dokumen dan keterangan lain.
Jangan setengah-tengah dalam menagih 'uang'.
Jika mereka menolak menerima telepon Anda ataupun menolak bertemu, jangan menyerah.
Hubungi terus atau bila Anda terlanjur ke kantornya tunggulah sampai ia mau menemui Anda.
Jika diinformasikan bahwa ia tidak ditempat lakukan konfirmasi. Pokoknya jangan biarkan ia bersembunyi dan menghindar dari Anda. Tunjukkan bahwa Anda sangat serius melakukannya. Mereka yang berhutang wajib mengembalikannya dan Anda sangat berhak mendapatkannya kembali.
Tawarkan solusi
Jika memang ia menghadapi situasi yang 'mentok',
coba pikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan lain yang bisa ditempuh. Misalnya dengan meminta jaminan, menukar dengan sesuatu yang berharga, dll. Tetapi jika masih ada kemungkinan uang bisa kembali dalam bentuk cash Anda harus mengusahakannya sekuat mungkin. Kemungkinan lain ini hanya boleh Anda lakukan jika memang situasinya sangat memaksa.
lebih lanjut: Astaga!karir
Hubungi debitur secara langsung
Hubungi secara langsung, baik melalui telepon atau mendatangi kantornya secara langsung.
Ciptakan pertemuan itu sepersonal mungkin antara Anda dan dia.
Sehingga Anda bisa membicarakan masalah ini dengan jelas.
Kuasai masalahnya
Pahami dan kuasai kondisi permasalahannnya sejelas mungkin.
Jangan sampai Anda dianggap sebagai penagih yang sekedar menjalankan tugas dan tidak akan bermasalah jika tagihan itu tidak dilunasi secepatnya. Maka kuasai keadaan dan situasinya. Untuk itu milikilah catatan lengkap, korespondensi, dokumen dan keterangan lain.
Jangan setengah-tengah dalam menagih 'uang'.
Jika mereka menolak menerima telepon Anda ataupun menolak bertemu, jangan menyerah.
Hubungi terus atau bila Anda terlanjur ke kantornya tunggulah sampai ia mau menemui Anda.
Jika diinformasikan bahwa ia tidak ditempat lakukan konfirmasi. Pokoknya jangan biarkan ia bersembunyi dan menghindar dari Anda. Tunjukkan bahwa Anda sangat serius melakukannya. Mereka yang berhutang wajib mengembalikannya dan Anda sangat berhak mendapatkannya kembali.
Tawarkan solusi
Jika memang ia menghadapi situasi yang 'mentok',
coba pikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan lain yang bisa ditempuh. Misalnya dengan meminta jaminan, menukar dengan sesuatu yang berharga, dll. Tetapi jika masih ada kemungkinan uang bisa kembali dalam bentuk cash Anda harus mengusahakannya sekuat mungkin. Kemungkinan lain ini hanya boleh Anda lakukan jika memang situasinya sangat memaksa.
lebih lanjut: Astaga!karir
an invitation
as i open my message box this morning, surprise come again. an invitation. someone invite me to lunch tomorrow as we have done once before :-) mm.. can't wait tomorrow then. thank you.. thank you... :)
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
blog error?
i already put some new features an hour ago but they're gone without trace. something wrong with the blogger server?
your zodiac say today...
Lihat saja orang2 akan kembali mendekati dan menghubungimu lagi karena mereka membutuhkan kamu. Tapi ini semua terserah kamu mengenai mau dan nggaknya.
Asmara :Hati2 untuk lain kali, kamu jangan terlalu cepat jatuh cinta dong!
Keuangan :Niatan untuk belanja sebaiknya direm dulu.
Pekerjaan :Sukses sudah diambang pintu, jadi jangan berhenti ditengah jalan.
mm.. see what mine said there above! i think i should take more attention to my own financial management. blanja blanji kudu direm, kudu diatur yang baik, biar gak kecolongan and tetep bisa nganggarin buat saving ;)
Asmara :Hati2 untuk lain kali, kamu jangan terlalu cepat jatuh cinta dong!
Keuangan :Niatan untuk belanja sebaiknya direm dulu.
Pekerjaan :Sukses sudah diambang pintu, jadi jangan berhenti ditengah jalan.
mm.. see what mine said there above! i think i should take more attention to my own financial management. blanja blanji kudu direm, kudu diatur yang baik, biar gak kecolongan and tetep bisa nganggarin buat saving ;)
hai there..
hai there.. :X wondering and can't wait to see the new latest up dated this blog's view.
btw, yesterday night was really fun. meet many friends there and get happiness and joyfull. guys.. thanks all. i love our togetherness at KG :)
btw, yesterday night was really fun. meet many friends there and get happiness and joyfull. guys.. thanks all. i love our togetherness at KG :)
Monday, July 21, 2003
what's up?
hey.. what's up there? this blog seems have its new face again? the bad things, now the letter become unappear as they're now in very dark color. it seems that we have to block the sentence to read what it is tell there. just like we do kind of 'spoiler' things *reminding me one of KG-forum kind of text* ooh.. please someone there.. fix this blog soon. i need your help... thanks before dear.. :x
Sunday, July 20, 2003
konde oh konde..
what a day! pagi" jam 9 am gue udah nongkrong di salon, soalna mo sanggulan! set dah! iyah, kalo mo kondangan. ini juga cuman buat bikin pas foto doang. fuh.. ada" aja nih, masak pas fotonya harus pake pakian nasional seh *blabla*. alhasil jam 10-an gw dah ready di studio poto, lengkap dengan konde kecil di kepala gue plus kebaya biru *nyomot yg gue pake kmr di kawinan sodara*.. hiks mana kesananya naik angkot pulak. keciaan deh...... kekekekeke....
Saturday, July 19, 2003
hawk's log startdate: an evening
ribs + konro + ice tea... nyummi :nyam:
a friend from a far far away place like to see me.. how r u there, IAJ? ;)
a friend from a far far away place like to see me.. how r u there, IAJ? ;)
Friday, July 18, 2003
a bunglon
i'm browsing one site recomended by a friend and found so many nice template there. so.. here we goes my blog. just wait till you have a new look and design again.coz you know,this time i (we, i guess) really love to be such a bunglon with many changes of looks,! :D
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